Kenya GazetteThe Kenya Gazette is an official publication of the government of the Republic of Kenya. It contains notices of new legislation, notices required to be published by law or policy as well as other announcements that are published for general public information. It is published every week, usually on Friday, with occasional releases of special or supplementary editions within the week. |
Common terms and phrases
Accra ALCOHOLIC DRINKS CONTROL Alcoholic Drinks licence Alcoholic Drinks Regulation applicants for Alcoholic Bar & Rest Bar & Restaurant Bar On Licence Bar Plot Bar Renewal Bar Retail Bar&Rest Borabu District Butula Chaka Dandora Ph Dandora Phase District Alcoholic Drinks DRINKS CONTROL ACT Drinks Regulation Committee Eastleigh GAZETTE NOTICE Harry Thuku Huruma Ngei Irungu Isolated Plot Ithanga Joseph Kamau Kapsabet Plot Kariobangi South Kariuki Kenya Kimahuri Kimani Kirinyaga Kisii Lane Lessos Liquor Licence Location & Particulars LOCATION JULY Loiyangalani Ltd Box Mathare Mboya Street Mfangano Mfangano Street Mgange Plot Mombasa Mowlem Muthoni Name ofApplicant Location Nandi Hills Narumoru Nbi[Plot Ngara Njeri Njiru Njoroge Nyansiongo Particulars Type ofLicence Peter Proprietory Pub Huruma Rd Hotel Rd Whole Sale Regulation Committee publishes Renewal P.O. Box Ronald Ngala Ruai Samuel Mbugua Sotik Starehe Street Restaurant Thika Type ofLicence Contact Wachira Wambui Wanjiru Waweru Wines & Spirits Wundanyi Plot Wundanyi T/A