Campaign of Franklin W. Fort: CONTENTS Statement of James K. Shields. Statement of Miriam Lee Early Lippincott.. Testimony of James D. Shields.. Campaign of J. S. Frelinghuysen: Letter of J. S. Frelinghuysen. Campaign of Miss Thelma Parkinson: State of Charles Wagner. SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES, 1930 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1930 UNITED STATES SENATE, in room SELECT COMMITTEE ON SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES, New York, N. Y. The committee met, pursuant to call, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., 96, Murray Hill Hotel, 112 Park Avenue, Senator Gerald P. Nye (chairman) presiding. Present: Senators Nye (chairman), Dale, and Dill. The CHAIRMAN. The committee will be in order. Now we are going to endeavor to-day to build a connected story in the record of expenditures made by and in behalf of each candidate for United States Senator in New Jersey, and I want included in the record at the outset a letter under date of July 8, 1930, signed by Lydia B. Williams, as secretary for Franklin W. Fort, inclosing a statement of receipts in the amount of $43,086, together with a statement of disbursements which has not been totalled. (The letter and statements referred to are as follows:) Hon. GERALD P. NYE, EAST ORANGE, N. J., July 8, 1930. Chairman Select Committee on Senatorial Campaign Expenditures, Senate Office Building, Washington, D. C. MY DEAR MR. NYE: I am inclosing herewith a list of both receipts and disbursements in connection with the campaign of Mr. Fort for United States Senate. Yours very respectfully, LYDIA B. WILLIAMS (MRS. J. EASTON WILLIAMS), Secretary. RECEIPTS May 22, 1930: Miss Anna F. O'Rourke, 18 Washington Place, Newark. $100.00 1.00 W. C. Thomas, 53 North Eighteenth Street, East Orange, N. J.- 5.00 100.00 Frank Mason North, 16 Madison Avenue, Madison, N. J.. May 26, 1930: 10.00 Ogden H. Bowers, 106 Halsted Street, East Orange. 25.00 5.00 50.00 10.00 500.00 May 27, 1930: Franklin W. Fort, 47 South Grove, East Orange. 5,000.00 May 29, 1930: Miss Ida Lillian Page, 311 Seventh Street, Union City. $25.00 W. J. Dennis, 50 Lenox Avenue, East Orange._. 25.00 P. A. Prior, 282 Grant Avenue, Nutley, N. J.. 50.00 25.00 Minette W. Brewster, 655 Mount Prospect Avenue, Newark___ 5.00 June 2, 1930: Andrew S. Layman, Jamesburg, N. J__ 2.00 5.00 Miss Florence W. Perine, 79 Sanford Street, East Orange. George R. Stearns, Portland, Oreg Rev. H. B. Leech, Dover, N. J___ R. E. Whiting, 1120 Garden Street, Hoboken_. June 4, 1930: Mrs. F. E. Rogers, 6 Garfield Place, East Orange.... June 5, 1930: Richard E. Morris, 12 Johnson Street, New Brunswick. 500.00 5, 000. 00 200.00 1,000. 00 50.00 25.00 3.00 1.00 9.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 100.00 Edward W. Simpson, 463 Central Avenue, East Orange.... 15.00 1,000.00 Frank T. Richardson, 35 Woodland Road, Maplewood_. June 6, 1930: John Giblon, Firemen's Building, Newark____ 100.00 100.00 June 9, 1930: Mrs. L. W. Thomas, 53 North Eighteenth Street, East Orange_ Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Plowman, 10 Summit Street, East Orange__ 5.00 500.00 50.00 Theodore H. Smith, 19 Glenside Road, South Orange W. C. Robinson, room 1118, 120 Broadway, New York City. June 11, 1930: H. A. Phillips, Bernardsville, N. J___ Michael Loprete, 34 South Center Street, South Orange_. A. May A. Howe, Upper Montclair, N. J June 12, 1930: Margaretta Fort. Llewellyn Park, West Orange. Victor E. Downer, Rutherford, N. J.. Thomas B. Donaldson, Newark, N. J. 10. 00 10. 00 10.00 10.00 95.00 1,000.00 100.00 200.00 1,000.00 500.00 25.00 June 12, 1930: Miner Barcus, East Orange_. 20.00 Frederick J. Adams, Woodbridge, N. J.- 10.00 C. John Besson, 1932 Fourteenth Street, Washington, D. C----- 25.00 June 12, 1930-Continued. Margaret Jameson, Spring Lake, N. J....... DISBURSEMENTS May 26, 1930: A. R. Meeker & Co., 805 Broad St., Newark, stationers_ W. N. J. broadcasting station. Newark__-. W. C. A. U. broadcasting station, Philadelphia, Pa. Albert E. Howe, campaign manager, petty cash__ May 28, 1930: Inter-Racial Press of America (Inc.), New York City. May 29, 1930: Albert E. Howe, campaign manager, petty cash__ James C. Sapienza, 1066 Clinton Avenue, Irvington, N. J., hall__ June 2, 1920: Fred R. Clark, Newark, publicity and organization. Albert E. Howe, campaign manager, petty cash_ June 3, 1930: W. A. A. M. (Inc.), Newark__ The Interracial Press of America (Inc.), New York City. A. B. Matullo, Newark, foreign language, and organization__ June 4, 1930: W. O. R., Newark Mrs. Herman Terry, Edgewater Park, N. J., publicity. The Essex Press, Newark, printing.. $300.00 1.00 9,000.00 15, 000. 00 43, 086.00 78.25 675.00 50.00 459.00 575.00 50.00 218. 40 100.60 1, 500. 66 822.00 50.00 50.00 35.30 50.00 42.00 500.00 100.00 200.00 353.00 150.00 1, 500. 66 100.-00 25.00 75.00 562.50 500.00 200.00 8.75 The Essex Press, Newark, printing. A. A. Sign Co., Newark___ The Green Duck Co., Chicago, Ill., campaign buttons. 5.00 15.00 561.85 56.58 June 5, 1930: Department of public instruction, Burlington, N. J., hall___. American Writing Machine Co., 207 Washington Street, Newark, 40.00 50.00 42.50 8.00 Robinson-Singer (Inc.), 221 Halsey Street, Newark, stationery.. 5.89 90.50 The Barton Business Service, 2 Beaver Street, Newark 9.50 75.00 A. A. Sign Service Co., Irvington, N. J. 10.00 Wm. E. Blackman, 15 West State Street. Trenton, organization__ Gertrude M. Healye, 52 Broadway, New York City, mimeographing 6.65 |