(Part 1) HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON AIR AND WATER POLLUTION OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 7 and S. 544 BILLS TO AMEND THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, AS AMENDED, AND RELATED MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF WATER POLLUTION FEBRUARY 3 AND 4, 1969 Serial No. 91-2 Printed for the use of the Committee on Public Works 25-679 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1969 COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS JENNINGS RANDOLPH, West Virginia, Chairman STEPHEN M. YOUNG, Ohio B. EVERETT JORDAN, North Carolina JOSEPH M. MONTOYA, New Mexico JOHN SHERMAN COOPER, Kentucky RICHARD B. ROYCE, Chief Clerk and Staff Director M. BARRY MEYER, Counsel BAILEY GUARD, Assistant Chief Clerk (Minority) JOSEPH F. VAN VLADRICKEN, LEON G. BILLINGS, J. B. HUYETT, Jr., RICHARD D. GRUNDY AND STEWART E. MCCLURE, Professional Staff Members 8.7. Joseph E. Moody, National Coal Policy Conference... Robert H. Gerdes, Edison Electric Institute, accompanied by Carl Horn, Jr., and Frederick W. Mielke, Jr____ 81 James H. Rook, Manufacturing Chemists Association, accompanied by 98 ---- James J. Higgins, Maritime Law Association of the United States_ Paul J. Kreuzkamp, Insurance Brokers Association, accompanied by Peter N. Miller, Thos. R. Miller & Son, Ltd. Alexander B. Hawes, accompanied by Markham Ball, representing the Hawes, Alexander B., representing the American Waterways Operators. Higgins, James J., Maritime Law Association of the United States 113, 122 ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS, LETTERS, AND OTHER DATA American Institute of Merchant Shipping, letter of Mr. Casey to Senator Page Muskie.... 134 American Maritime Association, statement.. 186 American Paper Institute, Inc., statement 187 Barry, Francis J., Circle Line-Sightseeing Yachts, statement_ 265 189 mitted statement. 24 Chas. Kurz & Co., Inc., letter to Senator Muskie 136 194 Ervin, Sam J., a U.S. Senator from the State of North Carolina, letter with enclosed letter from Mr. Horn to Senator Muskie_ 96 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, letter of Mr. Joe Moore 133 195 statement_ 170 Ingraham, Hollis S., commissioner, New York State Health Department, statement. 229 International Committee of Passenger Lines, statement. 198 Kelly, Theodore H., Princeton, N.J., letter to Senator Muskie National Association of State Boating Law Administration, letter to Senator Muskie_ 209 National Sanitation Foundation, statement 212 Oestreich, David A., Washington, D.C., letter to Senator Muskie...... Palmer Johnson Boats of Racine, Inc., letter with news articles, entitled "Forecast of Boating Legislation in 1969" by William Stone and "The 231 Case for Macerator-Chlorinators," by Gordon Crowell 231 Ransohoff, J. N., Cincinnati, Ohio, letter to Senator Muskie 235 236 Shearer, John, Thos. R. Miller & Son, Ltd., statement. 139 Shumway, F. Ritter, Sybron Corp., statement_ 237, 242 Smyers, William H., Jr., New Britain Machine Co., statement_ 252 Stinson, Joseph B., Fremont, Ohio, statement- 254 Thermal pollution hearings, 1968, excerpts submitted by Senator Cooper.. 35 257 Travelers Research Corp., report prepared for the National Coal Policy Conference, entitled, "A Systems Analysis of Aquatic Thermal Pollution and Its Implications" 45 Trutner, Donald G., Chatham, N.J., letter to Senator Muskie...... |