| Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1914 - 1184 pages
...When vessels are in sight of one another, a steam-vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by these Rules, shall indicate that course by the following signals on her whistle or siron, viz. : — One short blast to mean, " I am directing my course to starboard." Two short blasts... | |
 | Frederick Pollock - 1902 - 720 pages
...Collisions at Sea, 1897, art. 28. By art. 28 of the Regulations for Preventing Collisions at ea, " When vessels are in sight of one another, a steam vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by bese rules, shall indicate that course by (the specified) signals n her whistle... | |
 | United States. Department of State - 1894 - 950 pages
...SIGNALS FOR VESSELS IN SIGHT OP ONK ANOTHER. ART. 28. The words "short blast" used in this article shall mean a blast of about one second's duration. When...another, a steam vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by these rules, shall indicate that course by the following signals on her whistle... | |
 | United States. Department of State - 1895 - 920 pages
...SIGHT OF ONK ANOTHER. ART. 28. The words "short blast" used in this article shall mean a blast of nbont one second's duration. When vessels are in sight of...another, a steam vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by these rules, shall indicate that course by the following signals on her whistle... | |
 | 1927 - 1130 pages
...slacken her speed or stop or reverse." "Art. 28. The words 'short blast' used in this article shall mean a blast of about one second's duration. "When...another, a steam vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by these rules, shall indicate that course by the following signals on her whistle... | |
 | 1901 - 2042 pages
...Signals for Vessels In Sight of One Another. "Art. 28. The word 'short-blast' used in this article shall mean a blast of about one second's duration. When vessels are In sight of one another, a «team vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by these rules, shall Indicate... | |
 | 1890 - 518 pages
...SIGNAXS FOR VESSELS IN SIGHT OF ONE ANOTHER. ART. 28. The words "short-blast" used in this article shall mean a blast of about one second's duration. When vessels are in sight of one another, a steam-vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by these rules, shall indicate... | |
 | Reginald Godfrey Marsden, John William Mansfield - 1891 - 744 pages
...tf/^ma/s/or fM»efo in sight of one another. Art. 28. The words " short blast " used in this Article shall mean a blast of about one second's duration. When...another, a steam vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by these Rules, shall indicate that course by the following signals on her whistle... | |
 | United States - 1891 - 1924 pages
...of one another, a steam-vessel under èourae 'by whistle, et^ way, in taking any course authorized or required by these rules, shall indicate that course...by the following signals on her whistle or siren, namely: btosfninKOfoneshort One short blast to mean, " I am directing my course to starboard." ot two... | |
 | United States. Department of the Treasury. Bureau of Navigation - 1894 - 776 pages
...ANOTHKU. ART. 28. The words "short blast" used in tin» article »hall mean a blast of about one tecond's duration. When vessels are in sight of one another, a steam vessel under way, in taking any course authorized or required by these rules, »hall indicate that course by the following signals on her... | |
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