Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
agricultural allocated Angwenyi answer Anyona areas ask the Minister aware beg to support benefit Coast Development Authority Coast Province conservation cubic metres dams degazetted District drought ensure export going grazing hectares hydro-electric irrigation Irrigation Scheme Jipe Kamolleh Kenya Commercial Bank Khaniri Kihoro Kilibasi Kilifi District Kshs10 billion Kshs500 million Kwale Lake Challa Lake Jipe Lake Victoria Lands and Settlement livestock Macharia Madoka Maizs Marrirmoi Members Minister for Environment Minister for Finance Minister for Lands Minister for Water Ministry Mount Kenya Mount Kenya Forest Murungi Mwakiringo Mwakitau Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary Nandi nation North Eastern Province Nyagah Nyenze Nyeri Nyika Plateau Nzoia Sugar Company Obwocha Odinga Omamo Order Paper Parpai pastoralists point of order Private Notice produce pump water Question by Private siltation supporting this Motion Taita Taita-Taveta Taita-Taveta District talking Taveta Temporary Deputy Speaker thank Wachira water from Lake