expenses of said county on account of the recent and pending prosecutions by the State of the several persons charged with neglect of duty, fraud, conspiracy and misdemeanor in connection with the canvass and return of votes on amendments submitted to the people in 1891 and 1893 in relation to salaries of State officers. Mr. Kingsland gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend section 8 of an act entitled "An act to authorize the formation of gas light companies," approved February 12, 1885, being section 4175 of Howell's annotated statutes, as amended by act No. 25 of the public acts of 1889, entitled an act to amend sections 2, 6 and 8 of an act entitled "An act to authorize the formation of gas light companies," approved February 12, 1885, as heretofore amended, approved March 23, 1889. . Mr. Moore gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to protect certain street railway employés from the inclemencies of the weather. Mr. Sherwood gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill providing for additional buildings, at the asylum for the insane located at Newberry, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, for the furnishing and equipment of said asylum, including the erection of water tower and connections, pumps, boilers and electric light plant, and for a working capital for said asylum, and making an appropriation therefor. Mr. Foote gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill amending the game laws, changing the open season for killing of deer in the Upper Peninsula, also providing for a license of all persons engaged in the hunting of deer in the state; also providing a license fee of twenty-five dollars for all non-residents of the State of Michigan engaged in the hunting of deer in this State. Mr. Kempf gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to authorize the commitment of patients from other states to private institutions, hospitals, homes or retreats in Michigan. Mr. Woodruff gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend section three of act number one hundred and eightyseven of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled an act for the requiring of a civil license in order to marry, and the due registration of the same, and to provide a penalty for the violation of the provision of the same, approved May 21, 1887. Mr. Covell gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to provide for the protection of life and property against insecure steam boilers, and for the establishment of a system of inspection of steam boilers in certain cases, and examination and licensing of engineers, or boiler attachment. Mr. Foster gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend section 135 of act No. 206 of public acts of 1893, entitled "An act to provide for the assessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for the collection of taxes heretofore or hereafter levied, making such taxes a lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes and farther inspection and disposition of lands bid off to the State and not redeemed or purchased; and to repeal act No. 200 of the public acts of 1891, and all other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening any of the provisions of this act." Mr. Donovan gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill entitled a bill to establish a Normal School at Bay City, Michigan. Mr. Donovan gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend act number 77 of the public acts of 1889, entitled "An act to prohibit the selling, giving or furnishing tobacco in any of its forms to minors, and providing a penalty therefor." Mr. McNall gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to organize a graded school district in the township of North Star, Gratiot county. Mr. Williams gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to incorporate the village of Baroda, in the county of Berrien. Mr. Redfern gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 13 of act No. 147 of the public acts of 1891, being an act entitled "An act to provide for the election of a county commissioner of schools, for the appointment of school examiners, and to define the duties and fix the compensation for the same, and to repeal all existing acts or parts of acts conflicting with the provisions of this act." Mr. Hilton gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend act No. 211, public acts of 1893, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment of a Dairy and Food Commissioner, and to define his duties and fix his compensation. Mr. Hilton gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to provide for the erection of suitable outbuildings for school houses, and to establish certain regulations for the keeping of the same in proper condition. Mr. Kingsland gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to reincorporate the city of Benton Harbor, in the county of Berrien, and to repeal act No. 347 of the local acts of 1891, approved June 5, 1891. Mr. Kingsland gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to reincorporate the city of St. Joseph, in the county of Berrien, and repeal act No. 348 of the local acts of 1891, approved June 15, 1891. Mr. Kingsland gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to extend the boundaries of the village of Watervliet in the county of Berrien, and amend the charter of said village. Mr. Kingsland gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to extend the boundaries of the village of Coloma in the county of Berrien, and amend the charter of said village. Mr. Partridge gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section 1, article IX of the constitution of this State relative to the salaries of certain State and judicial officers and providing that the Legislature shall have authority to fix and determine the same. Mr. Taylor gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to provide for the appointment of a clerk to the judge of probate of St. Clair county. Mr. Covell gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to provide for the examination and appraisal of primary school, swamp and other lands owned or held in trust by the State, and to repeal act No. 99 of the public acts of 1875 and acts amendatory thereof. Mr. Covell gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to repeal act No. 189 of the public acts of 1893, and to revive and re-enact the provisions of law in force at the passage thereof. Mr. Covell gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to provide for the distribution of the estates of insolvents, the jurisdiction, powers and duties of certain courts and officers therein, and the punishment of fraudulent and other prohibited acts in relation to the subject matter, being a general insolvency law. Mr. Covell gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to incorporate the village of Empire, in the county of Leelanau. Mr. Covell gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to incorporate the village of Crystal City, in the county of Benzie. Mr. Fisk gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend sections 4 and 6 of an act entitled, "At act to amend an act entitled, 'An act to provide a charter for the city of Detroit and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, approved June 7, 1883,' by adding a new chapter thereto," approved March 18, 1893. Mr. Harris gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to authorize the township of South Arm in Charlevoix county, Michigan, to borrow money for use in building roads and bridges and to issue bonds therefor. Mr. Foster gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section one of article nine of the Constitution of this State, relative to salaries of state officers. Mr. Foster gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to provide for the compulsory education of children. Mr. Place gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to authorize the district board and board of education of all the public schools of the State to provide free text-books for all the pupils of their respective districts, and to establish certain regulations for the enforcement of the same. Mr. Whitney gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to authorize the township of Tittabawassee, in Saginaw county, to borrow $12,000 on its bonds to build a bridge across the Tittabawassee river. Mr. Hoyt gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to provide for holding teachers' institutes in the several counties of this State. Mr. Westcott gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend section 10 of act No. 196 public acts of Michigan, approved June 18, 1887, to regulate the practice of pharmacy. Mr. Ware gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend section 1 of act No. 145 of the session laws of 1873, entitled "An act to reorganize the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan, and to establish a State Board of Agriculture," being section 4977 of Howell's annotated statutes of the State of Michigan. Mr. Williams gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend the charter of the city of Niles, county of Berrien. Mr. Woodruff gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend act No. 63, of the laws of 1889, entitled "An act relative to the board of county auditors for the county of Wayne and to their powers, duties and compensation," approved April 23, 1889. Mr. Sherwood gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill fixing the name of the asylum for the insane located at Newberry in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Mr. Robinson gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill making an appropriation for the current and running expenses of the Michigan Mining School until the general appropriation for that purpose shall be available. Mr. Kingsland gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to change the names of Peter William Rencha, Mabel Eugenie Rencha and Mabel Viola Rencha to William Leon Schuyler, Mabel Eugenie Schuyler and Mabel Viola Schuyler. Mr. Perry gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to incorporate the public schools of the city of Manistee, Manistee county, Michigan. Mr. Chamberlain gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to prohibit the use of the four wheeled caboose, or "jumper," for the transportation of passengers or trainmen upon any of the railroads of this State by any person, company or corporation operating over fifty miles of road, for the carrying of passengers or employes, and prescribing a penalty therefor. Mr. Chamberlain gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to authorize the payment of money due to estates of deceased persons to the county treasurer in certain cases. Mr. Chamberlain gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a normal school in the Upper Peninsula, and making an appropriation therefor. Mr. Chamberlain gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to incorporate the village of Ewen, in the county of Ontonagon. Mr. Chamberlain gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend act No. 319 of the local acts of 1893, entitled "An act to allow the village of Ontonagon, in the county of Ontonagon, and State of Michigan, to borrow money and issue bonds in the sum of $30,000 to build water works and electric light plant." Mr. Chamberlain gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to disorganize the village of Wakefield in the county of Gogebic. Mr. Chamberlain gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend the charter of the city of Bessemer, in the county of Gogebic. Mr. Chamberlain gave notice that at some future day he would ask leave to introduce A bill to amend the charter of the city of Ironwood, in the county of Gogebic. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Mr. Kingsland offered the following: Resolved, That a special committee of five be appointed by the Speaker to investigate and report what committees should be supplied with clerks, and to assign to the several committees the rooms respectively to be occupied by them; said committees being the standing committees and the select committee this day appointed; Which was adopted. Mr. Kingsland offered the following: Resolved, That the committee on Ways and means be and are hereby directed to ascertain and report to the House the number of miles of travel for which each member, officer and employé of the House is entitled to draw mileage; Which was adopted. Mr. Chamberlain offered the following: Resolved (the Senate concurring), That the Secretary of State be instructed to furnish one copy of the Legislative Manual to each school library in the State upon a statement signed by three member of the school board to the effect that their school district has a library at the |