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consists of programs providing benefits and services, the eligibility elated to prior military service but the financing of which is not an of the costs of national defense. It includes veterans cted compensation; veterans non-service connected pensions; and ljustment benefits, housing, and medical care programs. As a the outlays in this function are similar to those in the broader Ose functions (such as income security or health) but are restricted their dependents, and their survivors. Earned rights of career Bonnel that are a cost of the defense budget (such as military retired Dal care) are excluded from this function. The subfunctions of this So structured that they are readily additive to analogous major the general population.

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64.027 Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance (C)

64.051 Specially Adapted Housing Assistive Technology Grant Program (B)

(703) Hospital and Medical Care for Veterans

Composed of medical care


and research financed by the Veterans

64.008 Veterans Domiciliary Care (J)

64.024 VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program (B)



Grants for the Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (B)


64.203 Veterans Cemetery Grants Program (B)

(704) Veterans Housing

Composed of housing loan and guarantee programs for, and restricted to,

veterans and dependents.

(705) Other Veterans Benefits and Services

Mainly the administrative expenses of the Veterans Administration.

64.033 VA Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program (B)


This function includes those programs designed to provide judicial services, police protection, law enforcement (including civil rights), rehabilitation, and incarceration of criminals, and promotion of the general maintenance of domestic order. It includes the provision of court appointed counsel or other legal services to individuals. This function excludes the costs of the legislative branch, the narrow-purpose police or guard activities providing protection to Federal property, or activities which are an integral part of a broader function (such as postal inspectors, tax collection agents, and Park Service Rangers). The costs of National Guard personnel who are called upon occasionally to provide general public safety protection and military police costs are included under the national defense function rather than in this function.

(751) Federal Law Enforcement Activities

Includes Customs, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and police and crime prevention activities in other programs. This subfunction also includes the readily identifiable enforcement costs of civil rights activities.

14.400 Equal Opportunity in Housing (N)

14.401 Fair Housing Assistance Program_State and Local (B) 14.408 Fair Housing Initiatives Program (B)

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16.003 Law Enforcement Assistance_Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Technical Laboratory Publications (L)

16.004 Law Enforcement Assistance_Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Training (M)

16.300 Law Enforcement Assistance_FBI Advanced Police Training (M) 16.301 Law Enforcement Assistance_FBI Crime Laboratory Support (J,M) 16.302 Law Enforcement Assistance_FBI Field Police Training (M)

16.303 Law Enforcement Assistance_FBI Fingerprint Identification (J) 16.304 Law Enforcement Assistance_National Crime Information Center (J)

16.305 Law Enforcement Assistance_Uniform Crime Reports (L)

16.307 Combined DNA Index System (B)

16.308 Indian Country Investigations (M)

16.309 Law Enforcement Assistance_National Instant Criminal Background

Check System (J)

30.001 Employment Discrimination_Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

December 2016 (Κ,Ν,Ο)

Appendix III: Budget Functional Code Appendix

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16.602 Corrections_Research and Evaluation and Policy Formulation (BJ 16.603 Corrections_Technical Assistance/Clearinghouse (B.J.L) 16.606 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (C)

16.607 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program (C)
16.608 Tribal Court Assistance Program (B)
16.609 Project Safe Neighborhoods (B)
16.610 Regional Information Sharing Systems (B)
16.614 State and Local Anti-Terrorism Training (K,L,M)
Public Safety Officers' Educational Assistance (D)
16.616 Indian Country Alcohol and Drug Prevention (B)
16.726 Juvenile Mentoring Program (B)

16.727 Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws Program (B) 16.730 Reduction and Prevention of Children's Exposure to Violence (B) 16.731 Tribal Youth Program (B)

16.734 Special Data Collections and Statistical Studies (B) 16.735 PREA Program: Demonstration Projects to Establish "Zero Toleran Cultures for Sexual Assault in Correctional Facilities (B) 16.737 Gang Resistance Education and Training (B) 16.738 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program (A.B) 16.739 National Prison Rape Statistics Program (B)



Statewide Automated Victim Information Notification (SAVIN)
Program (B)

DNA Backlog Reduction Program (B) 16.742 Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grant Program (A) 16.745 Criminal and Juvenile Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program (B)


Capital Case Litigation Initiative (B)

16.750 Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program (B) 16.751 Edward Byrne Memorial Competitive Grant Program (B) 16.752 Economic High-Tech and Cyber Crime Prevention (B) 16.753 Congressionally Recommended Awards (B)

16.754 Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (B) 16.755 Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative Program (D) 16.756 Court Appointed Special Advocates (B)

16.757 Judicial Training on Child Maltreatment for Court Personnel Jose

Justice Programs (B)

16.758 Improving the Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse and in Regional and Local Children's Advocacy Centers (B)

16.812 Second Chance Act Reentry Initiative (B) 16.813 NICS Act Record Improvement Program (B) 16.814 Northern Border Prosecution Initiative Program (D)

16.815 Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance Grants, Training and

Technical Assistance (B)

16.816 John R. Justice Prosecutors and Defenders Incentive Act (A) 16.817 Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program (B) 16.818 Children Exposed to Violence (B)

16.819 National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention (B) 16.820 Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence to Exonerate the Im


16.821 Juvenile Justice Reform and Reinvestment Demonstration Program 16.822 National Center for Campus Public Safety (B) 16.823 Emergency Planning for Juvenile Justice Facilities (B) 16.824 Emergency Law Enforcement Assistance Grant (B) 16.825 Smart Prosecution Initiative (B)

16.827 Justice Reinvestment Initiative (B)

16.828 Swift, Certain, and Fair (SCF) Sanctions program: Replicating tie

Concepts behind Project HOPE (B) 16.833 National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (B) 16.834 Domestic Trafficking Victim Program (B)

App III: Budget Functional Code Appendix


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December 2016

Appendix III: Budget Functional Code Appendix

97.075 Rail and Transit Security Grant Program (B)

97.077 Homeland Security Research, Development, Testing, Evaluation, and

Demonstration of Technologies Related to Nuclear Threat Detection

97.078 Buffer Zone Protection Program (BZPP) (B)

97.080 Information Analysis Infrastructure Protection (IAIP) and Critical

Infrastructure Monitoring and Protection (B)

97.083 Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) (B)

97.089 Driver's License Security Grant Program (B)

97.091 Homeland Security Biowatch Program (B,I)

97.104 Homeland Security-related Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics (HS STEM) Career Development Program (B)

97.106 Securing the Cities Program (B,I,L)

97.107 National Incident Management System (NIMS) (B)

97.108 Homeland Security, Research, Testing, Evaluation, and Demonstration

of Technologies (B)

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