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CHAPTER I. SWITZERLAND TO THE FOUNDING of the ConfeDERATION (earliest times to 1291 A.D.)

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STRABO, Geographica. — JOHN WILSON, History of Switzerland (in the "Cabinet Cyclopædia"). FERDINAND KELLER, Pfahlbauten. -e FREDERIC TROYON, Habitations lacustres.— VICTOR GROSs, Les Proto-helvètes.— 9 ELISÉE RECLUS, The Lacustrian Cities of Switzerland (in Smithsonian Report for 1861). —G. O. MONTELIUS, Die Chronologie der Pfahlbauten in Mittheilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Vol. XXX.-JOHN LUBBOCK, Prehistoric Times.-T. STUDER, Pfahlfan Bevölkering in Zeit fur Ethr. Verband, 1885.RUDOLF VIRCHOW, in letter prefixed to V. Gross, Les Proto-helvetes. - ROBERT MUNRO, The Lake Dwellings of Europe. -m A. VIEUSSEUX, The History of Switzerland.— -2 MICHAEL STETTLER, Annales. -JOHANN VON MÜLLER, Geschichte der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft.— PALEXANDRE DAGUET, Histoire de la Confédération Suisse.


E. A. FREEMAN, The Historical Geography of Europe. —d A. RILLIET, Les Origines de la Confédération Suisse.-J. DIERAUER, Geschichte der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft.W. A. B. COOLIDGE, History of Switzerland in Encyclopædia Britannica.-K. DÄNDLIKER, Histoire du Peuple Suisse. J. VON MÜLLER, Geschichte der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft.-G. MEYER VON KNONAU, Die Sage von der Befreiung der Waldstätte, in Sweizer Oeffentliche Vorträge.—m A. HUBER, Die Waldstätte, Uri, Sweiz, Unterwalden, etc. — " R. VON RADEGG, Capella Eremitana. — 9 JOHN OF WINTERTHUR, Chronikon Vitodurani in W. Oechsli's Anfänge der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. - PW. OECHSLI, Quellenbuch zur Schweizer Geschichte. - A. VIEUSSEUX, The History of Switzerland.—r J. WILSON, History of Switzer land. - J. VULLIEMIN, Histoire de la Confédération Suisse.


b W. A. B. COOLIDGE, Switzerland, in Encyclopædia Britannica - A. VIEUSSEUX, The History of Switzerland. - VULLIEMIN, Histoire de la Confédération Suisse. -A. DAUGET, Histoire de la Confédération Suisse.-A. MORIN, Précis de l'Histoire. - WILSON.-P. VERRI, Storia di Milano. -F.GUICCIARDIN, Historia di Milano.


A. VIEUSSEUX, The History of Switzerland. -J. K. L. GIESELER, Compendium of Ecclesiastical History. -d J. WILSON, History of Switzerland.-J. STRICKLER, Grundniss der Schweizer-Geschichte. - MAGUENOT, Abrége de l'Histoire de la Suisse. DAGUET, Histoire de la Confédération.


b JOHANN HEINRICH DANIEL ZSCHOKKE, Des Schweizerlandes Geschichte. 10 J. WILSON, History of Switzerland.d A. VIEUSSEUX, The History of Switzerland. - K. DÄNDLIKER, History of Switzerland. - A. DAGUET, Histoire de la Confédération. 9 R. WEISS, Coup d'œil sur les rélations politiques entre la république Française et le corps Helvétique (1793). WEISS, Réveillez-vous, Suisses, le danger approche.-W. CoxE, A History of the House of Austria.



bJ. WILSON, History of Switzerland.

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W. MÜLLER, Politische Geschichte der neuesten Zeit. d VULLIEMIN, Histoire de la Confédération Suisse. -e W. A. B. COOLIDGE, article on Switzerland in Encyclopædia Britannica.



Adams, F. O., and C. D. Cunningham, The Swiss Confederation, London, 1889. — Ah, J. J. von, Die Bundesbriefe der altern Eidgenossen, Einsiedeln, 1891.—Alt, F. N. dé, Histoire de la Suisse, Fribourg, 1750-1755, 10 vols.

François Joseph Nicholas, baron of Alt, the son of an ancient patrician family of Fribourg, Switzerland, was born in 1689, and died in 1771. His history, which was admirably planned, would have greater value for the general student if much of the extraneous matter and all the violent Catholic partisanship were eliminated.

Amtliche Sammlung der Akten aus der Zeit der Helvetischen Republik, 2 vols., translated by J. Strickler, Bern, 1886-1890, 4 vols. - Amtliche Sammlung der ältern eidgenössichen Abschiede 1245-1798, 1839-1856, 8 vols. Reports of the old Federal diets, containing an enormous amount of historical matter. — Anshelm, Berner-Chronik, Bern, 1825-1833, 6 vols. — Arx, J. von, Geschichte von St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 1810, 2 vols. — Aubigné, T. A. d', Histoire Universelle 1550-1601, Geneva, 1626, 3 vols.

Théodore Agrippa d'Aubigné, one of the most notable characters of the sixteenth century, was born at St. Maury, near Pons, February 8th, 1550, of an old and noble family which had embraced the religion of the Calvinists. The young d'Aubigné neglected none of the educational opportunities afforded him by his father, and at the age of six was already able to read Latin, Greek and Hebrew. At thirteen he escaped from the restraints of his tutor to take part in the siege of Orléans. After his father's death he won reputation as a warrior under the prince of Condé, and later entered the service of the king of Navarre. In the wars of Henry IV for the recovery of his kingdom, d'Aubigné further distinguished himself; but he was finally obliged by the enmity of the queen-mother to retire from the court. During his exile he composed the history of his time, a work remarkable for its fearless frankness. The first two volumes were printed without opposition; but the third was condemned on account of its merciless criticisms. D'Aubigné, however, caused it to be printed, thereby incurring the burning of all three volumes; the confiscation of all his goods, and the savage persecution of his later years, until his death at Geneva, April 29, 1630.

Bachtold, J., and F. Vetter, Bibliotek alterer Schriftwerke der deutschen Schweiz, Frauenfeld, 1882-1884, 5 vols. — Baker, T. G., The Model Republic, London, 1895. - Baebler, J. J., Die alten eidgenössischen Bünde, St. Gall., 1848. — Baumgartner, G. J., Die Schweiz in ihren Kämpfen und Umgestaltungen, 1830-1850, Zurich, 1853-66, 4 vols.; Erlebnisse auf dem Felde der Politik, Schaffhausen, 1844; Geschichte Spaniens zur Zeit der französichen Revolution, Berlin, 1861; Geschichte des Schweiz Freistaats und Kantons St. Gallen, Zurich, 1868, 2 vols. -Berchtold, J., Histoire du canton de Fribourg, Fribourg, 1841-1845. Berthold, de Constance, continuator of the Chronicon de sex cetatibus mundi. — Blochmann, C. J., Heinrich Pestalozzi, Leipsic, 1846. — Bloesch, E., Rapport sur les affaires communales Berne, 1851.Blumer, J. J., Staats- und Rechtsgeschriften der Schweiz. Demokratien, St. Gallen, 1850-59, 3 vols.; Handbuch des schweiz. Bundesstaatsrechts, Schaffhausen, 1877-87, 13 vols. Bluntschli, J. K., Geschichte des schweiz. Bundesrechts, Stuttgart, 1875, 2 vols.; Staatsund Rechtsgeschichte der Stadt und Landschaft Zurich, Zurich, 1838, 2 vols. Böhmer, J. F., Regesta Karolorum, Frankfort, 1833. Bonivard, F., Les Chroniques de la Genève, Geneva, 1831, 2 vols. 49


François Bonivard, to whom we owe the vivid pictures of the agitations which marked the beginning of the sixteenth century, was born of Savoyard parents, in 1493, at Seyssel. At seventeen he became prior of St. Victor, a community of Benedictines near Geneva. Revolutionist at heart, he entered into the struggle against the duke of Savoy, who in 1519 imprisoned him and confiscated his priory. He died 1570, aged seventy-seven years, after a troubled youth and a melancholy old age as pensioner in the city where he had once been a man of mark. He left behind him the invaliable chronicle of his time, written half in Latin, half in the quaint French of his day, in a style at once rade and naïve, familiar and vigorous, and brimming with picturesque imagery and lively metaphor.

Bonnechose, É. de, Les Réformateurs avant la Réforme, Paris, 1860, 3rd edition, 2 vols. -Brandstetter, J. L., Repertoriam ther die Zeit and Sammelschriften der Jahre 1812-1890, Bale, 1892.-Bulletin official da Directoire Helvétique, 3 vols. - Bullinger, H., Reformationsgeschichte, Frauenfeld, 1838–40, 3 vols.

Henry Bullinger was born at Bremgarten in 1504 and died at Zurich in 1575. After a preliminary course at Emmerich, his father having refused him the means necessary to continue his education, he made money by singing in the streets and in 1520 he recommenced his studies at Cologne, with the idea of joining the community of the Chartreux. But his resolution and his religion as well were changed by his association with Zwingli, whose doctrine he embraced and whose successor he became. In addition to his history of the Reformation and numerous theological writings he edited the complete works of Zwingli.

Burckhardt, Der Kirchenschatz des Münsters zu Basel, Bâle, 1867.

Cesar, J., De bello gallico.-Casus S. Galli. By Ekkehard IV. Translated by G. Meyer von Knonau, Leipsic, 1878. — Chambrier, F. de, Histoire de Neuchâtel et Valangin jusqu'à l'avènement de la maison de Prusse, Neuchâtel, 1840.

Frédéric de Chambrier, the real founder of the Academy of Neuchâtel, was a man of wide culture and varied resources. In his Histoire he follows faithfully, century by century, the progress of the little but proud and independent people of Neuchâtel, handling his character analyses with skill and persisting in a style at once simple and dignified.

Chauffour-Kestner, Etudes sur les Reformateurs du XVI Siècle. — Cherbuliez, A., De la Democratie en Suisse, Geneva, 1843.-Chronique d'Edlibach. — Chronica de Berno. Chronique Anonyme. — Chronique des chanoines de Neuchâtel, Michaud, 1839. — Chronik des Hans Fründ, Chur, 1875.—Colton, J. M., Annals of Switzerland, New York, 1897. — Ooxe, W., A History of the House of Austria, London, 1807. — Crétineau, Joly J., Histoire du Sonderbund, Paris, 1850, 2 vols. — Curti, T., Geschichte der Schweizerischen Volksgesetzgebung, Zurich, 1885.

Daguet, A., Biographie de Guillimann, Fribourg, 1843; Les barons de Forell, Lausanne, 1873; Histoire de la Confédération Suisse, Geneva, 1880, 2 vols.

Alexander Daguet, Swiss historian and professor was born at Fribourg, March 12, 1816, of a family of poor nobles. Since 1866 he has held the chair of history and pedagogy at the Academy of Neuchâtel. He has edited successively numerous educational journals and figures among the authors of the publications of the Société de la Suisse romande. In his own country and abroad he has gained innumerable distinctions. He is the founder of several literary and historical societies, and the honoured member of many more.

Dändliker, C., Ursachen und Vorspiel der Burgunderkriege, Zurich, 1876; Geschichte der Schweiz, Zurich, 1884-88, 3 vols.; A short history of Switzerland, translation by E. Salisbury, London, 1899.

Chas. Dändliker, Swiss historian, was born at Staffa, May 6, 1849. He studied at Zurich and Munich and in 1871 was called to the chair of history at the Pedagogical Institute, Küssnacht, where he is still instructor. In 1887 he was named professor extraordinary in Swiss history at the University of Zurich. His history of Switzerland has been translated into English.

Dawson, W. H., Social Switzerland, London, 1897.-Der Schweizerische Republikaner, Zurich, Lucern, Bern, 1798-9, 3 vols. - Dierauer, J., Geschichte der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, Gotha, 1887, 2 vols.Dottain, E., La question suisse, éclaircissements historiques, Paris, 1860.-Droz, N., Instruction civique, Geneva and Lausanne, 1885; Die Schweiz im 19ten Jahrhundert, Lausanne, 1899.

Numa Droz, minister of foreign affairs for the Swiss Confederation, was born January 7, 1844, of a humble family of watchmakers. In 1864 he turned his attention to politics and became editor of a radical instrument, Le National Suisse. During the elections of 1869 he obtained a high place in the grand council, thanks to his facile elocution and his ardent liberalism. He was in 1882 one of the negotiators of the Franco-Swiss treaty. His writings are distinguished for clearness of presentation, beauty of style, and substantialness of matter. Dubs, J. Das öffentliche Recht der Eidgenossenschaft, Zürich, 1855, 2 vols. — Dufour, G. H., Der Sonderbundskrieg, Bâle, 1882.

Eckhardus, Jr. (monk of St. Gall) St. Galler Kloster-Chronik, Leipsic, 1891.-Egli, S. E., Die schlacht bei Kappel, Zurich, 1873. -Elgger, C. von, Kriegswesen und Kriegskunst der

schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, Lucerne, 1873. —Escher, H., Die Glaubensparteien in der Eidgenossenschaft, Frauenfeld, 1882. —Etterlin von Lucerne, Petermann, Kronica von der löblichen Eydtgnoschaft, Bâle, 1507.

Petermann Etterlin, captain of Lucernois in the wars of Burgundy, was the first to give to the world a veritable Swiss chronicle. A good deal of fiction is mixed with his facts, but we glean from his writings many interesting details of the scenes in which he was an actor.

Fassbind, T., Geschichte von Schwyz, Schwyz, 1832-1838, 5 vols. — Feddersen, Geschichte der Schweizerischen Regeneration, Zurich, 1867.-Fetscherin, W., Die eidgenössischen Abschiede aus den Jahren 1814 bis 1848.-Fiala, F., Archives pour l'histoire de la Réformation en Suisse, 1868–69, 2 vols. — Fleury, J., Franc-Comtois et Suisse, Besançon, 1869.

Jean Fleury, professor of French literature at St. Petersburg, member of numerous societies of savants in France, England, and Russia, was born at Vasteville, Feb. 14, 1816. He has published a considerable quantity of political, literary, pedagogical, and other papers, besides numerous books on a variety of subjects.

Forel, F., Introduction de Regeste des documents de la Suisse romande, Lausanne, 1862. Freeman, E. A., "The Landsgemeinde of Ury and Appenzell," in History of Federal government, London, 1863. -Froment, A., Acts et gestes merveilleux de la cité de Genève, 1548.

Froment was a continuator of the chronicles of Bonivard and of Jeanne de Jussie. -Furrer, P., Geschichte von Wallis, Sitten, 1850-1854, 4 vols.

Galiffe, J. B. G. (fils) Genève historique et archéologique, Geneva, 1869-72, 2 vols. Galiffe, J. A., (père) Notices généalogiques. Gaullier, E. H. La Suisse en 1847, Geneva, 1848. Gaullier, E. H. A., and Schaub, C., La Suisse historique et pittoresque, Geneva, 1855-6, 2 vols.; Les armoiries et les couleurs de la Confédération et des cantons suisses, Geneva and Bâle, 1879. -Gelpke, Kirchengeschichte der Schweiz, Bern, 1856-1861, 2 vols. - Gingins la Sarra, F. de, Épisodes des Guerres de Bourgogne, Lausanne, 1850. -- Gisi, W., Quellenbuch zur Schweizergeschichte, Berne, 1869.-Grandpierre, L., Mémoires politiques, Neuchâtel, 1877.— Gelzer, H., Die zwei ersten Jahrhunderte der Schweizergeschichte, Bâle, 1840; Die zwei letzten Jahrhunderte der Schweizergeschichte, Aarau and Thun, 1838-39.-Gregory of Tours, Historia Francorum. Grasser, J. J., Schweizerisch Heldenbuch, Basel 1624. — Grote, G., Seven letters on the recent politics of Switzerland, London, 1847.-Guérard, Polyptyque d'Irminon, Paris, 1844, 2 vols. -Guillimann de Fribourg, F., De rebus helvetiorum, 1598.

François Guillimann (or more properly Vuillemain), a distinguished savant, was born at Romont, a canton of Fribourg. He taught at Solothurn, afterwards became professor of history at Fribourg and historiographer to the emperor Rudolf II. His death is variously placed at 1612 and 1623. Besides numerous poems he has left us valuable historical works. Gut, Der Überfall in Nidwalden, Stanz, 1862.-Guye, P. H., Die Schweiz in ihrer politischen Entwickelung als Föderativ-Staat, Bonn, 1877.

Haller, C. L. von, Geschichte der Wirkungen und Folgen des österreichischen Feldzugs in der Schweiz, Weimar, 1801; Histoire de la Réforme protestante dans la Suisse occidentale, Lausanne, 1828.

Charles Louis von Haller, grandson of the great Albert von Haller, was born at Bern in 1768 and died at Solothurn May 17, 1854. In 1806 he was elected member of the two councils and was ejected from both in 1821 when it became known that he had embraced Catholicism. He sojourned for a time in France, but returned in 1830 to Solothurn, where he died at an advanced age.

Haller, C. L. de, Helvetischen Annalen. -Heer, J., Jahrbuch des Historie-Vereins des Cantons Glarus; Heft, 1865.-Hegel, C., Stadtchroniken, Leipsic, 1862-64, 19 vols.; Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, Munich, 1885.

Charles Hegel, an eminent German historian, son of the celebrated philosopher, was born at Nuremburg June 7, 1813; since 1856 he has been professor of history at the University of Erlangen.

Heierli, J., Urgeschichte der Schweiz, Bern, 1901.


Jacque Heierli, Swiss litterateur, was born October 11, 1853, at Herisan (Appenzell); devoted himself to pedagogy and has made the whole of the north of Europe the field of his researches.

Henne, A., Schweizerchronick, St. Gallen, 1840. — Henne-am-Rhyn, O., Geschichte von St. Gallen, 1863; Geschichte des Schweizervolkes, Leipsic, 1865, 3 vols.-Hermann le Paralytique (monk of Reichenau), Chronicon de sex ætatibus mundi, Bâle, 1529.

Hermann of Reichenau, surnamed the Paralytic on account of a contraction of the limbs, was the son of a count of Wehringen, born in 1013. In spite of his physical affliction he was possessed of unusual intelligence, and he became at an early age the most learned man of his day. He embraced the monastic life. He became abbot of Reichenau, where he died in 1054. He continued his chronicle up to the day of his death, after which it was continued by Berthold de Constance.

Herminijard, A. L., Correspondance des Réformateurs, Bâle, 1546; Harlem, 1868.— Heusler, A., Der Bauernkrieg von 1653, in der Landschaft Basel. (Bâle, 1864); Verfassungs

geschichte der Stadt Basel, Bâle, 1860. — Hidber, B., Schweizerisches Urkundenregister, Bern, 1863-1877, 2 vols.

Basil Hidber, Swiss historian, born at Mels, November 23, 1817; professor of natural history at the University of Bern.

Hilty, C., Vorlesungen über die Helvetik, Bern, 1878; Die Bundes Verfassung der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, Bern, 1891.

Charles Hilty, Swiss jurisconsult, born at Werdenberg, February 28, 1833; called in 1873 to the chair of common (public) and federal law in the University of Bern.

Hisely, J. J., Cartulaire de Hautcrest; sur l'origine et le développment des libertés des Waldstätt, Uri, Schwyz, et Unterwalden, Lausanne, 1839; Histoire du comte de Gruyère, Lausanne, 1855. - Hodler, Geschichte des Sweizervolkes, neuere Zeit., 1865. — Herzog, J. A., Das Referendum in der Schweiz, Berlin, 1885. — Hottinger, J. J., Das Wiedererwachen der wissenschaftlichen Bestrebungen in der Schweiz während der Mediations und Restaurationsepoche; Vorlesungen über die Geschichte des Untergangs der alten Eidgenossenschaft, Zurich, 1844; Vorlesungen über den Untergang der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, Zurich, 1866; Geschichte der Eidgenossen, Zurich, 1825-1827, 2 vols.

Johann Jacob Hottinger, born in 1783, professor of Greek at Zurich, must not be confounded with Jean Jacques Hottinger, also a professor at Zurich, who died in 1819.

Hug, L., and Stead, P., The story of Switzerland, New York, 1890.-Hutten, U. von, Euvres complètes, Berlin, 1822–1825, 5 vols.

Imhof, J. (Bourcard Leu) Die Jesuiten in Luzern. -Istria, Dora d', Switzerland, London, 1858, 2 vols.

Jahn, H. A., Chronik des Cantons Bern, Bern, 1857; Der Keltische Alterthum der Schweiz, Bern, 1860.

Henry Albert Jahn, Swiss historian and archæologist, professor at Bern, formerly secretary of the department of the interior, was born at Bern, October 9, 1811.


Johannes Vitoduranus, Chronicon, Zurich, 1856. — Jovius, P., Historia sui temporis, Bâle, 1567, 2 vols. —Jullien, Histoire de Genève, 1865. - Jussie, Jeanne de, Levain de calvinisme, 1605.

A religious abbess of the convent of St. Claire, whence she was driven in 1535, together with the other members of the community, to seek refuge at Annecy, where she later became abbess. She has pictured for us in all its crudity the conflict of popular passions in the most primitive style, and in language, which is in itself an index to the comedy, the tragedy, and the overwhelmingly gross superstition of her day and generation.

Justinger, C., Bernerchronik, Bern, 1871.

Keller, A., Die kirchlich politischen Fragen bei der Eidg. Bundesrevision von 1871. Klingenberger, Chronik, Gotha, 1861.-Königshofen, J. von, Chronique helvetique. — Königshoven, von Strasbourg, J. T., Chronicum latinum, Strasburg, 1678.

Jacques Twinger Königshoven, better known under the name of Twinger, a celebrated chronicler of the 14th century, was born at Strasburg in 1346, of rich and influential parents. At the age of thirty-six he changed his condition of citizen for the ecclesiastical state and died in 1420, aged seventy-four years.

Kopp, J. E., Urkunden zur Geschichte der Eidgenössischen Bunde, 1835; Geschichte der Eidgenössischen Bunde, Leipsic and Berlin, 1844-52, 11 vols.

Laharpe, F. C., Mémoires, Bern, 1864. - Liebenau, T. von, Blicke in die Geschichte Engelbergs, 1876; Die Schlacht bei Sempach, Luzern, 1886; Indicateur de l'histoire suisse, 1876; Die Böcke von Zurich, Stanz., 1876. -Lavater, J. C., Letter to the French Directory, London, 1799. -Lütolf, Die Glaubensboten der Schweiz, Luzern, 1871.

Mallet, J., Considérations sur la Révolution, Brussels, 1793. — Mallet-Dupan, J., Mémoires historiques et littéraires, Geneva, 1779–1782, 5 vols.—Mallet, P. H., Histoire des Suisses ou Helvétiens, Geneva, 1803, 4 vols.

Paul Henri Mallet, an eminent historian, was born at Geneva in 1730, of a family remarkable for the number of great men it has produced. He held the position of professor of history in several universities, and was a member of the academies of Upsala, Lyons, Cassel, and the Celtic Academy. He died of a paralytic stroke in the city of his birth, February 8, 1807.

Marsauche, L., La Confédération Helvétique, Neuchâtel, 1890.- Matile, G. A., Monuments de l'histoire de Neuchâtel, Musée historique, 3 vols. May de Romainmotier, E., Histoire militaire des Suisses, Bern, 1772, 2 vols.

E. M. de Romainmotier was born at Bern in 1734, and became known to the world chiefly through the military history. This, though a somewhat mediocre production as a literary work, contains important facts not to be found elsewhere.

McCracken, W. D., Rise of the Swiss Republic, New York, 1901. - Mémoires et Documents publiés par la Société de la Suisse romande, Lausanne. - Meyer von Knonau, Gerold, Eidg. Abschiede; St. Gallische Geschichtsquellen, St. Gall, 1870-81, 5 vols.; Die Sage

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