STATE POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION COMMISSIONS 93-1 OVERSIGHT HEARINGS BEFORE THE SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON ADMINISTRATION OF SECTION 1202 OF THE HIGHER HEARINGS HELD IN WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 9, 11, AND 12, 1973 Printed for the use of the Committee on Education and Labor COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR CARL D. PERKINS, Kentucky, Chairman FRANK THOMPSON, JR., New Jersey ALBERT H. QUIE, Minnesota EDWIN B. FORSYTHE, New Jersey RONALD A. SARASIN, Connecticut SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION MARIO BIAGGI, New York PHILLIP BURTON, California JOHN BRADEMAS, Indiana JOSEPH M. GAYDOS, Pennsylvania IKE F. ANDREWS, North Carolina WILLIAM LEHMAN, Florida JAIME BENITEZ, Puerto Rico JOHN DELLENBACK, Oregon JOHN N. ERLENBORN, Illinois MARVIN L. ESCH, Michigan JACK F. KEMP, New York ROBERT J. HUBER, Michigan (II) CONTENTS Friday, Dr. William C., president, the University of North Carolina__ Gleazer, Dr. Edmund, Jr., president, American Association of Junior and Community Colleges, and Dr. Fred Wellman, executive director, Illinois State Board for Community Colleges, accompanied by Frank Mensel, vice president, American Association of Junior and Com- munity Colleges, and Dr. William Flanagan, president, Rhode Island Hill, Warren G., president-elect, State Higher Education Executive Holmes, Dr. Darrell, president, East Stroudsburg State College-- McGuinness, Aims C., Jr., executive assistant to the chancellor, Uni- Ottina, Hon. John R., Commissioner-designate, U.S. Office of Educa- tion, accompanied by Peter P. Muirhead and John D. Phillips_----- Wheeler, Charles L., director, North Carolina State Commission on Davis, Bertram H., general secretary, American Association of Uni- versity Professors, letter to Dr. John D. Phillips, dated December 19, Two resolutions on Commission on Governmental Affairs____. Gove, Samuel K., director, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill., letter to Dr. John D. Phillips, Letter to Hon. Caspar Weinberger, Secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, dated March 9, 1973_ Survey of present status of State planning for the 1202 State com- Holmes, Dr. Darrell, president, East Stroudsburg State College, testi- mony on behalf of American Association of State Colleges and Uni- versities, and National Association of State Universities and Land- Kaplan, Wilfred, Department of Mathematics, the University of Michi- gan, Ann Arbor, Mich., letter to John D. Phillips, dated December 14, Master Planning Commission, State of Kansas, publication entitled "Postsecondary Educational Planning to 1985: Final Report and (III) Statements, letters, supplemental material, etc.-Continued McGuinness, Aims C., Jr., executive assistant to the chancellor, University of Maine: Exhibit 1.-1202 State commissions and related provisions Page Exhibit 2.-Pros and Cons on the impact of the indefinite post- Exhibit 3.-Continuing issues or questions regarding implementa- Meardy, William H., executive director, Association of Community Col- Letter to Chairman O'Hara, dated March 30, 1973_-. Letter to Congressman William A. Steiger, dated March 30, 1973– Ottina, Hon. John, acting U.S. Commissioner of Education, letter to Dear Colleague, dated March 7, 1973- Pesci, Frank B., State delegate, House of Delegates, State of Maryland, letter to Chairman O'Hara, dated April 24, 1973, enclosing Resolution No. 122_. "Proposed Regulations Under Section 404, CEPA," excerpt from Federal Register, March 27, 1973--- Task Force on State Postsecondary Education Commissions, HEW: Preliminary report to the Deputy Commissioner for Higher Education, dated December 4, 1972_. 23 46 47 26 142 143 143 20 141 15 125 Revised report, dated February 1, 1973_. 146 Phillips, John D., summary of changes between the preliminary 179 Weinberger, Hon. Caspar W., Secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Letter from Chairman O'Hara, dated March 29, 1973__ 145 145 Letter to Chairman O'Hara, dated April 12, 1973, enclosing Task Force on State Postsecondary Education Commissions Revised 145 STATE POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION COMMISSIONS MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1973 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR, Washington, D.C. The subcommittee met at 10 a.m., pursuant to call, in room 2261 of the Rayburn Office Building, Hon. James G. O'Hara (chairman of the subcommittee) presiding. Present: Representatives O'Hara, Quie, Lehman, Dellenback, and Huber. Staff members present: Jim Harrison, staff director: Elnora Teets, subcommittee clerk; William Gaul, full committee associate counsel; and Robert Andringa, minority staff director. Mr. O'HARA. The Special Subcommittee on Education of the House Committee on Education and Labor will be in order. Today we are beginning hearings on the administration's policy toward section 1202 of the Higher Education Act, as amended, and the implications of that policy for title X and other related provisions of the Higher Education Act. Last summer, as a part of the Education Amendments of 1972, section 1202 and title X became law. The staff is directed to see that the text of title XII, title X, and of the other provisions of law referred to or closely connected with them, be printed as part of the hearing record. [Materials referred to follow:] COMPILATION, PROVISIONS OF LAW RELATING TO SECTION 1202 A. PROVISIONS OF THE HIGHER EDUCATION ACT OF 1965, AS STATE POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION COMMISSIONS SEC. 1202. (a) Any State which desires to receive assistance under section 1203 or title X shall establish a State Commission or designate an existing State agency or State Commission (to be known as the State Commission) which is broadly and equitably representative of the general public and public and private nonprofit and proprietary institutions of postsecondary education in the State including community colleges (as defined in title X), junior colleges, postsecondary vocational schools, area vocational schools, technical institutes, four-year institutions of higher education and branches thereof. (b) Such State Commission may establish committees or task forces, not necessarily consisting of Commission members, and utilize existing agencies or organizations, to make studies, conduct surveys, submit recommendations, or otherwise contribute the best available expertise from the institutions, interests groups, and segments of the society most concerned with a particular aspect of the Commission's work. (c) (1) At any time after July 1, 1973, a State may designate the State Commission established under subsection (a) as the State agency or institution required under section 105, 603, or 704. In such a case, the State Commission established under this section shall be deemed to meet the requirements of such sections for State agencies or institutions. (1) |