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"3. That contemporaneously with instruction in English, immigrants should be instructed in the nature and purpose of our institutions in any language which they are able to understand.

"4. That it is the duty of every teacher to be at all times fully conscious of his obligation to develop patriotism and good citizenship, and should so frame his thinking and point of view that the consciousness of this duty will be manifest in all his conduct and teaching.

"5. That state normal schools through their faculties endeavor to exert such influence through all their teachings that graduates of these institutions enter their profession with a determined purpose to contribute their part to the strengthening of real Americanism.

"6. That state normal faculties contribute their share in formulating tangible conceptions of patriotism and definite ideals of citizenship.

"With regard to the training of teachers of adult foreigners, the faculty of the Oswego State Normal School expresses the following convictions:

"1. Such teachers should be sufficiently mature to have a thorough grasp of the nature of their problem and possess that sympathy with the foreigner handicapped by a strange environment which will gain his confidence and co-operation.

"2. She should be thoroughly conversant with our social and civic institutions and American ideals.

"3. She should have a reasonable mastery of the technique of teaching and be able to adapt her efforts to the peculiar local problems which she may encounter.

"4. Compensation for the work of such teacher should be sufficient to attract the best members of the profession."

7. George K. Hawkins, Principal, State Normal School, Plattsburg, January 5, 1920.

"It is my judgment that the problem of Americanization in New York State is one that for the most part should be handled by the Education Department of the state. Co-operation of corporations and large employers of labor is, of course, necessary in any scheme.

"I know of no better service that can be enlisted than that of the trained body of high class teachers who are available in every community and would be patriotically willing for small extra compensation to engage in the work. It could probably be articulated reasonably well with their regular duties.

"A plan disassociated from the organized educational activities of the state would be not only very expensive if administered in volume, but would in my opinion be disappointing in results."


Principal Cities of the State Outside of New York City

The following chapter of this report contains information in regard to training for citizenship in New York State outside of New York City. It does not claim to be comprehensive, but it is representative. It contains all the information obtainable from the superintendents of schools in cities having a population over 10,000, and a few others. The views of the superintendents, although more or less fragmentary, indicate the nature of their problems, the tendency of their efforts and their desire to co-operate with the State Department of Education. It may be of interest here to call attention to the fact that many educational authorities throughout the country, in response to the request of this Committee for their suggestions in regard to citizenship training and immigrant education, implied that it would be carrying coals to Newcastle to make such suggestions to New York State, where the best methods in the country are already being employed, according to their views.

1. Albany

C. Edward Jones, Superintendent of Schools.
The population of Albany is about 112,000.

The leading industries employing foreign-born labor are the railroad shops and the iron and steel foundries.

Only one factory conducts classes for its foreign-born, the average age being somewhere between thirty and forty.

Americanization work is being done by the Board of Education and by the State of New York.

The requirements for teachers of adult foreigners is the completion of the Americanization course in the State College for Teachers.

The Board of Education of the City of Albany in the fall of 1919 published a handbill announcing school courses for the season. The following paragraph from this handbill contains a unique idea:

"All courses are free, but a registration fee of one dollar will be collected for each Academic, Commercial and Vocational Course. This will be returned at the close of the

course provided the student has a record of 80 percent of attendance."

There is at Albany an Americanization Council, whose aims are expressed in the Constitution as follows:



The name of this organization shall be the Americanization Council of Albany.



"Americanization Work," as used in this constitution, is hereby defined to be the study of speaking, reading or writing the English language, the study of American history, institutions or political government, the development of patriotism, and intelligent citizenship or the interpretation of America's ideals of freedom and service.


The object of this council shall be to promote and to act as a clearing house for organizations in the City of Albany, doing Americanization work, and to stimulate and co-ordinate all such work for better citizenship so that there shall be no duplication of plan or effort.


Sec. 1. The membership of this council shall be composed of one representative and one alternative from any organization in the City of Albany that is actively interested in Americanization and which contributes annual dues. The dues shall be $2.

2. Amsterdam

Data furnished by Superintendent of Schools.
The population of Amsterdam is about 41,000.

There are about 5,000 Italians and 9,000 Poles. At least

2,000 of these foreigners attend the public schools.

The average

age is from five to sixteen in the day schools and over twenty-one in the evening schools.

The Americanization work in Amsterdam is supervised by the Superintendent of Schools.

We require teachers to have taken a special course for teaching adult foreigners. We pay $3 per evening to principals and $2 per evening to regular teachers. We have no bother in getting


The chief industries employing foreigners are a carpet mill and the button shops.

3. Auburn

In answer to a questionnaire, Henry D. Hervey, Superintendent of schools submitted the following:

1. What is the population of your city? 36,000

2. What is the foreign population, divided as to nationality?

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3. What are the leading industries in which foreigners are employed? International Harvester Co., Columbian Rope Co., International Harvester Co. Twine Mill and various shoe shops.

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