Kenya GazetteThe Kenya Gazette is an official publication of the government of the Republic of Kenya. It contains notices of new legislation, notices required to be published by law or policy as well as other announcements that are published for general public information. It is published every week, usually on Friday, with occasional releases of special or supplementary editions within the week. |
Common terms and phrases
16th September 1906 Proclamation 1907 THE DISEASES 1919 Administrator 1919 LINDSAY ALLAN 1919 TAKE NOTICE 1919 THE OFFICIAL 19th day day 1st January Acting Chief Vetennaiy Acting Land Officer ADMINISTRATION Cause appointed auction befoie the 1st British East Africa cablegiams Chief Vetennaiy Officei concern PURSUANT consent m writing Cost of Deed Crown Lands Ordinance day of Novembei day of September deceased died at Mombasa DISEASES OF ANIMALS District EAST AFRICA PROTECTORATE elected to pay equal annual instalments fiom following Pioclamation GAZETTE Septembei 24 Geneial GERMAN EAST AFRICA Government Notice hand at Nairobi hereby declaie High Court Cause KARMALI Kencho Kericho Kibos law Mombasa lessees Lieutenant H G Bird maize Nakuru District Nan obi Octobei OFFICIAL GAZETTE Septembei papei peison piopeity piove such claims powers theieunto enabling PROBATE AND ADMINISTRATION Proclamation IN EXERCISE Public Map Office purchase money Savji schedule hereto September 1919 stamp duty Survey fees UGANDA RAILWAY undei United Kingdom