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pose, on the part of the State of Louisiana, after they, in conin the acretary Junction, shall have run, and distinctly marked said line, shall of State's office, make two fair drafts, or maps thereof, both of which shall be with the Govern- certified by them, and one of which shall be deposited in the

and the other

or of Louisiana.

office of the Secretary of State for the United States, and the other delivered to the Governor of Louisiana.

SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of 81000 appropri- carrying this act into execution, the sum of one thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. [Approved, 19 May, 1828.}

to hold extra sessions.

CHAP. 59. An ACT concerning the Orphan's Court of Alexandria county, in the District of Columbia.

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Judge authorized That in addition to the regular monthly sessions of the Orphan's Court of Alexandria county, in the District aforesaid, as now authorized by law, that the Judge of the aforesaid Court be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered, to hold extra sessions thereof, whenever the public interest may require it.

To receive in lieu

ance of 6, a

SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That in lieu of the per of per diem allow- diem allowance of six dollars, as now established by law, that fixed salary of he be allowed a fixed salary of five hundred dollars per annum, 8500 per annum. payable in the same manner as heretofore the per diem allowance has been, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That this law shall be in after the passing force from and after the passing of the same.

Law to be in force

of the same.

[Approved, 19 May, 1828.]

and Latin books

imposed in certain

CHAP. 60. An ACT to reduce the duty on Greek and Latin Books, printed previous to the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five.

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Duty on Greek That the act, entitled "An act to amend the several acts imprinted previous posing duties on imports,"* passed twenty second of May, one to 1775, not to be thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, shall not be construed to impose upon Books printed in Greek and Latin, which the [Se vol 7, p. 208.] importer shall make it satisfactorily appear to the Collector of the Port at which the same shall be entered, were printed previous to the year one thousand seven hundred and seventyfive, a higher duty than four cents per volume.


[Approved, 19 May, 1828.

CHAP. 61. An ACT for the Benefit of John B. Dupais.


Location of a

issued in his name

for 040 acres, Con

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a location of a Madrid certificate, made on the twentysecond day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred Madrid certificate and twenty-three, for six hundred and forty acres, in the State of 22nd April 1833, of Missouri, being the south-west quarter of section twenty-two, firmed the north east quarter of section twenty eight, and the northern half of section twenty seven, in township fifty-two north, range seventeen west, in the name of John B. Dupuis, be, and the same is hereby, confirmed, and that a patent for the same shall issue to the said John B. Dupuis, upon the presentation of a plat and certificate of the survey thereof, at the proper of fice: Provided, however, That it shall operate as a relinquish. Proviso. ment only on the part of the United States.

[Approved, 19 May, 1828.]

CHAP. 62. An ACT granting compensation to Rebecca Blodget, for her right of dower in the property therein mentioned.

ed Rebecca Bod


certain property

cute a release to

right of dower, in

eral Post Office,c.

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster General shall, out of the proceeds of the 8300 to be all w General Post Office, pay to Rebecca Blodget, during her na get, during her tural life, the yearly sum of three hundred and thirty-three dol-night of door er lars and thirty-three cents, commencing from the twentieth day in the City of of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twen- Washington. ty-six: Provided, That before any payment be made. the said Proviso; to extRebecca Blodget shall, in due form of law, execute a release the U. S. of all her to the United States of all her right of dower, in the building the buildings ngw now occupied as a General Post Office, in the City of Washing occupied as a Gelton, and the lots whereon the same is erected, and which are occupied as appurtenances thereto, particularly the lots number one and number four, in square number four hundred aud thirty. SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That the part of the an- Part of the anquinuity which shall be due for the time between the said twenty which shall be tieth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and twen 20th February, ty-six, and the time of executing the release above provided &c. for, shall be paid when the said release shall be delivered and that part which shall grow due thereafter, shall be paid in quar terly payments. [Approved, 19 May, 1828.]

CHAP. 63. An ACT for the Relief of the representatives of Patience Gordon,

widow, deceased.

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

due between said

1826, to be paid,

That there be paid to the legal representatives of Patience 8145 15-00hs

'with interest at


six per centum per annum

Gordon, deceased, the sum of one hundred and forty-five dollars and fifteen ninetieths, with interest at six per centum per from 1st January, annum, from the first day of January, one thousand seven hunPatience Gordon dred and eighty-eight; it being the specie value of a certificate issued in the name of the said Patience Gordon, by the Commissioner of Loans for the State of New Jersey, bearing date April seventh, seventeen hundred and seventy-eight, numbered two thousand and twenty-seven, out of any moneys in the Proviso legal rep. Treasury not otherwise appropriated: Provided. That the said legal representatives shall first execute and deliver to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, a bond in such sum, and with such security, as the said Comptroller shall direct and approve, to indemnify the United States from and against the lawful claim of any other person or persons, for, or on account of, the gaid certificate.

resentatives first to execute, &c. a bond in such sum, &c.

[Approved, 19 May, 1828.]

authorized, xc.


patent to William

provement in the

cannon to be used

CHAP. 64. An ACT for the Relief of William Bell.

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Scometary of State That the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby, authorissue letters ized and required to issue letters patent, in the usual form. to Bell, for his im- William Bell, for his improvement in the construction of the construction of carriage for cannon, to be used on board of vessels of war, and on vessels of war. letters patent for his invention to ascertain the depth of water in the hold of a vessel; upon his complying with all the provisions of the several acts of Congress relative to the issuing of letters patent for inventious and improvements, except so far as the said acts require, on the part of aliens, a residence of two years in the United States.

[Approved, 19 May, 1828.]

Thomas Brown

on for furnishing

ty held with the Indians on the

CHAP. 65. An ACT for the Relief of Thomas Brown and Aaron Stantop, of the State of Indiana.

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 132 50 to be paid That the sum of one hundred and thirty two dollars and fifty and Aaron Stan- cents, be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise flour for the trea- appropriated, to Thomas Brown and Aaron Stanton, of the State of Indiana, in full satisfaction of their claim for furnishing Wabash river, in flour for the treaty beld with the Indians, on the Wabash river, in said State, in the autumn of the year eighteen hundred and twenty six. by Lewis Cass, James B. Ray, and John Tipton, Commissioners on behalf of the United States. [Approved, 19 May, 1828.]


CHAP. 66. An ACT for the Relief of William McClure


paid William Me",

vices as a Commis

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, au 87,037 3 cts. to be thorized to pay to William McClure, or to his legal represen Clure, for his sere tatives, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise ap sioner under the propriated, the sum of seven thousand thirty-seven dollars and tween France and three cents, in full satisfaction for his services as a commission. the United States er under the Convention of the thirteenth of April, one thou. 1923. sand eight hundred and twenty-three, between France and the United States.

Convention be

of 30th April,

[ocr errors][merged small]

LHAP. 67. An ACT to continue the Mint at the City of Philadelphia, and for

other purposes.

Act of 3d March, 1821, revived, &c.

[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act, entitled "An act concerning the Mint,"* approved March the third. one thousand eight hundred and one, be, and See Vol 3, p the same hereby is, revived and continued in force and opera tion, until otherwise provided by law.


curing a due con

provision of 9th

2d April, the brass

the standard troy.

SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of For purpose of se securing a due conformity in weight of the coins of the United formity, the 9th States, to the provisions of the ninth section of the act, passed section of act of the second of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety troy weight pro two, entitled "An act establishing a Mint, and regulating the cured in 1877 be coins of the United States," the brass troy pound weight pro pound. +Sce Vol 2, P cured by the Minister of the United States at London, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, for the use of the Mint, and now in the custody of the Director thereof, shall be the standard troy pound of the Mint of the United States, conformably to which the coinage thereof shall be regulated.

tor of the Mint to ries of weights,

procure, &c. a secorresponding to pound weight,

the afor said troy

SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the du- Duty of the Direc ty of the Director of the Mint to procure, and safely to keep, a series of standard weights, corresponding to the aforesaid troy pound, consisting of an one pound weight, and the requisite subdivisions and multiples thereof, from the hundredth part of a grain to twenty-five pounds; and that the troy weights ordinarily employed in the transactions of the Mint, shall be regu lated according to the above standards, at least once in every year, under his inspection; and their accuracy tested annually in the presence of the Assay Commissioners, on the day of the annual assay.

Hon be brought to

SECT. 4. And be it further enacted, That, when silver bul. When silver bullion, brought to the Mint for coinage, is found to require the


age is found to require the operation of the test.

operation of the test, the expense of the materials employed the Mint for coin in the process, together with a reasonable allowance for the wastage necessarily arising therefrom, to be determined by the Melter and Refiner of the Mint, with the approbation of the Director, shall be retained from such deposite, and accounted for by the Treasurer of the Mint to the Treasury of the United States.

When silver bul

to the Mint,

tain a proportion

of gold.

proportion of gold

SECT. 5. And be it further enacted, That, when silver bullion be brought lion, brought to the Mint for coinage, shall be found to contain and found to con- a proportion of gold, the separation thereof shall be effected at the expense of the party interested therein: Provided, nevProviso; when the ertheless, That, when the proportion of gold is such that it cancannot be separa- not be separated advantageously, it shall be lawful, with the ted advantageous consent of the owner, or, in his absence, at the discretion of the Director, to coin the same as an ordinary deposite of silver. SECT. 6 And be it further enacted, That the Director of the Director of the Mint may employ the requisite number of Clerks, at a compenThe requisite num-sation not exceeding in the whole the sum of seventeen hunher of Clerksdred dollars, and such number of workmen and assistants as the not exceeding business of the Mint shall, from time to time, require.

Jy, sc.

[ocr errors]

Mint may employ

a compensation

1700, &c.

tor of the Mint to

to be assayed but

SECT. 7. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful Lawful for Direc- for the Director of the Mint to receive, and cause to be assayreceive, and ce use ed, bullion not intended for coinage, and to cause certificates to lion not intended be given of the fineness thereof, by such officer as he shall designate for that purpose, at such rates of charge, to be paid by the owner of said bullion, and under such regulations, as the said Director may, from time to time, establish.

for coinage, &c.

[Approved, 19 May, 1828.]

Forms of mesne

CHAP. 63. An ACT further to regulate processes in the Courts of the United


[SECT. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the forms of mesne process, except the style, and the process, except the forms and modes of proceeding in suits in the Courts of the style, and the forms, and modes United States, held in those States admitted into the Union suits in Courts of since the twenty-ninth day of September, in the year seventeen ted into the Union hundred and eighty nine, in those of common law, shall be the since 29th Sept same in each of the said States, respectively, as are now used

of proceeding in

U. States admit

[ocr errors]

in the highest Court, of original and general jurisdiction of the same, in proceedings in equity, according to the principles, rules, and usages, which belong to Courts of equity, and in those of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction, according to the principles, rules, and usages, which belong to Courts of admiralty, as contra distinguished from courts of common law, except so far as may have been otherwise provided for by acts however, of Congress; subject, however, to such alterations and addi

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