Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
agreed allocated ambao answer asked the Minister Assistant Minister beg to support building bullet businessmen carcasses Constituency cost electronic tax registers Enoosupukia ensure Ethuro evicted Excellency the President farms going Government Habaswein Head headquarters issue of land Item Kariuki katika Kenyans Khamasi Kibera Kieni Kimeto Kimunya Kitui District Kshs100 million Kulundu kwamba land adjudication Land Control Boards land registries landless Lands and Housing live Maasais makao Mandera District maskwota Mau Forest Members raised Minister for Lands Ministry of Lands Muturi Mwingi District Mwiraria Naibu Spika Nairobi Narok Narok County Council National Land Policy Ngigi officers Ogiek Operating Expenses physical planning point of order problem referendum resettlement Salat Salt Lick Samuel Sang settle settlement slum upgrading squatters Sub-Vote Taita Hills Temporary Deputy Chairman Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank title deeds tribunals Waithaka Wajir Wakenya Wamwere water catchment areas Waziri workers