PREFACE-1982 EDITION This tenth edition of the United States Code, prepared and published pursuant to section 285b of Title 2 of the Code, is a consolidation and codification of all the general and permanent laws of the United States in force on January 14, 1983. By statutory authority, this edition may be cited "U.S.C. 1982 ed.". Previous editions were published in 1926, 1934, 1940, 1946, 1952, 1958, 1964, 1970, and 1976. Because many of the general and permanent laws that are required to be incorporated in the Code are inconsistent, redundant, and obsolete, the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives has been engaged in a continuing, comprehensive project authorized by law to revise and codify, for enactment into positive law, each title of the Code. When this project is completed, all the titles of the Code will be legal evidence of the general and permanent laws and recourse to the numerous volumes of the United States Statutes at Large for this purpose will no longer be necessary. Titles 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, 44, and 49 have been revised, codified, and enacted into positive law and the text thereof is legal evidence of the laws therein contained. The matter contained in the other titles of the Code is prima facie evidence of the laws. The title and chapter structure of the 1976 edition, together with Supplement V thereto, has been substantially preserved, the only changes made having been necessitated by the enactment of legislation since 1976. This edition was prepared and published under the supervision of Edward F. Willett, Jr., Law Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives, with the assistance of the West Publishing Company of St. Paul, Minnesota, which assisted in preparing all prior editions and supplements of the Code. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the staffs of the Office of the Law Revision Counsel, the West Publishing Company, and the Government Printing Office for their untiring efforts to make this edition as nearly perfect as possible. WASHINGTON, D.C., January 14, 1983. Thomas & Neill, Speaker of the House of Representatives Page VII Executive Reorganization. 11. Office of Personnel Management. 12. 13. Special Authority. 15. 21. 23. 29. 31. 33. 34. 35. 41. Training. 43. 45. Incentive Awards. 47. PART II-CIVIL SERVICE FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Merit Systems Protection Board and Spe- Political Activity of Certain State and PART III-EMPLOYEES SUBPART A-GENERAL PROVISIONS Definitions. Merit System Principles. Commissions, Oaths, Records, and Re ports. SUBPART B-EMPLOYMENT AND RETENTION Authority for Employment. Examination, Selection, and Placement. Part-time Career Employment Opportuni- Retention Preference, Restoration, and SUBPART C-EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Performance Appraisal. Personnel Research Programs and Dem onstration Projects. TITLE 5 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES-Continued PART III-EMPLOYEES-CONTINUED SUBPART D-PAY AND ALLOWANCES Chap. 51. Classification. 53. Pay Rates and Systems. 54. Merit Pay and Cash Awards. 55. Pay Administration. 57. 59. Travel, Transportation, and Subsistence. Allowances. SUBPART E-ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE 61. Hours of Work. 63. Leave. Chap. 22. 23. 24. 25. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Dumping or Destruction of Interstate 20A. Perishable Agricultural Commodities. 21. 21A. Tobacco Inspection. 21B. Tobacco Control. Agricultural Marketing [Omitted or Foreign Agricultural Service [Repealed]. Export Standards for Apples and Pears. 25A. Export Standards for Grapes and Plums. 26. Agricultural Adjustment. 26A. Agricultural Marketing Agreements. Cotton Marketing. Tobacco Industry [Repealed]. Potato Act of 1935 [Repealed). Anti-Hog-Cholera Serum and Hog-Cholera Virus. Rural Electrification and Telephone Service. Peanut Statistics. Farm Tenancy. 34. Sugar Production and Control [Omitted or Repealed). 35. Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. 35A. Price Support of Agricultural Commod ities. 36. Crop Insurance. 37. Seeds. 38. al Products. 39. Distribution and Marketing of Agricultur Stabilization of International Wheat Market. 40. Halogeton Glomeratus Control. 41. 42. 43. 44. Wool Program. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance. Agricultural Commodity Set-Aside. Agricultural Attachés. Soil Bank Program. Surplus Disposal of Agricultural Com- Interchange of Department of Agricul- Food Stamp Program. 52. 10. Warehouses. Farm Labor Contractor Registration [Repealed]. 11. Honeybees. 53. 12. Associations of Agricultural Products Pro 54. ducers. 13. Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges. 55. 14. Agricultural Experiment Stations. 15. Bureau of Animal Industry. 16. Bureau of Dairy Industry. 17. Miscellaneous Matters. 18. Cooperative Marketing. 57. Cotton Research and Promotion. Transportation, Sale and Handling of Certain Animals. Department of Agriculture. 55A. Department of Agriculture Advisory Committees. 56. Unfair Trade Practice Affecting Produc ers of Agricultural Products. Plant Variety Protection. 19. Cotton Statistics and Estimates. 58. Potato Research and Promotion. |