| United States - 1903 - 500 pages
...such agencies. Where capital grants are made pursuant to section 1411 of this title the total amount of such loans outstanding on any one project and in...which the Authority participates shall not exceed the development or acquisition cost of such project less all such capital grants, but in no event shall... | |
 | United States - 1938 - 56 pages
...slum-clearance .projects by such agencies. Where capital grants are made pursuant to section 11 the total amount of such [loans outstanding on any one project and...which the Authority participates shall not exceed the development !or acquisition cost of such project less all such capital i grants, but in no event... | |
 | United States - 1966 - 980 pages
...make loans to public-housing agencies to assist the development, acquisition, or administration or anted under this section to any such financial institution...credit, or purchase by it (1) unless the obligation Such loans shall bear interest at such rate not less than the going Federal rate at the time the loan... | |
 | United States - 1965 - 986 pages
...case of annual contributions in assistance of low rentals as provided in section 1410 of this title the total of such loans outstanding on any one project and in which the Administration participates shall not exceed 90 per centum of the development or acquisition cost of... | |
 | United States - 1968 - 818 pages
...continue to make every effort to refund all local bonds held ty tnt Public Housing Administration". loans outstanding on any one project and in which...the development or acquisition cost of such project. Such loans shall bear interest at such rate not less than the applicable going Federal rate, plus one-half... | |
 | United States - 1969 - 974 pages
...agencies. Where capital grants are made pursuant to section 11 the total amount of such loans oustanding on any one project and in which the Authority participates shall not exceed the development or acquisition cost of such project less all such capital grants, but in no event shall... | |
 | United States, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Banking and Currency - 1970 - 1078 pages
...in assistance of low rentals as provided in section 111 the total of such loans outstanding on tiny one project and In which the Authority participates...the development or acquisition cost of such project contracts which amend or supersede contracts previously made) provide for loans for a period not exceeding... | |
 | United States - 1953 - 494 pages
...or acquisition cost of such project less all such capital grants, but in no event shall said loam 77 exceed 90 per centum of such cost. In the case of...the development or acquisition cost of such project. Such loans shall bear interest at such rate not less than the going Federal rate at the time the loan... | |
 | United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development - 1976 - 814 pages
...slum-clearance projects by such agencies. Where capital grants are made pursuant to section 11 the total amount of such loans outstanding on any one project and in...which the Authority participates shall not exceed the development or acquisition cost of such project less all such capital grants, but in no event shall... | |
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