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munity action agency or other agency assisted under this Act shall, pursuant to or during the performance of services rendered in connection with any program or activity conducted or assisted under this Act by such community action agency or such other 42 USC agency, plan, initiate, participate in, or otherwise aid or assist in the conduct of any unlawful demonstration, rioting, or civil disturbance.



SEC. 614. Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to authorize any department, agency, officer, or employee of the 42 USC United States to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution or school system.



SEC. 615. The Director shall carry out the programs provided for in this title during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, and 42 USC the three succeeding fiscal years. For each such fiscal year only such sums may be appropriated as the Congress may authorize by law.



SEC. 616. Not withstanding any limitation on appropriations for any program or activity under this Act or any Act authorizing appropriations for such program or activity, not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount appropriated or allocated from any appropriation for the purpose of enabling the Director to carry 42 USC out any such program or activity under the Act may be transferred and used by the Director for the purpose of carrying out any other such program or activity under the Act; but no such transfer shall result in increasing the amounts otherwise available for any program or activity by more than 10 per centum.



SEC. 617. The Director shall adopt appropriate administrative 42 USC measures to assure that benefits of this Act will be distributed 2967 equitably between residents of rural and urban areas.



SEC. 619. The total administrative expenses, including the compensation of Federal employees, incurred by Federal agencies under the authority of this Act for any fiscal year shall not ex42 USC ceed ten percent of the amount authorized to be appropriated by this Act for that year: Provided, however, that grants, subsidies, and contributions, and payments to individuals, other than Federal employees shall not be counted as an administrative expense.


1 Section 618 which formerly preceded this section expired by its terms at the end of the fiscal year 1967 (see section 611 of the Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1966, Public Law 89-794, 80 Stat. 1471).

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SEC. 620. The Director and the heads of any other Federal departments or agencies to which the conduct of programs de- 42 USC scribed in this Act have been delegated shall take such steps as may be desirable and appropriate to insure that the resources of private enterprise are employed to the maximum feasible extent in the programs described in this Act. The Director and such other agency heads shall submit at least annually to the Congress a joint or combined report describing the actions taken and the progress made under this section.



SEC. 621. Pursuant to section 602(d), the Director shall dele- 42 USC gate his functions under section 222(a) (2) to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, and such functions shall be carried out through the Office of Education of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.



SEC. 630. This part establishes an Economic Opportunity Council, provides for an information center, and prescribes certain duties and responsibilities. Its purpose is to promote better coordination among all programs related to this Act, with a view to making those programs more effective in reaching and serving the poor, assisting State and local agencies to adapt diverse Federal programs to varying local problems and conditions, stimulating new and more imaginative ways of combining complementary Federal resources in the solution of specific problems, and gen- 42 USC erally improving cooperation and communication among levels of government, agencies, and institutions in matters related to the purposes of this Act.




SEC. 631. (a) There is established, in the Executive Office of the President, the Economic Opportunity Council (hereinafter referred to as the "Council"), which shall be composed of the Director and the heads of such Federal departments and agencies, 42 USC such Presidential assistants and such other officials of the Federal Government as the President may from time to time designate. The President shall designate one of the members of the Council to serve as chairman. Each member shall designate an alternate to sit in his stead in the event of his unavoidable absence.

(b) It shall be the responsibility of the Council to assist the President in

(1) providing for the coordination of Federal programs and activities related to this Act;

(2) developing basic policies and setting priorities with respect to such programs and activities;


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(3) resolving differences arising among Federal departments and agencies with respect to such programs and activities; and

(4) initiating and arranging for the carrying out of specific actions or projects designed to achieve the objectives of this Act.

(c) The President shall appoint an Executive Secretary1 of the Council. The Executive Secretary is authorized to appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as may be necessary to assist him in the performance of his duties. Employees of other Federal departments and agencies may be detailed to the Council from time to time to provide temporary assistance.

(d) To the extent appropriate, a report of the activities of the Council shall be included in the annual report of the Director to the President and to the Congress, or in a separate report to the Congress.

(e) From the sums authorized and appropriated to carry out the provisions of this title, the President shall reserve such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

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SEC. 632. In addition to his other powers under this Act, and to assist the President in coordinating the antipoverty efforts of all Federal agencies, the Director shall

(1) undertake special studies of specific coordination problems at the request of the President or the Council, or on his own initiative;

(2) carry on a continuing evaluation of all activities under this Act, and consult with interested agencies and groups, including State agencies described in section 231 of this Act and the National Advisory Council, with a view to identifying coordination problems that may warrant consideration by the Council or the President and, to the extent feasible or appropriate, initiate action for overcoming those problems, either through the Office of Economic Opportunity or in conjunction with other Federal, State, or local agencies; and

(3) prepare a five-year national poverty action plan showing estimates of Federal and other governmental expenditures, and, where feasible, the contributions of the private sector, needed to eliminate poverty in this country within alternative periods of time. Such plan shall include estimates of the funds necessary to finance all relevant programs authorized by this and other Acts, and any new programs which may be necessary to eliminate poverty in this country, and it shall include recommendations for such new programs.

1 Section 111 (c) of the Economic Opportunity Amendments of 1967, Public Law 90-222, December 23, 1967, 81 Stat. 726, added the Executive Secretary of the Economic Opportunity Council to the list of secretaries and executive, administrative, and staff assistants in 3 U.S.C. 105 for whom the President is authorized to establish rates of basic compensation not to exceed that of level II of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule.

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The plan shall be presented to the Congress and updated
on an annual basis.


SEC. 633. (a) Federal agencies administering programs related to this Act shall

(1) cooperate with the Director and with the Council 42 USC in carrying out their duties and responsibilities; and

(2) carry out their programs and exercise their functions so as to assist in carrying out the provisions and purposes of this Act, to the fullest extent permitted by other applicable law.

(b) The Council and the Director may call upon Federal agencies to supply statistical data, program reports, and other materials as they deem necessary to discharge their responsibilities under this Act.

(c) The President may direct that particular programs and functions, including the expenditure of funds, of Federal agencies shall be carried out, to the extent not inconsistent with other applicable law, in conjunction with or in support of programs authorized under this Act.



SEC. 634. In order to encourage efficiencies, close unnecessary service gaps, and generally promote more effective administration, the Director shall require, to the fullest extent feasible, that projects or programs assisted under this Act be carried on so as to supplement one another, or where appropriate other related 42 USC programs or projects, and be included within or otherwise car- 2976 ried on in combination with community action programs. In the case of other programs related to this Act, the heads of the Federal agencies responsible for those programs shall, to the extent permitted by law, similarly provide assistance for projects and activities in a manner which encourages combinations with other related projects and activities where appropriate, and with community action programs. The Economic Opportunity Council shall, in carrying out its responsibilities under this part, make a continuing review of the operation of this section with a view to (1) determining particular groups of programs which, because of their objectives, or similarities in target groups or areas, are especially appropriate for combined or closely coordinated operation at the State or local level, and making recommendations accordingly to the President or appropriate Federal officials; (2) evaluating Federal agency procedures for carrying out this section, and developing or recommending additional or common procedures, as appropriate; and (3) determining whether, and to what extent, consolidations of Federal programs may be justified and making recommendations respecting such consolidations to the Director and the President.


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SEC. 635 (a) The Director shall establish and operate an information center for the purpose of insuring that maximum use is made of Federal programs related to this Act and that information concerning those programs and other relevant information is readily available to public officials and other interested persons. The Director shall collect, prepare, analyze, correlate, and distribute information as described above, either free of charge or by sale at cost (any funds so received to be deposited to the Director's account as an offset of that cost), and may make arrangements and pay for any printing and binding without regard to the provisions of any other law or regulations. In connection with operation of the center, the Director may carry on 42 USC research or studies concerning the improvement of information systems in support of the purposes of this Act, the adequacy of existing data, ways in which data generated on the State and local level may be incorporated into Federal information systems, and methods by which data may be made more readily available to State and local officials or used to further coordination objectives.


(b) The Director shall publish and maintain on a current basis, a catalog of Federal programs relating to individual and community improvement. He may also make grants, from funds appropriated to carry out title II of this Act, to States and communities to establish information service centers for the collection, correlation, and distribution of information required to further the purposes of this Act.

(c) In order to assure that all appropriate officials are kept fully informed of programs related to this Act, and that maximum use is made of those programs, the Director shall establish procedures to assure prompt distribution to State and local agencies of all current information, including administrative rules, regulations, and guidelines, required by those agencies for the effective performance of their responsibilities.



SEC. 636. In order to assure that existing Federal agencies are used to the fullest extent possible in carrying out the purposes of this Act, no funds appropriated to carry out this Act shall be used to establish any new department or office when the intended function is being performed by an existing department 42 USC or office. 2978


SEC. 637. (a) It shall be the responsibility of the Director, the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Health, Education, and 42 USC Welfare, and the heads of all other departments and agencies concerned, acting through such procedures or mechanisms as the President may prescribe, to provide for, and take such steps as may be necessary and appropriate to implement, the effective coordination of all programs and activities within the executive


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