5 1 "(2) From the remainder of the sum so appropriated 2 for a fiscal year each State shall be allotted an additional 3 amount which bears the same ratio to such remainder as the 4 population aged sixty-five or over in such State bears to the 5 population aged sixty-five or over in all of the States as 6 determined by the Secretary on the basis of the most recent 7 satisfactory data available to him. 8 "(3) A State's allotment for a fiscal year under this 9 title shall be equal to the sum of the amount allotted to it 10 under paragraphs (1) and (2). 11 "(b) The amount of any State's allotment under sub12 section (a) for any fiscal year which the Secretary deter13 mines will not be required for that year shall be available 14 for reallotment, from time to time and on such dates during 15 such year as the Secretary may fix, to other States in pro16 portion to the original allotments to such States under sub17 section (a) for that year, but with such proportionate 18 amount for any of such other States being reduced to the 19 extent it exceeds the sum the Secretary estimates such State 20 needs and will be able to use for such year; and the total of 21 such reductions shall be similarly reallotted among the States 22 whose proportionate amounts were not so reduced. Such 23 reallotments shall be made on the basis of the State plan so 24 approved, after taking into consideration the population aged 25 sixty-five or over. Any amount reallotted to a State under 6 1 this subsection during a year shall be deemed part of its 2 allotment under subsection (a) for that year. 3 "(c) The allotment of any State under subsection (a) 4 for any fiscal year shall be available for grants to pay up to 5 90 per centum of the costs of projects in such State described 6 in section 705 and approved by such State in accordance 7 with its State plan approved under section 705. Such allot8 ment to any State in any fiscal year shall be made upon the 9 condition that the Federal allotment will be matched during 10 each fiscal year by 10 per centum, or more, as the case may 11 be, from funds within the State. 12 "(d) If, in any State, the State agency is not permitted 13 by law to disburse the funds paid to it under this title in the 14 State, or is not permitted by law to match Federal funds 15 made available for use by such public or private nonprofit 16 institution or organization, agency, or political subdivision of a State, the Secretary shall withhold the allotment of funds to 18 such State referred to in subsection (a). The Secretary shall 19 disburse the funds so withheld directly to any public or pri 17 vate nonprofit institution or organization, agency, or political subdivision of such State in accordance with the provisions of this title, including the requirement that any such payment or payments shall be matched in the proportion specified in sub section (c) for such State, by funds from sources within the State. 2 "SEC. 704. (a) Funds allotted to any State pursuant 3 to section 703 during a fiscal year shall be available for 4 payment to such State for disbursement by the State agency 5 in accordance with such agreements not inconsistent with 6 the provisions of this title as may be entered into by the Secretary and such State agency, for the purposes of carry 7 8 9 10 ing out the provisions of this title, during such fiscal year in supplying "(1) agriculture commodities and other foods for 11 consumption by persons aged sixty-five or over, and "(2) nonfood assistance in furtherance of the programs authorized under this title. "(b) The Secretary shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury from time to time the amounts to be paid to any State under this section and the time or times such amounts are to be paid to any State under this section and the time or times such amounts are to be paid; and the Sec retary of the Treasury shall pay to the State at the time or times fixed by the Secretary the amounts so certified. "STATE PLANS "SEC. 705. (a) Any State which desires to receive allot ments under this title shall submit to the Secretary for ap proval a State plan for purposes of this title which "(1) establishes or designates a single State agency 8 as the sole agency for administering or supervising the administration of the plan, which agency shall be the agency primarily responsible for coordination of State programs and activities related to the purposes of this title; "(2) sets forth such policies and procedures as will provide satisfactory assurance that allotments paid to the State under the provisions of this title will be expended “(A) to make grants in cash or in kind to any public or private nonprofit institution or organization, agency, or political subdivision of a State (hereinafter referred to as 'recipient of a grant or contract') "(i) to carry out the program as described in section 706. "(ii) to provide up to 90 per centum of the costs of the purchase and preparation of the food; delivery of the meals; and such other reasonable expenses as may be incurred in providing nutrition services to persons aged sixtyfive or over. Recipients of grants or contracts may charge participating individuals for meals furnished but such charge shall not exceed a per meal limit to be established by each State 9 agency, taking into consideration the income ranges of eligible individuals in local communities and other sources of income of the recipients of a grant or a contract. "(iii) to provide up to 90 per centum of the costs of such supporting services as may be absolutely necessary such as the costs of social services and local public transportation to and from the residences of participating individuals to the extent such costs are not provided by grants for these services from the Department of Transportation, Office of Economic Opportunity, or other Federal agency. "(B) to provide for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan: Provided, That the amount expended for such administration and planning shall not exceed a sum which shall be agreed upon between the Secretary and the State agency "(i) in making report, in such form and containing such information, as the Secretary may require to carry out his functions under this title, including reports of the objective measurements required by section 706, and |