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(2) develop and make appropriate recommendations designed to meet the needs and goals described in clause (1);

(3) examine and evaluate the effectiveness of federally assisted employment and training programs (including programs assisted under this Act), with particular reference to the contributions of such programs to the achievement of objectives sought by the recommendations made under clause (2);

(4) advise the Secretary on the development of national performance standards and the parameters of variations of such standards for programs conducted pursuant to this Act;

(5) evaluate the impact of tax policies on employment and training opportunities;

(6) examine and evaluate major Federal programs which are intended to, or potentially could, contribute to achieving major objectives of existing employment and training and related legislation or the objectives set forth in the recommendations of the Commission, and particular attention shall be given to the programs which are designed, or could be designed, to develop information and knowledge about employment and training problems through research and demonstration projects or to train personnel in fields (such as occupational counseling, guidance, and placement) which are vital to the success of employment and training programs;

(7) (A) identify, after consultation with the National Advisory Council on Vocational Education, the employment and training and vocational education needs of the Nation and assess the extent to which employment and training, vocational education, rehabilitation, and other programs assisted under this and related Acts represent a consistent, integrated, and coordinated approach to meeting such needs; and

(B) comment, at least once annually, on the reports of the National Advisory Council on Vocational Education, which comments shall be included in one of the reports submitted by the National Commission pursuant to this title and in one of the reports submitted by the National Advisory Council on Vocational Education pursuant to section 162 of the Vocational Education Act of 1963;

(8) study and make recommendations on how, through policies and actions in the public and private sectors, the Nation can attain and maintain full employment, with special emphasis on the employment difficulties faced by the segments of the labor force that experience differentially high rates of unemployment;

(9) identify and assess the goals and needs of the Nation with respect to economic growth and work improvements, including conditions of employment, organizational effectiveness and efficiency, alternative working arrangements, and technological changes;

(10) evaluate the effectiveness of training provided with Federal funds in meeting emerging skill needs; and

(11) study and make recommendations on the use of advanced technology in the management and delivery of services and activities conducted under this Act.


SEC. 474. (a) Subject to such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Commission, the Chairman is authorized to

(1) prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary; (2) appoint and fix the compensation of such staff personnel as the Chairman deems necessary, and without regard to the provisions of title 5, United States Code, governing appointments in the competitive service, and without regard to the provisions of chapter 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of such title, relating to classification and the General Schedule pay rates, appoint not to exceed five additional professional personnel;

(3) procure the services of experts and consultants in accordance with section 3109 of title 5, United States Code;

(4) accept voluntary and uncompensated services of professional personnel, consultants, and experts, notwithstanding any other provision of law;

(5) accept in the name of the United States and employ or dispose of gifts or bequests to carry out the functions of the Commission under this title;

(6) enter into contracts and make such other arrangements and modifications, as may be necessary;

(7) conduct such studies, hearings, research activities, demonstration projects, and other similar activities as the Commission deems necessary to enable the Commission to carry out its functions under this title;

(8) use the services, personnel, facilities, and information of any department, agency, and instrumentality of the executive branch of the Federal Government and the services, personnel, facilities, and information of State and local public agencies and private research agencies, with the consent of such agencies, with or without reimbursement therefor; and

(9) make advances, progress, and other payments necessary under this Act without regard to the provisions of section 3648 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 529).

(b) Upon request made by the Chairman of the Commission, each department, agency, and instrumentality of the executive branch of the Federal Government is authorized and directed to make its services, personnel, facilities, and information (including computer-time, estimates, and statistics) available to the greatest practicable extent to the Commission in the performance of its functions under this Act.


SEC. 475. The Commission shall make at least annually a report of its findings and recommendations to the President and to the Congress. The Commission may make such interim reports or recommendations to the Congress, the President, the Secretary, or to the heads of other Federal departments and agencies, and in such form, as it may deem desirable. The Commission shall include in any report made under this section any minority or dissenting views submitted by any member of the Commission.



SEC. 481. (a) A contractor subject to the affirmative action obligations of Executive Order 11246, as amended, issued September 24, 1965, may establish or participate in training programs pursuant to this section for individuals meeting the eligibility criteria established in sections 203 (a) (1), 401, and 402, which are designed to assist such contractors in meeting the affirmative action obligations of such Executive order. To qualify under this section, such a training program

shall contain

(1) a description of the jobs in the contractor's work force or in the service delivery area, for which the contractor has determined there is a need for training;

(2) a description of the recruiting, training, or other functions that the contractor, or the organization that will be engaged to perform the training, will perform and the steps that will be taken to insure that eligible individuals will

(A) be selected for participation in training,

(B) be trained in necessary skills, and
(C) be referred for job openings,

in accordance with the objectives of such Executive order;

(3) whenever an organization other than the contractor will perform the training, a description of the demonstrated effectiveness of the organization as a provider of employment and training services;

(4) a description of how the contractor will monitor the program to keep an accurate accounting of all trainees, including (A) whether the trainees successfully complete the training program, and (B) whether the trainees are or are not placed; and (5) an estimation of the cost of the program and an assurance that the contractor will assume all costs of the program or the pro rata share of costs to the contractor of the program. (b) (1) (A) If the training proposal is designed to meet the needs of the community rather than, or in addition to, the employment needs of the contractor, and has not been approved by another Federal agency, the program shall be submitted to the private industry council established under section 102 for a determination that there is a need for such training in the community.

(B) Individuals trained under any program satisfying the requirements of this section may be included by the private industry council in its performance accomplishments and the wage gains of such individuals shall be included in determining the compliance of the job training program of the private industry council with applicable standards.

(2) The Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor, shall promulgate regulations setting forth how the Office will determine, during a compliance review, the degree to which a training program will satisfy the contractor's affirmative action obligations. The training and placement of trainees with employers other than the contractor may be considered in evaluating such contractor's overall good faith efforts, but in no event may placement of trainees with employers other than the contractor be

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permitted to affect that contractor's affirmative action obligations respecting its work force. The content of the training program will not be subject to review or regulation by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. If during a compliance review the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs determines that a training program does not comply with its regulations, the Director shall

(A) notify the contractor of the disapproval,

(B) set forth the reasons for the disapproval, and

(C) provide a list of recommendations which, if accepted, will qualify the training program under this section.

(3) A contractor who has a training program which contains the criteria set forth in subsection (a) and which is in accordance with regulations promulgated under paragraph (2) of this subsection shall continue to meet the affirmative action obligations of Executive Order 11246, as amended, but the contractors required to maintain a written affirmative action program need only maintain an abbreviated affirmative action program, the content and length of which shall be determined by the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, to satisfy the written affirmative action program portion of their obligations under Executive Order 11246, as amended. Successful performance or operation of a training program meeting the criteria set forth in subsection (a) shall create a presumption that the contractor has made a good faith effort to meet its affirmative action obligations to the degree specified by the Director under paragraph (2) of this subsection, but that presumption shall not be applicable to the satisfaction of other affirmative action obligations not directly related to the training and hiring requirements of this section, or other affirmative action obligations not affected by this section. For the purpose of the preceding sentence, "successful performance or operation" means training and placing in jobs a number of individuals which bears a reasonable relationship to the number of job openings in the contractor's facilities or in the relevant labor market area.

(c) Nothing in this section may be interpreted—

(1) to compel contractor involvement in such programs,

(2) to establish the exclusive criteria by which a contractor can be found to have fulfilled its affirmative action obligations, (3) to provide authority for imposing any additional obligations on contractors not participating in such training activities, (4) to permit the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs to intervene or interfere with the authority and responsibilities of the private industry councils,

(5) to restrict or limit the authority of the Secretary to investigate the employment practices of any Government contractor, to initiate such investigation by the Director, to determine whether any nondiscrimination contractual provisions have been violated, or to enforce Executive Order 11246, or

(6) to prohibit the Secretary or the Director, or other authorized officers of the United States, from requesting or compelling any contractor preparing and maintaining a short form affirmative action plan under subsection (b) to provide information necessary to conduct a compliance review or to provide data necessary to determine whether any violation of Executive Order 11246 has occurred.



SEC. 501. [These amendments were incorporated into the WagnerPeyser Act as it appears on page 77.]


SEC. 502. [These amendments were incorporated into part C of title IV of the Social Security Act as it appears on page 171.]


SEC. 503. (a) Section 402 (a) (8) (A) of the Social Security Act is amended

(1) by striking out "and" at the end of clause (iii);

(2) in clause (iv), by striking out "already disregarded under the preceding provisions of this paragraph" and inserting in lieu thereof "disregarded under any other clause of this subparagraph"; and

(3) by adding at the end thereof the following new clause;
"(v) may disregard the income of any dependent child
applying for or receiving aid to families with dependent
children which is derived from a program carried out under
the Job Training Partnership Act (as originally enacted),
but only in such amounts, and for such period of time (not
to exceed six months with respect to earned income) as the
Secretary may provide in regulations; and".

(b) Section 402 (a) (18) of such Act is amended by inserting ", other than paragraph (8)(A)(v)" after "without application of paragraph (8)".


SEC. 564. The Secretary shall insure that each individual participating in any program established under this Act, or receiving any assistance or benefit under this Act, has not violated section 3 of the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. App. 453) by not presenting and submitting to registration as required pursuant to such section. The Director of the Selective Service System shall cooperate with the Secretary in carrying out this section.

Approved October 13, 1982.


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