Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
African Legislative Assembly Afrika Mashariki amend answer Applause Arusha asked the Minister Assistant Minister beg to reply Biwott Bomet Constituency debate Deputy Speaker East African Assembly East African Community East African Legislative elected escort Government Haji hardship areas Hashim Home Affairs Prof House Business Committee interest issue jambo KANU Karua Kathangu Katuku Kirinyaga District Kitonyi Kituyi kusema kwa sababu kwamba Loud consultations Makueni County Council Masaku County Council matter Members of Parliament Minister for Home Minister for Public Minister for Trade Ministry Murathe Mwenje nafasi Naibu Spika National Assembly nine Members nominated NSSF one-third Ongeri oppose this Motion passports point of order political parties President problem Public Health Prof road Saitoti slot Sotik spot-patch Standing Order Sunkuli Taita-Taveta District TANA RIVER DISTRICT Tanzania tarmacking Trade and Industry Treaty Tuesday next week Uganda Vice-President and Minister wakati woman women of Kenya