Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
allocated ASAL areas asked the Minister Assistant Minister tell aware beg to reply beg to support Bomet District bursary funds compulsory primary education constituencies dispensary elimu ensure free and compulsory free primary education free primary school go to school hali HIV/AIDS orphans HMOs institutions issue Jogoo House KANU katika Kenyans kielimu Konchella Kshs800 million kuwa kwa sababu look Malka-Daka Maseno University Members Minister for Education Minister for Roads Ministry of Education Ministry of Health Moi University Muturi Nairobi NARC Government National Rainbow Coalition ningependa Nyandarua District Ol Kalou Town Oniang'o parents Poghisio point of order primary education programme problem Prof Question quota system Raila Science and Technology secondary schools sehemu Serikali Sub-Vote talking Tana River District Tarus technical Telkom Kenya Temporary Deputy Speaker university education vehicle village polytechnics Vote vyuo watoto West Pokot District wilaya