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§ 1211.119 Review of proposals.

(a) In reviewing a proposal for an initial award under this subpart, the Commissioner will take into account the following criteria:

(1) The criteria set forth in § 100a.26(b)(2)–(5), (7), and (8)(i)–(ii) of this chapter;

(2) The applicant's technical competence and experience in educational technology and related areas; and

(3) The adequacy of the applicant's plan to provide data to the Commissioner with respect to each of its activities under this subpart.

(b) In reviewing a proposal for a continuation award under this subpart, the Commissioner will take into account:

(1) The extent to which performance of the grant or contract has been satisfactory,

(2) The availability of funds, and (3) The criteria set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, and

(4) Whether continuation of the project is in the best interest of the Federal government.

(20 U.S.C. 1451; 1452)

§ 1211.120 Reporting requirements.

(a) Each of the recipients operating a special office under this subpart shall submit reports to the Commissioner on a quarterly basis which shall include the monthly volume and cost of each of the activities required to be performed by the recipient.

(b) A final report shall be submitted on completion of the grant or contract to the Commissioner (1) describing the recipient's efforts and accomplishments (including appropriate graphs, tables, charts, (2) containing a summary of all information previously reported to the Commissioner in the quarterly reports.

(20 U.S.C. 1451; 1452)

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ers of, children with specific learning disabilities, or such training for persons who are, or are preparing to be, supervisors and teachers of such personnel; and

(c) Establishing and operating model centers for the improvement of education of children with specific learning disabilities.

(20 U.S.C. 1461(a))

§ 121j.3 Eligible parties.

Parties eligible to receive assistance through grants or contracts under this part are institutions of higher education, State and local educational agencies, and other public and private educational and research agencies and organizations (except that grants will be made only to public or private nonprofit agencies and organizations).

(20 U.S.C. 1461(a))

§ 121j.4 Priorities.

In making grants and contracts under this part, priority will be given to applications which (a) propose innovative and creative approaches to meeting the educational needs of children with specific learning disabilities, or (b) emphasize the prevention and early identification of learning disabilities.

(20 U.S.C. 1461(a))

Subpart B-Research

§ 121j.15 General.

(a) Research conducted pursuant to section 661(a)(1) of the Act shall be subject to requirements contained in §§ 121h.1(b), 121h.4, and 121h.7 of this chapter.

(b) Applications for assistance under this part shall specifically state any research activities which an applicant intends to undertake.

(20 U.S.C. 1461)

Subpart C-Training

§ 121j.30 Distribution of projects.

In making grants and contracts for the purpose set forth in § 121j.2(b) the Commissioner will seek to achieve an equitable geographical distribution of

training programs and trained personnel throughout the Nation.

Subpart D-Model Centers

§ 121j.41 Activities.

Each model center assisted under this part shall:

(a) Provide testing and educational evaluation to identify children with learning disabilities who have been referred to the centers;

(b) Develop and conduct model programs designed to meet the special educational needs of those children;

(c) Assist appropriate educational agencies, organizations, and institutions in making model programs available to other children with learning disabilities; and

(d) Disseminate new methods or techniques for overcoming learning disabilities to educational institutions, organizations, and agencies within the area served by the center, and evaluate the effectiveness of the dissemination process. This evaluation shall be conducted annually. The first evaluation shall be conducted during the first year of operation of a center.

(20 U.S.C. 1461(a)(3))

§ 121j.42 Replication of model programs. (a) Each model center shall encourage and assist replication, in the area to be served by the center, or model programs developed by it under § 121j.41(b).

(b) Applications for assistance for model centers shall include (1) a strategy for the replication of model programs, and (2) information which will enable the Commissioner to determine the degree and nature of the proposed replication.

(20 U.S.C. 1461(a)(3))

§ 121j.43 Advisory council.

(a) Each model center shall establish an advisory council upon official notice from the Commissioner that it has been awarded a grant or contract under this part.

(b) The council's membership shall include parents of children with specific learning disabilities.

(c) The model center shall arrange for the council to assist actively in (1) planning, developing, and operating the model center, (2) disseminating information regarding the model center's programs, and (3) evaluating the success of the model center.

(20 U.S.C. 1231d, 1461(a)(3) (C) and (D))

§ 121j.44 Parental participation.

(a) Each model center shall provide for the active, effective involvement of parents in the project, including participation in the advisory council under § 121j.43.

(b) If a local educational agency applies for assistance under this part, the application shall contain the policies, procedures, and assurance required under § 121.4(c) of this chapter regarding parental involvement and dissemination of information.

(20 U.S.C. 1231d)

§ 121j.45 Distribution of model centers.

In providing assistance for the purposes set forth in § 121j.2(c), the Commissioner will, to the extent féasible, seek to encourage the establishment of a model center in each of the States.

(20 U.S.C. 1461(b)(2))

§ 121j.47 Proposal review.

(a) Applications will be evaluated by the Commissioner and outside consultants specifically chosen by the Commissioner for their expertise in the area of learning disabilities.

(b) In reviewing applications submitted under this part, in addition to the criteria set forth in § 100a.26(b) of this chapter, the following criteria will be considered:

(1) The presence of a clear, logical statement of the replication strategy, including objectives, target populations and evaluation measurements; and

(2) The degree and nature of parental involvement.

(20 U.S.C. 1231d, 1461)



Part 1-Introduction

1.1 Scope of guidelines. Part 2-Proposal Development Section

2.1 Form of proposal information.
2.2 Submission of proposal.
2.3 Research activities.


SECTION 1.1 Scope of guidelines. (a) The guidelines contained in this document are recommendations and suggestions for meeting the legal requirements which apply to Federal assistance under the Education of the Handicapped Act, Part G, section 661. The legal requirements include the Act itself (20 U.S.C. 1461) and the regulations (45 CFR Part 121j). The guidelines are not to be construed as requirements. However, where the guidelines set forth a permissible means of meeting a legal requirement, the guidelines may be relied upon.

(20 U.S.C. 1461; 113 Cong. Rec. 5936, 5939 (daily ed. May 23, 1967); United States v. Jefferson County Board of Education, 372 F. 2d 836, 857 (1966))

(b) Where a guideline is issued in connection with or affecting a provision in the regulations, the pertinent regulation will be cited after the citation of legal authority for the guideline, in the parentheses following the guideline. For example, if the legal authority for the guideline is section 661 of the Act (20 U.S.C. 1461), and the guideline affects section 121j.4 of the regulations (45 CFR 121j.4), the following citation will be placed on the line immediately following the guideline: (20 U.S.C. 1461; 45 CFR 121j.4). If no particular section of the regulations is affected, no citation to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) will be made. (20 U.S.C. 1232(a))

PART 2-PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT SEC. 2.1 Form of proposal information. Applicants should develop a plan for model program designed to meet the special educational needs of children with learning disabilities and a system for replicating this program. Each proposal should contain the following information:

(a) Current status. The current State plan or activities of the State and local educational agencies regarding children with specific learning disabilities should be described. The proposal should specify the nature of functional administrative models now in use, the quantity of services ren

dered, the quality control mechanism, and the availability of trained personnel. Also, the proposal should contain a brief outline of any State legislation relevant to children with learning disabilities. Any State publications regarding educational programming for learning disabled children should be attached.

(20 U.S.C. 1461)

(b) Theory. A model system of educational intervention should be defined, which is the model the applicant seeks to replicate. A statement should be included explaining in detail the theoretical basis for the program including supposed etiology (if applicable) of specific learning disabilities and the retionale for a planned educational intervention.

(20 U.S.C. 1461; 45 CFR 121j.41)

(c) Model. The intervention procedures to be employed should be described, including: (1) The objectives (stated in child-centered and measurable terms) of the learning disability intervention;

(2) The characteristics of the children to be served by this model and criteria for selection;

(3) The content of educational intervention (e.g., visual/perceptual, auditory/listening, language development, motor skills/ physical development, self-concept, etc.);

(4) The average duration of the planned intervention for each child;

(5) The methodology used to attain the goals and objectives of the intervention system; and

(6) Other details of the intervention including the sponsoring agency, the logistics, and the teacher-student relation.

(20 U.S.C. 1461; 45 CFR 121j.41)

(d) Replication strategy. (1) The replication strategy should be described, as well as the impact of the model upon selected targeted school districts. The types of districts within the State that will be receptive to the model should be specified, and some evidence of this receptivity provided. Demographic characteristics of these districts should be set forth, i.e., number of children, size, geographic location, socio-economic status of the population, average income, industrial potential, etc. If the model is applicable to all districts, a description should be provided in general terms, of the demographic characteristics of the State.

(2) An estimate of how many targeted districts will accept the model program after the next two years should be included. Replication will be considered satisfactory if the program shows promise for continued funding and permanent acceptance into the school system.

(3) A strategy for replication should be described. The applicant should describe all

actions to be taken and products to be derived which will be used to stimulate the target districts to replicate the model programs. Cooperation of agencies and organizations assisting in this replication should be noted. Selection of the replication strategy should be based on a cost-effective rationale.

(4) Federal funds may be used to initiate components of the above strategy. A description should be set forth of that part of the proposed replication system which could be strengthened or developed with Federal funds to facilitate the development of an exemplary system. The application should include the approximate cost on a per year basis for this partial support of the model demonstration program.

(20 U.S.C. 1461; 45 CFR 121j.42)

(e) Evaluation. The evaluation techniques for both the model program objectives and the objectives of the replication strategy should be outlined. The characteristic of the model and the replication that would result in the spread of quality services to children should be described.

(20 U.S.C. 1461(a); 45 CFR 121j.41)

(f) Coordination with significant agencies. The nature of the coordination with local educational agencies should be described. This should include details of funding procedures and obtaining assistance in replication. Formal and informal communication channels between the applicant and the local educational agencies should be delineated. The applicant should specify how this program addresses itself to the requirements of the State's Special Education program objectives and goals, and delineate what contributions "in kind" or in cash will be made by the sponsoring agencies. (20 U.S.C. 1461)

(g) Other details of the application. (1) The advisory council should consist of, in addition to parents, State personnel, students, project personnel, consultants, and at least one person who has expertise in Federal program management. The application should describe the role of this council.

(20 U.S.C. 1461; 45 CFR 121j.43)

(2) A discussion should be provided of the types of problems the applicant anticipates in initiating and maintaining the program. The applicant should describe the types of assistance it may require of the Learning Disabilities Leadership Training Institute, and indicate, where possible, at which points in time this assistance might be needed.

(20 U.S.C. 1461; 45 CFR 121j.2)

SEC. 2.2 Submission of proposal. (a) There should be documentation of participation by

specific staff members and letters of agreement to participate should be appended for consultants. If staff is not currently available, an outline of the applicant's recruiting procedures and requirements should be provided.

(b) Where agreements with school districts or other cooperating agencies are a factor, copies of the agreements or letters of intent from the agencies should be appended.

(c) The Office of Education may make an award without further discussion of the applications submitted. Therefore, the applications should be submitted initially on the most favorable terms possible from both price and technical standpoints.

(d) If any of the primary personnel have a current or uncompleted project with the Office of Education, National Institute of Mental Health, or other Federal agencies, the status of the project, the amount of time devoted to it, and the relationships between the current and the proposed project should be indicated. If any of the personnel previously completed a Federally supported research or development project, information should be provided to identify the project.

(20 U.S.C. 1461; 45 CFR 121j.47)

SEC. 2.3 Research activities. Research activities conducted pursuant to section 661(a)(1) of the Act are subject to sections 2.1-2.2 and 3.1-3.5 of the guidelines for Part E of the Act.

(20 U.S.C. 1461; 45 CFR 121h.1, 121j.150)

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SOURCE: 41 FR 24126, June 15, 1976, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart A-General

§ 121k.1 Scope.

(a) This part applies to programs funded under section 625 of the Act.

(b) Programs funded under this part are subject to applicable provisions contained in subchapter A of this chapter (relating to fiscal, administrative, property management, and other matters) and Part 121 of this chapter. (20 U.S.C. 1421a)

§ 121k.2 Definition of handicapped per


For the purposes of this part, the term “handicapped persons” means persons who are mentally retarded, hard of hearing, deaf, speech impaired, visually handicapped, emotionally distrubed, crippled, or in other ways health impaired and by reason thereof require special education programming and related services.

(20 U.S.C. 1424a(c))

§ 121k.3 Purpose.

Payment of Federal funds under this part may be made to eligible parties for the development and operation of specially designed or modified programs of vocational, technical, postsecondary, or adult education for deaf or other handicapped persons.

(20 U.S.C. 1424a(a))

§ 121k.4 Eligible parties.

Parties eligible to receive Federal funds under this part are institutions of higher education, including junior and community colleges, vocational and technical institutions, and other appropriate nonprofit educational agencies.

(20 U.S.C. 1424a(a))

Subpart B-Applications; Activities

§ 121k.15 Application requirements. Applications for funds under this part shall be submitted to the Commissioner in accordance with Subparts B and C of Part 100a of this chapter

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