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§ 287.125 What supportive and job retention services may be provided under the NEW Program?

The NEW Program grantee may provide, pay for or reimburse expenses for supportive services, including but not limited to transportation, child care, traditional or cultural work related services, and other work or family sufficiency related expenses that the Tribe determines are necessary to enable a client to participate in the program.

§ 287.130 Can NEW Program activities include job market assessments, job creation and economic development activities?

(a) A Tribe may conduct job market assessments within its NEW Program. These might include the following:

(1) Consultation with the Tribe's economic development staff or leadership that oversees the economic and employment planning for the Tribe;

(2) Consultation with any local employment and training program, Workforce Development Boards, One-Stop Centers, or planning agencies that have undertaken economic and employment studies for the area in which the Tribe resides;

(3) Communication with any training, research, or educational agencies that have produced economic development plans for the area that may or may not include the Tribe; and

(4) Coordination with any State or local governmental agency pursuing economic development options for the


(b) The Tribe's NEW Program may engage in activities and provide services to create jobs and economic opportunities for its participants. These services should be congruous with any available local job market assessments and may include the following:

(1) Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) services;

(2) Job creation projects and services; (3) Self-employment;

(4) Self-initiated training that leads a client to improved job opportunities and employment;

(5) Economic development projects that lead to jobs, improved employment opportunities, or self-sufficiency of program participants;

(6) Surveys to collect information regarding client characteristics; and

(7) Any other development and job creation activities that enable Tribal members to increase their economic independence and reduce their need for benefit assistance and supportive services.

§ 287.135 Are bonuses, rewards and stipends allowed for participants in the NEW Program?

Bonuses, stipends, and performance awards are allowed. However, such allowances may be counted as income in determining eligibility for some TANF or other need-based programs.

§ 287.140 With whom should the Tribe coordinate in the operation of its work activities and services? The administration of work activities and services provided under the NEW Program must ensure that appropriate coordination and cooperation is maintained with the following entities operating in the same service areas as the Tribe's NEW Program:

(a) State, local and Tribal TANF agencies, and agencies operating employment and training programs;

(b) Any other agency whose programs impact the service population of the NEW Program, including employment, training, placement, education, child care, and social programs.

§ 287.145 What measures will be used to determine NEW Program outcomes?

Each grantee must develop its own performance standards and measures to ensure accountability for its program results. A Tribe's program plan must identify planned program outcomes and the measures the Tribe will use to determine them. ACF will compare planned outcomes against outcomes reported in the Tribe's annual reports.

Subpart F-Data Collection and Reporting Requirements

$287.150 Are there data collection requirements for Tribes that operate a NEW Program?

(a) Yes, the Tribal agency or organization responsible for operation of a NEW Program must collect data and

submit reports as specified by the Secretary.

(b) A NEW Program grantee must establish and maintain efficient and effective record-keeping systems to provide accurate and timely information regarding its service population.

(c) Required reports will provide Tribes, the Secretary, Congress, and other interested parties with information to assess the success of the NEW Program in meeting its goals. Also, the reports will provide the Secretary with information for monitoring program and financial operations.

$287.155 What reports must a grantee file with the Department about its NEW Program operations?

(a) Each eligible Tribe must submit an annual report that provides a summary of program operations.

(b) The Secretary has developed an annual operations report (OMB clearance number 0970-0174). The report specifies the data elements on which grantees must report, including elements that provide information regarding the number and characteristics of those served by the NEW Program. This report is in addition to any financial reports required by law, regulations, or Departmental policies.

(c) The report form and instructions are distributed through ACF's program I instruction system.

(d) The program operations report will be due September 28th, 90 days after the close of the NEW Program year.

$287.160 What reports must a grantee

file regarding financial operations? (a) Grantees will use SF-269A to make an annual financial report of expenditures for program activities and services.

(b) Two annual financial reports will be due to the appropriate Regional Office. The interim SF-269A is due no later than July 30, i.e., 30 days after the end of the obligation period. The final SF-269A is due 90 days after the end of the liquidation period.

$287.165 What are the data collection and reporting requirements for Public Law 102-477 Tribes that consolidate a NEW Program with other programs?

(a) Currently, there is a single reporting system for all programs operated by a Tribe under Public Law 102477. This system includes a program report, consisting of a narrative report, a statistical form, and a financial report.

(1) The program report is required annually and submitted to BIA, as the lead Federal agency and shared with DHHS and DOL.

(2) The financial report is submitted on a SF-269A to BIA.

(b) Information regarding program and financial operations of a NEW Program administered by a Public Law 102-477 Tribe will be captured through the existing Public Law 102-477 reporting system.

§ 287.170 What are the data collection and reporting requirements for a Tribe that operates both the NEW Program and a Tribal TANF program?

Tribes operating both NEW and Tribal TANF programs must adhere to the separate reporting requirements for each program. NEW Program reporting requirements are specified in §§ 287.150287.170.





EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to chapter III appear at 66 FR 39452, July 31, 2001.

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Annual State self-assessment review and report

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Comprehensive tribal child support enforcement
(CSE) programs

311-399 [Reserved]


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