Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
AGOA allocated land amend areas asked the Minister Assistant Minister tell Attorney-General aware beg to reply centre Chair cheques co-operative societies collapse COMESA commodity constituency corruption cotton industry Cotton Lint Eighth Parliament ensure export ginneries going hospital importing sugar issue Kajwang KANU Katuku Kenya Sugar Konchella KPLC Lint and Seed maize Makueni District Matungu Members of Parliament Minister for Finance Ministerial Statement mitumba Muiruri Mukiri Mumias Sugar Company Mungatana Nairobi Nandi District NARC Government Ojode Oniang'o Onyancha Osundwa paid pensioners Poghisio point of order police Private Notice problems Prof Question by Private revive the cotton Rotino Sambu sector Seed Marketing Board Sirma squatters Sugar Act sugar cane sugar factories sugar industry sugar subsector sugar-cane sugar-cane farmer Sungu support this Motion talked Tarus tell the House Temporary Deputy Speaker Temporary Deputy Speaker(Mr textile industry Thank Uasin Gishu District Uganda Weya