CONTENTS Page EXHIBIT 5. Executive Order No. 11617, September 2, 1971..... 6. Cost of Living Council Order No. 1, August 17, 1971... Page 121 121 122 122 9. Office of Emergency Preparedness Economic Stabiliza- 123 127 11. Presidential Remarks, October 7, 1971. 132 12. Executive Order No. 11627, October 15, 1971... 135 13. Amendments to Executive Order No. 11627, October 140 14. Cost of Living Council Orders Nos. 3 and 4, October 141 15. Cost of Living Council Order No. 5, November 13, 142 16. Economic Stabilization Act Amendments of 1971 144 of the members of the Pay Board and Price Com- 18. White House Press Release announcing the appoint- 19. White House Press Release announcing the appoint- 20. White House Press Release announcing the appoint- 21. Pay Board Press Release announcing the appointment 156 159 160 163 164 FIGURE 1. Wage-Price Freeze Organization of the Cost of Living 2 2. Wage-Price Freeze Organization for the Economic 3. Office of Emergency Preparedness-Organization for 3 12 4. OEP Regional Office Organization for Price-Wage 15 5. Postfreeze Organization of the Economic Stabilization 6. Price and Wage Classification by Reporting Cate- 7. Price Stabilization Coverage-Percent of Consumer 8. Postfreeze Organization of the Cost of Living Council. 15. Internal Revenue Service-Chart I-Distribution of 16. Internal Revenue Service-Distribution of Applications 17. Organization of the Price Commission.. 18. Price Commission-Activation Manpower-Startup Level of Effort... 19. Exception Requests Received by Price Commission... 65 77 21. Bond Yields and Other Interest Rates-Freeze and |