Energy Emergency Legislation: Hearing, Pursuant to S. Res. 45, National Fuels and Energy Policy Study, Ninety-third Congress, First Session, on S. 2589 ...U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973 - 759 pages |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 46
Page 29
... boiler fuel , insofar as possible , in all fossil fuel stationary powerplants and other high volume industrial users of oil and gas ; to require development of the capability in such plants to burn all of the major fossil fuels ( oil ...
... boiler fuel , insofar as possible , in all fossil fuel stationary powerplants and other high volume industrial users of oil and gas ; to require development of the capability in such plants to burn all of the major fossil fuels ( oil ...
Page 30
... boiler fuel ; ( 5 ) domestic coal reserves are enormous , yet their relative contribution to United States energy supplies has declined ; ( 6 ) wise use of premium fuels can be maximized by converting electric powerplants and other ...
... boiler fuel ; ( 5 ) domestic coal reserves are enormous , yet their relative contribution to United States energy supplies has declined ; ( 6 ) wise use of premium fuels can be maximized by converting electric powerplants and other ...
Page 31
... boilers with a capacity of one 22 hundred million British thermal units per hour or more , and 23 which burn fossil fuel as boiler fuel for the generation of 24 process steam , to heat industrial furnaces , smelters , and so 4 1 ( b ) ...
... boilers with a capacity of one 22 hundred million British thermal units per hour or more , and 23 which burn fossil fuel as boiler fuel for the generation of 24 process steam , to heat industrial furnaces , smelters , and so 4 1 ( b ) ...
Page 32
... boiler fuel ; and ( b ) maximize the use of domestic coal as their pri- mary fuel ; ( c ) shall comply with new source performance standards promulgated under the Clean Air Act , as amended . SEC . 203. FUTURE CAPABILITY FOR FUEL CONVER ...
... boiler fuel ; and ( b ) maximize the use of domestic coal as their pri- mary fuel ; ( c ) shall comply with new source performance standards promulgated under the Clean Air Act , as amended . SEC . 203. FUTURE CAPABILITY FOR FUEL CONVER ...
Page 61
... boiler and it does not mean that every one of these plants could , within 1 or 2 months , fully convert to the use of coal . We are starting the process of checking on the ground on a plant- by - plant basis to - but to determine the ...
... boiler and it does not mean that every one of these plants could , within 1 or 2 months , fully convert to the use of coal . We are starting the process of checking on the ground on a plant- by - plant basis to - but to determine the ...
Common terms and phrases
action administration agencies allocation amendment areas authority BAGGE barrels a day believe bill boilers capacity carriers CHAIRMAN Civil Aeronautics Board Clean Air Act Commission Congress conservation consumption conversion convertible to coal crisis Defense Production Act distillate domestic drilling electric utilities emission energy emergency environmental Federal Power Commission fuel oil going Government Governor Love grant impact implement important increase industry Interior Interstate Interstate Commerce Commission language legislation mandatory ment million barrels NASSIKAS natural gas NESS oil and gas oil shale operating percent petroleum Policy President problem production proposed question refinery regulations require residual oil Roy Ash SCHAEFFER Secretary WAKEFIELD Senator BARTLETT Senator BUCKLEY Senator CHURCH Senator FANNIN Senator HANSEN Senator HASKELL Senator HATFIELD Senator JOHNSTON Senator MCCLURE specific statement suggest sulfur Thank tion transportation TUGGLE United variances VERKLER West South Central winter
Popular passages
Page 606 - Congress to provide for fair and impartial regulation of all modes of transportation subject to the provisions of this Act, so administered as to recognize and preserve the inherent advantages of each; to promote safe, adequate, economical, and efficient service and foster sound economic conditions in transportation and among the several carriers...
Page 182 - For the purpose of assuring an abundant supply of electric energy throughout the United States with the greatest possible economy and with regard to the proper utilization and conservation of natural resources...
Page 606 - It is hereby declared to be the national transportation policy of the Congress to provide for fair and impartial regulation of all modes of transportation subject to the provisions of this Act, so administered as to recognize and preserve the inherent advantages of each...
Page 647 - That the Congress finds and declares it to be desirable that all American people of present and future generations be assured adequate outdoor recreation resources, and that it is desirable for all levels of government and private interests to take prompt and coordinated action to the extent practicable without diminishing or affecting their respective powers and functions to conserve, develop, and utilize such resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the American...
Page 607 - contract carrier by motor vehicle" means any person which engages In transportation by motor vehicle of passengers or property In Interstate or foreign commerce, for compensation...
Page 246 - ... the reviewing court shall decide all relevant questions of law, interpret constitutional and statutory provisions, and determine the meaning or applicability of the terms of an agency action. The reviewing court shall: 1 . compel agency action unlawfully withheld or unreasonably delayed; and 2. hold unlawful and set aside agency action, findings, and conclusions found to be: a) arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law...
Page 445 - The functions exercised under this title are excluded from the operation of subchapter II of chapter 5, and chapter 7 of title 5, United States Code, except as to the requirements of sections 552, 553, and 555 (e) of title 5, United States Code.
Page 228 - To enable the provision of service for which there is an immediate and urgent need to a point or points or within a territory having no carrier service capable of meeting such need...
Page 224 - Authority appears before such regulatory bodies as the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Civil Aeronautics Board and the Federal Maritime Board in the interest of the welfare of the unified Port Area.
Page 628 - [t]o administer, execute, and enforce all provisions of this part, to make all necessary orders in connection therewith, and to prescribe rules, regulations, and procedure for such administration.