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Also requested were: A central "clearinghouse" of information

about training materials and facilities; A service that would provide "in depth" counselling for trainees with psychological or emotional problems; Periodic publication of technical assistance bulletins for those

MA Contract holders that are not able to participate in workshops.

[blocks in formation]

community or outreach workers was fully realized. The hospitals participating in the program were mainly accustomed to working within the central facility and not within the clients' community.

We were very fortunate to receive, during the early stages of our
service program, a New Careers grant from the Department of Labor via the
National Office of Planned Parenthood-World Population to operate the
New Careers Training Program for Family Planning Aides.

To the best of my knowledge, the Newark paraprofessional training program together with three other similar programs operated through Planned Parenthood, have been the only family planning training programs sponsored by the Department of Labor. This is indeed shame since, if our experience is any indication of the success of these programs, they can strengthen the delivery of Family Planning Services as well as provide meaningful employment. Two years ago this summer, we started with 15 participants and soon these same original participants will be fully employed in local Family Planning Programs or in allied fields. The Training Program, which has both men and women trainees, uncovered in the trainees a host of talent they never realized they had. Several trainees undertook the maximum amount of education that they could get during the course of the training program and have received their high school equivalency and are presently enrolled in the Essex County Community College. The pursuit of this amount of personal education was allowed under this program because of the release-from-work concept that the program stressed. This is a concept that should be present in all training programa whether they are of the magnitude of a two-year New Careers program or not.

I am glad to state that the New Careers Training Project has not only helped us meet our need for trained personnel, but has become a popular

program with the participants. First of all, the trainees recognize that
this program offers meaningful employment and career development, a fact that
can be attested by their increased sense of pride and accomplishment.
Secondly, the trainees develop a greater degree of leadership and they are
respected by their community.

We are now in the process of working out career ladders and improving the working relationship between the paraprofessionals and their employer institution so that they may continue their education and career progress.

Mr. Chairman, I would be remiss in my testimony if I did not state very clearly that programs of this nature are a real challenge to any educator. The training staff must have a good understanding of community people, with the realization that on-the-job training and formal education is only two-thirds of the way toward success. It is absolutely mandatory that a full time counselor work very closely with each trainee to help him adjust to the business world, to overcome many of their personal and social problems and, above all, to encourage self-esteem.

While Federal funds have traditionally been available in limited quantities to finance the offering of Family Planning Services, the scope of the funding has not permitted much more than the elementary training of the people to fill the requirements of specific jobs. It would be my hope that the Labor Department or some other Federal agency in charge of manpower could enter into agreements with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare to provide the kind of money that is necessary to train people adequately for health careers without detracting from the monies that are necessary to provide health services. We think that such funding is vital to the continued development of the

New Careers Training Program and will indeed lead to achievement along the career ladder and continue to enhance the delivery of family planning and other health services.

(Mrs.) Mary F. Singletary, R.N.

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