Fitch, William C., executive director, National Council on Aging, Washing- Page : ton, D.C- 2486 Carstenson, Dr. Blue, national director of Green Thumb National Farmers 2527 Kmosena, John, director, Project Green Thumb, Wisconsin Farmers Union.. 2531 Johnson, Lewis J., Arkansas Farmers Union, Little Rock, Ark. 2572 MONDAY, MAY 18, 1970 Hjornevik, Wesley L., Deputy Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D.C. 2579 McGhee, George C., special representative of the chairman, Urban Coali- 2585 2612 Blume, Lois, Federal-aid coordinator, County of Nassau, N.Y.; accompanied by Albert Massini, staff coordinator__ 2619 THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1970 Randolph, Hon. Jennings, a U.S. Senator from the State of West Virginia. 2780 Williams, Hon. Harrison A., Jr., a U.S. Senator from the State of New Jersey.. Kennedy, Hon. Edward M., a U.S. Senator from the State of Massa chusetts... 2783 2785 Shultz, Hon. George P., Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor; accompanied 2812 Veneman, Hon. John G., Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Health, 2841 STATEMENTS Amador, Richard, director, Community and Human Resources Agency, 2258 American learning systems relative to testimony by Nicholas C. Ruffin and Henry Eschwege, statement by. 2301 Beitel, Gerard B., formerly employed by the American Learning Systems, Inc., prepared statement... 2289 Blume, Lois, Federal aid coordinator, county of Nassau, N.Y., accom panied by Albert Massoni, staff coordinator 2619 Prepared statement. 2634 Butler, Herbert, Fred Aberlin, and Michael Bartels, of Manpower Service Drug Store 2327 Carstenson, Dr. Blue, national director of Green Thumb National Farmers 2527 Prepared statement of Dr. Blue Carstenson. 2500 Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, prepared state ment.. 2982 Eschwege, Henry, Associate Director, GAO, Washington, D.C., on behalf of the General Accounting Office, accompanied by Raymond Schmitt. 2289 Eschwege, Henry, General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C., accompanied by Mr. Sanger and Mr. Woods.. 2216 Prepared statement... 2217 Finch, Hon. Robert H., Secretary of Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, prepared statement... 2842 Fitch, William C., executive director, National Council on Aging, Wash- Page ington, D.C.... 2486 Prepared statement. 2487 Gooden, Leza, director, Franklin County Department of Welfare, Colum bus, Ohio, prepared statement_ 2366 Greenberg, Herbert M., Ph. D., president, Marketing Survey and Research president; and David Mayer, board chairman 2344 Supplemental statement. 2350 Hamilton, Clark, of NAB Congressional Relations. 2174 D.C., prepared statement_ 2964 Hennemuth, Robert G., vice president for Industrial Relations, Raytheon Herbert Fajors, director of training center. 2262 Prepared statement. 2263 Hjornevik, Wesley L., Deputy Director, Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D.C-- 2579 Holmes, Adolph, director of Program Operations, The National Urban League, Inc., New York__ 2612 Howard, Jack, on behalf of American Learning Systems, Inc., accompanied by Mortimer Gerber, New York, N.Y. 2293 Prepared statement... 2295 Hutton, William, executive director, National Council of Senior Citizens, 2466 Prepared statement of William Hutton... 2471 Johnson, Lewis J., Arkansas Farmers Union, Little Rock, Ark 2572 3197 Kennedy, Hon. Edward M., a U.S. Senator from the State of Massachusetts.. 2785 Kmosena, John, director, Project Green Thumb, Wisconsin Farmers 2531 Prepared statement. 2531 Lindsey, Hon. John V., Mayor, city of New York, prepared statement__ Lumley, Dr. John M., assistant executive secretary, Office of Legislation and Federal Relations, National Education Association, prepared 2641 statement_ 2920 McGhee, George C., special representative of the chairman, Urban 2585 Prepared statement. 2586 Meredith, Ellis E., executive vice president, American Apparel Manu facturers Association, prepared statement. 2993 Miller, Betty, on behalf of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIOMollohan, Robert H., a U.S. Representative in Congress from the State 2459 of West Virginia, prepared statement 2865 Nash, Bernard, executive director, American Association of Retired Nelson, Hon. Gaylord, a U.S. Senator from the State of Wisconsin. 2389 2780 Reagan, Hon. Ronald, Governor, State of California, prepared statement 2895 Roodman, Sheldon, community legal counsel, Chicago, III 2277 Ruffin, Nicholas C., Brooklyn, N.Y 2283 Russo, Joseph J., Hoffman Brothers Packing Co., Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.. 2253 Supplemental statement___ 2257 Settlement Houses Employment Development, Inc., New York, N.Y., prepared statement.... 2359 Shultz, Hon. George P., Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor; accom- Page panied by Arnold R. Weber, Assistant Secretary for Manpower 2399 Shultz, Hon. George P., Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor; accom- Singletary, Mrs. Mary F. (Edmond), R.N., executive director, Smith, Hon. Preston, Governor, State of Texas, prepared statement... U.S. Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities, prepared Veneman, Hon. John G., Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Health, Williams, Hon. Harrison A., Jr., a U.S. Senator from the State of New Wilson, Robert J., executive vice president, National Alliance of Business- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Articles, publications, etc.: 2812 3192 2906 2246 2951 3127 2841 2783 2171 Advertisement of the American Learning Systems, from the Evening Star, Washington, D.C., March 5, 1970 2382 Agencies, groups, and individuals involved in the planning of 100 comprehensive area manpower planning, April 21, 1970 - "Labor Department Quietly Cuts Back JOBS Plan," from the Los Angeles Times, May 3, 1970. 2380 Local Officials Should Be Given Authority in State and Local Man Obligation of Funds for JOBS Program, fiscal year 1969. 2422 May 6, 1970 2315 Overall Corrective Actions.. 2441 "Position on Manpower Program Reforms," from the State of Vermont.... 2873 Report by American Learning Systems, from July 1, 1969, through April 30, 1970... 2310 Response of the U.S. Department of Labor to opening statement by Senator Nelson at Manpower Training Act hearings, May 11, 1970 "Special Analysis, Budget of the United States-Fiscal Year 1971," 2398 excerpt from. 2238 "Standards and Costs of Day Care," by Office of Child Development, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, with attachments. 2863 Subcommittee staff comment re listing of all items for which a JOBS contractor may be reimbursed. 2399 "The MA (Manpower Administration) Contract in New York City," a report by Coalition JOBS on MA-3, MA-4, by National Alliance of Businessmen, New York Coalition, New York City, N.Y.... 3131 "The Manpower Act of 1969 - A Regional Perspective," from Center for Human Resources, U of Houston, Houston, Tex... 2936 Communications to: Bechtel, William R., staff director, Senate Subcommittee on Employment, Manpower, and Poverty, from Douglas V. Dorman, vice president, Industrial Relations, Martin Marietta Corp., May 1, 1970 Carstenson, Blue A., National Director, Green Thumb, Inc., Wash- Brown, Robert J., Acting Deputy Associate, Manpower Admin- Langen, Hon. Odin, a Representative in Congress from the State Lovell, Malcolm R., Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Man- Page 2358 2563 2564 2562 Green Light Program, from Eunice Rose, Cornell, Wis., April 10, 1970.. 2533 Kmosena, John, State director, Green Thumb Program, Neillsville, Enerson, Earl H., president, Board of Education, Ladysmith Quicker, H. H., Chairman, Public Property Committee, County Langin, Hon. Odin, a Representative in Congress from the State of Nelson, Hon. Gaylord, a U.S. Senator from the State of Wisconsin, Adesso, Vera S., clerk of the Watkins Glen Board of Education, 2539 2535 2565 2962 Anderson, Hon. Forrest A., Governor, State of Montana, April 30, 2875 Boggs, William C., personnel manager, Lucky Stores, Inc., San 2385 Davis, Hon. Deane C., Governor, Executive Department, 2872 Ferre, Hon. Luis A., Governor, the Commonwealth of Puerto 2882 Jenkins, James E., director, Washington office, State of California, May 29, 1970--- 2894 Mark, Shelley M., director, Department of Planning and Eco- Maddox, Hon. Lester, Governor, State of Georgia, Executive 2883 Murtha, William E., director of research and governmental 2963 Nunn, Hon. Louie B., Governor, Office of the Governor, Frank fort, Ky., April 3, 1970.... 2877 Rockefeller, Hon. Nelson A., Governor, State of New York, Exe- 2889 2339 Scott, Hon. Robert W., Governor, State of North Carolina, 2887 (with enclosure). 2904 Weber, Arnold R., Assistant Secretary for Manpower, U.S. De partment of Labor: April 30, 1970. 2384 June 24, 1970, (with enclosure) 2445 Communciations to Continued Wilson, Robert J., executive vice president for administration and secretary-treasurer, National Alliance of Businessmen, Wash- Page ington, D.C., June 4, 1970__ 2211 Wroble, Joseph L., president, National Employment Association, Washington, D.C., May 28, 1970 2963 Nickerson, Eugene, county executive, Nassau County Executive 2621 April 23, 1970--- 2536 Symington, Hon. Stuart, a U.S. Senator from the State of Missouri, 30, 1970 2900 Wisconsin Green Thumb Inc., Neillsville, Wis., from members of the Village Board of Hancock, Wisconsin, January 27, 1970Yarborough, Hon. Ralph, a U.S. Senator from the State of Texas, from L. A. Townsend, chairman, National Alliance of Businessmen, April 25, 1970 (telegram) - 2538 2384 Memorandums on JOBS contract involving: Dallas Dry Cleaning Consortium (staff report) Merit Enterprises, Brooklyn, N.Y., a division of the Atlas Corp. (staff report) Questions and answers: Answers to Senator Cranston's supplemental questions by Arnold R. Weber, Assistant Secretary for Manpower, U.S. Department of labor... Secretary Shultz answers questions submitted by Senator Javits... Selected charts and tables: 2378 2376 2446 2819 Basic JOBS statistical data.. 2396 Characteristics of U.S. Department of Labor manpower programs. JOBS trainees enrollment, February 1970, by occupational group. People on JOBS contract program-retention and fermination, MA-3 contracts. 2394 Persons age 21 and under in manpower programs, enrollment of Summary of staff requirements and people served by manpower program.. 2420 2836 Unemployment rate of men aged 45 to 54 compared to unemployment rate of same men 10 years later at age 55-64 2786 Staff study of JOBS program..... 2161 |