Kelly, St. John's. Syers, Caius. Boyns, St. John's. Margerison, Trinity. THIRD CLASS. Ds. Strahan, St. John's. Elliott, St. John's. Hutton, St. John's. Woodd, A.B., Trinity. THEOLOGICAL TRIPOS, 1875. EXAMINERS. C. A. Swainson, D.D. FIRST CLASS. Ds. Stroane, Emmanuel. 123 Williams, Jesus. Buxton, Clare. Harvey, St. Catherine's. Marke, Trinity Hall. SECOND CLASS. Parker, Trinity. Ds. Smith, Clare. Hebrew Prize. 2 Scholefield Prize. 3 Evans Prize. INDEX. The figures between ( ) refer to Part I. ABERCORN, THE DUKE OF, installed as 3. ABERDARE, Lord, interposes as mediator ABSTRACT OF REPORTS for 1875, 227. "ACTORS AND THE ART OF ACTING," by ADVOCATES' LIBRARY, EDINBURGH, Fire at AERONAUTICS.-A perilous balloon jour- Wolseley's administration, [26.]; Reform AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS ACT introduced Winchester Assizes, 119, [132]. pedestal, [383]. ALBURY CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH, exciting scene in, 4. 152. ALDERSHOT, Review of troops at, 58. AMERICAN REVIVALISTS, The, 28. ARCTIC COMMITTEE, Report of the Ad- ARCTIC EXPEDITION-Organisation and ARMY AND NAVY ESTIMATES-moved by ARMY MOBILISATION SCHEME, [135]; ARMY STATISTICS, 234. ARTIZANS' DWELLINGS IMPROVEMENT BILL, History of the BAKER, COLONEL, convicted, sentenced, BALACLAVA CHARGE, Banquet to the sur- BANQUET to the Prince Imperial, 12. 141. BELGIUM.-History of the year, [262]; BENNETT, SIR WILLIAM STERNDALE, Oli- BENN, MAJOR-GEN., Obituary notice, 153. BERKSHIRE, Jewel robberies in, 9. BIANCONI, MR. CHARLES, Obituary notice, 146. BICYCLE CLUB, London, 4. BIGNOLD, SIR SAMUEL, Obituary notice, BIRCH, MURDER OF MR., at the Straits' BISMARCK, PRINCE.-Speeches upon Ec- Hautes Pyrenees, [146]; secret com- BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN in "BOSSUET AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES," BOULOGNE, Extraordinary scene at, 75. BRITISH ASSOCIATION, Annual meeting of at, 83. |