Heinig, Miss Christine, associate in elementary and secondary educa-
tion, American Association of University Women..
Heller, Walter W., Department of Economics, University of Minne-
sota; accompanied by Mrs. Jean M. Flanigan, research division,
Hill, W. W., Jr., director of educational research for the College Life
Insurance Co. of America, accompanied by Eugene Rinta, research
director of the Council of State Chambers of Commerce.
Hollander, Edward D., national director, Americans for Democratic
Johnson, Hon. Byron L., a Representative in Congress from the State
of Colorado....
Joyce, Richard, vice president of North Dakota Farmers' Union,
accompanied by Reuben Johnson, coordinator, legislative service,
National Farmers Union..
Kasem, Hon. George A., a Representative in Congress from the State
of California_ _ _
Kowalski, Hon. Frank, a Representative in Congress from the State
of Connecticut.
Krettek, Germaine, director, Washington office, American Library
Lesinski, Hon. John, Jr., a Representative in Congress from the State
of Michigan..........
Levitt, Arthur, State comptroller, State of New York, presented by
Edward Edelman, office of the State comptroller, State of New
McGinley, Hon. Donald F., a Representative in Congress from the
State of Nebraska..
Megel, Carl J., president, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-
Miller, Hon. Clement W., a Representative in Congress from the
State of California_.
Miller, Hon. George P., a Representative in Congress from the State
of California___
Mitchell, Clarence, director, Washington bureau, National Association
Advancement of Colored People...
Pagel, Betty Lou, Cheyenne, Wyo., National Classroom Teachers
Association; accompanied by S. M. Lambert, director of research,
National Education Association _ _
Rabaut, Hon. Louis C., a Representative in Congress from the State
of Michigan....
Renther, Victor G., director, Washington office, United Automobile
Workers Union, accompanied by Samuel Jacobs, Washington
representative, ÚAW.
Richardson, Elliot, Assistant Secretary of Legislation, HEW-
Schoemann, Peter T., accompanied by Andrew J. Biemiller, and John
E. Cosgrove, AFL-CIO.