Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
administration police officers Agok answer Anyona appointment ask the Minister Assistant Minister beg to reply beg to support beneficiaries civil servants cost-sharing money DDCs decentralisation delays District Health Management drugs employer ensure fees guidelines fees structure Githiomi give Golden Handshake Government headteachers health boards health institutions Health Management Boards important Motion issue KANU Kenya Kihoro kuwa kwa sababu lazima legal notices Machakos Maizs Marshalls House matter Medical Services Member of Parliament Minister aware Minister for Education months Munyao Musila Mwenda Nairobi Ng'eny Nyeri Ochuodho Ojode paid his benefits payment pension person point of order police cells police station Private Notice problem Provincial Question by Private regulations responsible retirement benefits retrenchment roads Rotich salaries Samoei Science and Technology Serikali yetu Technology Dr Temporary Deputy Speaker Thank Tharaka District Treasury Wambua Wamukoya wananchi Yatta Furrow Yatta Plateau