23 1 2 (3) by striking out "each for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and the fiscal year ending June 30, 3 1970" and inserting in lieu thereof: "for each of the next 5 (b) Section 121 of such Act is amended by adding at 6 the end thereof the following subsection: 7 "(c) For purposes of this part, the term 'mentally re8 tarded' shall include mental retardation and other neurolog9 ical handicapping conditions found by the Secretary to be 10 sufficiently related to mental retardation to warrant inclu11 sion in this part." 121 13 34 14 15 16 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING GRANTS SEC. 203. Part B of the Mental Retardation Facilities Construction Act is amended by redesignating sections 122, 123, 124, and 125 as sections 123, 124, 125, and 126, respectively, and by adding the following new section after 17 section 121: 18 "SEC. 122. (a) For the purpose of assisting institutions 19 of higher education to contribute more effectively to the solu20 tion of complex health, education, and social problems of 21 children and adults suffering from mental retardation, the 22 Secretary may, in accordance with the provisions of this part, 23 make grants to cover costs of administering and operating 2+ demonstration facilities and interdisciplinary training pro 25 grams for personnel needed to render specialized services to 24 1 the mentally retarded, including established disciplines as 2 well as new kinds of training to meet critical shortages in the 3 care of the mentally retarded. 4 "(b) For the purpose of making grants under this sec 5 tion, there is authorized to be appropriated $20,000,000 6 for each of the next two fiscal years. 7 SEC. 204. Section 123 of such Act, as redesignated by 8 this Act is, amended by inserting "(a)" after "SEC. 122," 9 by inserting "the construction of" before "any facility," and 10 by adding the following new subsection at the end thereof: "(b) Applications for demonstration or training grants 12 under this part may be approved by the Secretary only if 13 the applicant is a college or university operating a facility 14 of the type described in section 121, or is a public nonprofit agency or organization operating such a facility." 11 15 16 SEC. 205. Section 124 of such Act, as redesignated by 17 this Act, is amended by deleting the phrases "for the con18 struction of a facility" and "of construction" in subsection 19 (a) thereof, and by deleting the phrase "in such installments 20 consistent with construction progress,". 21 SEC. 306. Section 125 of such Act, as redesignated by 25 1 this Act, is amended by inserting "construction" before 2 "funds" in the first line thereof. 3 4 MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT SEC. 307. Such Act is amended by adding at the end 5 thereof the following new section: 6 "SEC. 126. Applications for grants under this part may 7 be approved by the Secretary only if the application con8 tains or is supported by reasonable assurances that the grants 9 will not result in any decrease in the level of State, local, and 10 other non-Federal funds for mental retardation services and 11 training which would (except for such grant) be available 12 to the applicant, but that such grants will be used to supple13 ment, and, to the extent practicable, to increase the level 14 of such funds." 93D CONGRESS 1ST SESSION H. R. 5553 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MARCH 13, 1973 Mr. WALDIE introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce A BILL To amend the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963 to provide grants for costs of initiating services in community mental retardation facilities. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 3 That the Mental Retardation Facilities Construction Act is 4 amended by adding at the end the following new part: 2 1 "PART E-GRANTS FOR COSTS OF INITIATING SERVICES 2 3 4 IN COMMUNITY MENTAL RETARDATION FACILITIES "AUTHORIZATION OF GRANTS "SEC. 151. (a) For the purpose of assisting public 5 and nonprofit private agencies, organizations, or institu6 tions to initiate, extend, and improve services in facilities for 7 the mentally retarded principally designed to serve the needs 8 of the particular community or communities in or near which 9 the facility is situated, the Secretary may, in accordance 10 with the provisions of this part, make grants to meet not 11 to exceed 75 per centum of the costs (determined pursuant 12 to regulations under section 154) of providing services in 13 such facilities for the mentally retarded. 14 "(b) In making such grants after June 30, 1973, the 15 Secretary shall give preference to new or expanded services 16 part of the cost of which will be borne out of State or local 17 public funds. "APPLICATIONS AND CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL "SEO. 152. Grants under this part with respect to any facility for the mentally retarded may be made only upon application, and only if— "(1) the applicant is a public or nonprofit private agency, organization, or institution which owns or oper*ates the facility; "(2) the services to be provided by the facility |