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§ 68.137

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wnite, Flat Small White, White Kidney,

Grades and grade requirements 1vK Light Red Kidney, Dark Red Kidney, Small Red, Pink, Black Turtle Soup, and miscellaneous Beans.

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1./ Beans with more than 18.0

percent moisture are graded High moisture.
2./ Beans with more than 2.0 percent contrasting classes are graded Mixed beans.
3. Beans with more than 15.0 percent classes that blend are graded Mixed beans.

[47 FR 19312, May 5, 1982; 47 FR 20549, May 13, 1982]


§ 68.138 Grades and grade requirements for the class Mung Beans.

Beans with more than 18.0 percent moisture are graded High moisture.

2./ Beans with more than 0.5 percent clean cut weevil bored beans are graded U.S. Sample grade.
3./ Beans with more than 2.0 percent contrasting classes are graded Mixed beans.
4. Beans with more than 15.0 percent classes that blend are graded Mixed beans.

[47 FR 19312, May 5, 1982; 47 FR 20550, May 13, 1982]

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Beans with more than 2.0 percent contrasting classes are graded Mixed beans. 3. Beans with more than 15.0 percent classes that blend are graded Mixed beans. [47 FR 19312, May 5, 1982; 47 FR 20551, May 13, 1982]

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§ 68.140 Grades and grade requirements for the classes Baby Lima and miscellaneous Lima Beans.

1./ Beans with more than 18.0 percent moisture are graded High moisture. 2./ Beans with more than 2.0 percent contrasting classes are graded Mixed beans. 3./ Beans with more than 15.0 percent classes that blend are graded Mixed beans.

[47 FR 19313, May 5, 1982; 47 FR 20552, May 13, 1982]

§ 68.141 Grade designations.

The grade designation for all classes of beans shall include in the following order: (a) The letters "U.S."; (b) the name or number of the grade or the name of any applicable special grade designation as appears in § 68.142 (a) and (b); (c) the class, and in the case of Mixed beans, the name and percentage of each class in the mixture; and (d) the special grade designations, if applicable, as appears in § 68.142 (c) and (d). In addition, the designation for the grade "U.S. Substandard" shall nclude the percentage of sound beans. Mixed beans shall be graded according o the grade requirements of the class of beans which predominates in the nixture. The factors of contrasting lasses, classes that blend and sieve ize requirements in the class Large ima beans shall be disregarded in Mixed beans.

17 FR 19313, May 5, 1982]

68.142 Special grade designations.

(a) Choice handpicked. The special rade designation "Choice handicked" shall be applicable only to the lass Pea beans. The "Choice handicked" designation shall include in he following order: (1) The letters U.S."; (2) the words "Choice handicked"; and (3) "Pea beans".

(b) Prime handpicked. The special rade designation “Prime handpicked" applicable only to the class Pea Jeans. The "Prime handpicked" desiglation shall include in the following Order: (1) The letters "U.S."; (2) the Words "Prime handpicked"; and (3) Pea beans".

(c) High moisture. The special grade lesignation "High moisture" is appliable to all classes of beans containing ver 18.0 percent moisture. The words high moisture" and the percentage of aoisture shall follow the class name. (d) Off-color. The special grade desgnation "Off-color" shall be applicale to all classes of beans that upon he removal of total defects, are disinctly off-color due to age or any >ther natural cause but are not mateially weathered. The words "offcolor" shall follow the name of the class. The special grades "Choice Handpicked", "Prime Handpicked",

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