... use : and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited on their respective sides in sufficient time to prevent collision, in such manner as to make them most visible, and so that the green light shall not be seen on the port side nor... Navigation Laws of the United States - Page 286by United States - 1895Full view - About this book
 | Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1868 - 1520 pages
...lights shall be kept on deck, on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for instant exhibition; and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels,...collision, in such manner as to make them most visible, and BO that the green light shall not be seen on the port side, nor the red light on the starboard side.... | |
 | 1900 - 1294 pages
...Lights shall be kept on deck on their respective sides of the Vessel ready for instant exhibition, and shall, on the approach of or to other Vessels,...sides in sufficient time to prevent collision, in such a manner as to make them most visible, and so that the Green Light shall not be seen on the Port side,... | |
 | 1879 - 1110 pages
...and red side lights cannot be fixed, these lights shall be kept on deck, on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for use ; and shall, on the approach...nor the red light on the starboard side. To make the nse of these portable lights more certain and easy, the lanterns containing them shall each be painted... | |
 | 1884 - 1126 pages
...and red side-lights cannot be fixed, these lights shall be kept on deck, on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for use; and shall, on the approach...most visible, and so that the green light shall not be seen on the port-side nor the red light on the starboard-side. To make the use of these portable... | |
 | 1880 - 1122 pages
...lights shall be kept on deck, on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for instant exhibition ; and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels,...most visible, and so that the green light shall not be seen on the port-side, nor the red light on the starboard-side. " To make the use of these portable... | |
 | 1876 - 1186 pages
...green and red lights cannot be fixed, these lights shall be kept on deck, on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for use ; and shall, on the approach...exhibited on their respective sides in sufficient time to * New or modified. — ED. prevent collision, in such manner as to make them most visible, and BO that... | |
 | 1880 - 1110 pages
...and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited on their respective eides in sumcient time to prevent collision, in such manner as to make...most visible, and so that the green light shall not be seen on the port-side, nor the red light on the starboard-side. " To make the use of these portable... | |
 | Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1914 - 1184 pages
...shall be \fj» at hand lighted and ready for use ; and shall, on the approach of or to xber Tesnels, be exhibited on their respective sides in sufficient...such manner as to make them most visible, and so that tfc* green light shall not be seen on the port side nor the red light on the sarboard aide, nor, if... | |
 | 1863 - 1292 pages
...lights shall be kept on deck, on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for instant exhibition ; and shall, on the approach of or to other vessels,...most visible, and so that the Green light shall not be seen on the port side, nor the Red light on the starboard side. 167 shall each be painted outside... | |
 | John William Willcock, Athelstane Willcock - 1863 - 490 pages
...be kept on deck on their respective sides of the vessel, ready for instant exhibition ; and must, on the approach of or to other vessels, be exhibited...make them most visible, and so that the green light may not be seen on the port side, nor the red light on the starboard side. To make the use of these... | |
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