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required grade a little more than one half had been deposited on them. About three fourths of the tidal reservoir had been dredged, and the foundation of the outlet constructed. The expenditures of the past year have been devoted to the improvement of navigation by widening the Washington Channel at its lower end, and removing the shoal at its junction with the Virginia Channel, so that the distance from the wharves along the river-front below Long Bridge to Georgetown has been materially shortened, the material so dredged being deposited on the lower end of Section III; to raising the embankments along the margin of the fill wherever necessary, and along the sewer-canal, protecting the same by means of riprap, and continuing the construction of the reservoir outlet. The latter work has been one of exceptional difficulty owing to the great depth of soft material comprising the bed of the river at its site.

On the 2d of June there occurred the greatest freshet in the Potomac River of which there is any authoritative record. The Potomac at Harper's Ferry rose to the height of 34 feet above the low stage. The water was at one time 2.8 above the rails of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on the bridge, and 6.8 higher than the freshet of 1877. The freshet attained its maximum height at about 10 a. m. on June 2. It was within 3 feet of that height for a period of about twenty-four hours, and within 6 feet of it for about thirty hours. The highest point reached by the water at the Sewer Canal, at the foot of Seventeenth street, was 13.26 feet.

The actual damage to the reclaimed land on the river front was not great. Section I was protected by a heavy growth of willows which retarded the flow of water over it. The water swept over Section II from near the mouth of the Sewer-Canal toward the Washington Channel with considerable velocity, and as the material consists largely of sand many cubic yards were washed into the tidal reservoir. Section III was not badly damaged, as the current below Long Bridge was not nearly so swift. Considerable lumber and tools were lost at the Reservoir Outlet, but the masonry of that structure was not damaged; $25,000 would cover the loss by washing away of material from the flats.

The channels of the river, however, suffered considerably. The Virginia Chaunel above Long Bridge was filled up to such an extent that there is now not more than 14 feet in many places where there was 20 feet. Recent examinations have been made and from them it is estimated that not less than 600,000 cubic yards of material have been deposited in the dredged channel above Long Bridge. Perhaps one-third of this amount was the deposit of prior freshets, there having been a number of them since the channel was dredged to 20 feet. The same channel below Long Bridge did not fill up to any great extent, except at its junction with the Washington Channel, where a deposit of about 3 feet took place. At the upper end of the Washington Channel there was a deposit of about 4 feet, which fell off to nothing at the upper end of the Arsenal Grounds. In the Tidal Reservoir the deposit varies from about 4 feet in some places to less than 1 foot in others. It is estimated in round figures that there was not less than 1,000,000 cubic yards of material brought down the river and deposited in places where it is injurious to the channels of the river and will have to be removed in order to restore them to the condition they were in prior to the freshet.

Long Bridge. The necessity of early action in respect to the rebuilding of Long Bridge is emphasized by this freshet. Had it occurred when the river was full of ice a gorge would in all probability have formed at the bridge, which would have thrown much more water into

the city and done a much larger amount of damage. Attention has often been called to the necessity of rebuilding Long Bridge, and this necessity increases as the work advances. To delay it longer is to put vast interests in jeopardy.

July 1, 1888, amount available.....

Amount appropriated by act of August 11, 1888.

July 1, 1889, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive

of liabilities outstanding July 1, 1888.

July 1, 1889, outstanding liabilities.

July 1, 1889, amount covered by existing contracts..

$23, 124.70 300,000.00

323, 124.70

$174, 298.70

17, 188.87

52, 303.74

July 1, 1889, balance available.....

Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project...... 1, 141, 365. 00 Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1591......

Submitted in compliance with requirements of sections 2 of river and harbor acts of 1866 and 1867.

(See Appendix K 1.)


2. Reconstruction of the Aqueduct Bridge, Georgetown, District of Columbia.-Congress by act approved June 21, 1886, appropriated the sum of $240,000 for the purchase of the Aqueduct Bridge, an unsafe wooden structure over the Potomac, and its approaches, and the construction of a free bridge upon the existing piers. The work was assigned to Lieutenant-Colonel Hains in December, 1886. At the close of the year ending June 30, 1888, the work of reconstruction was about completed, and the new bridge was open to public travel. The operations during the past year consisted of the execution of minor details necessary to a completion of the project. On September 15, 1888, the custody of the bridge was transferred to the District Commissioners in compliance with a requirement of the District appropriation act of July 18, 1888. The matter of the condemnation of the north abutment has been adjudicated, the amount to be paid by the United States being fixed at $10,000.

July 1, 18-8, amount available

July 1, 1889, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of

[blocks in formation]

$11, 128.86

$5, 242. 28


3. Bridge across the Eastern Branch of the Potomac River, District of Columbia.—This bridge is located at the foot of Pennsylvania avenue, southeast, in the District of Columbia. It was authorized by act of Congress approved February 23, 1887, by which an appropriation of $110,000 was made. On September 20, 1887, a contract for the construction of an iron bridge resting on masonry piers was made with the Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Company of Groton, New York. The total price being $105,000. The original plan provided for a 90foot through span at the west end of the bridge, over the tracks of the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company. When the contractors commenced the excavation for the foundation for the west abutment, they were forcibly interfered with by the railroad company, which claimed that the abutment encroached upon the company's right of way. Subsequently the railroad officials expressed a desire to move their tracks about 187 feet to the eastward of their existing location.

By act approved May 14, 1888, Congress authorized the Secretary of War to make such changes in the plan of the bridge as would best accommodate the traffic over and under it, and appropriated $60,000 to provide for the cost, coupling therewith a proviso that the railroad company should pay its fair and just proportion of the cost of the changes at the west end of the bridge. It was difficult to fix upon modifications acceptable to the Government and to the railroad company, and which the contractors would agree to adopt for a reasonable price, and at the close of the fiscal year, 1888, operations were practically at a stand. July, 1888, however, the matter was adjusted, and a supplemental contract made with the Groton Company for the erection, at the west end of the bridge, of two through spans of 151 feet each, in place of one 90foot through span and two 112-foot deck spans as originally designed. The additional price to be paid the contractors is $40,000.

At the close of the year ending June 30, 1889, nine iron deck spans were erected and their piers completed, the embankment for the eastern approach was nearly completed, and the contractors were engaged in the construction of the two 151-foot through spans and the piers which are to support them. The west abutment was nearly completed.

July 1, 1888, amount available

July 1, 1889, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of

liabilities outstanding July 1, 1888

July 1, 1889, outstanding liabilities....

July 1, 1889, amount covered by existing contracts...

July 1, 1889, balance available

$1, 154. 74

$45, 198. 10
8,704. 47
80, 455.56

15, 846.76

(See Appendix K 3.)



The required preliminary examinations of the following localities were made by the local engineer in charge, Lieutenant-Colonel Hains, and reported by him as not worthy of improvement, with facts and reasons for such opinion. The Chief of Engineers concurring in the conclusions reached in these instances, has given no instructions to make further survey with the view to their improvement:

1. Eastern Branch of the Potomac River, Maryland.-(See Appendix K 4.)

2. South Branch of the Potomac River, West Virginia.-(See Appendix K 5.)

3. Great Cacapan River, West Virginia-(See Appendix K 6.)


Engineer in charge, Mr. S. T. Abert, United States Agent; division engineer, Col. William P. Craighill, Corps of Engineers.

1. Patuxent River, Maryland, from Benedict to Hill's Landing.-Two only of the five bars between Benedict and Hill's Landing have been surveyed. These are Swann's Point and Bristol bars, respectively, 43 and 46 miles from the mouth of the river. At Swann's Point Bar the least

depth within the limit of the proposed channel was found to be 7.2 feet at low water. At Bristol Bar the least depth was 4.7 near the county wharf.

Steam navigation on both bars is impeded at low water.

The improvement consists in dredging a cut 200 feet wide and from 12 to 13 feet deep, which will give, when completed, a channel of about 100 feet wide and 124 feet deep at low water.

Bids received for dredging were excessive (probably on account of the small appropriation and the difficulty of finding convenient dumping-grounds) and were rejected.

An attempt will be made in the autumn to secure reasonable bids. Up to June 30, 1889, $255.29 has been expended.

Amount appropriated by act of August 11, 1888...............

July 1, 1889, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of liabilities outstanding July 1, 1888.....

July 1, 1889, balance available.....





Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project..........
Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 10,000.00
Submitted in compliance with requirements of sections 2 of river and
barbor acts of 1866 and 1867.

(See Appendix L 1.)

2. Channel at Mount Vernon, Virginia —Previous to the commencement of this improvement there was a depth of but 4 feet at low water over the wide flat between the wharf at Mount Vernon and the main channel of the Potomac River, a distance of 1,900 feet. The present project, adopted in 1879, and amended in 1888, is to excavate a channel from deep water of the Potomac to the wharf at Mount Vernon which shall have when completed a width of 200 feet and a depth of from 9 to 10 feet at low water, with a turning-basin of 200 feet radius. The amount expended to June 30, 1889, is $13,971.44.

The channel has been dredged a distance of 2,300 feet from the wharf to the main channel of the Potomac. It has a width varying from 60 to 100 feet, and the basin a width of 360 feet.

The depths in the channel and basin within the limits mentioned vary from 9 to 12.8 feet.

As stated in the Report for 1888, no instrumental examination has been made from 1881 to June 30, 1888. The superintendent of Mount Vernon reported that the channel had filled about 10 per cent. (in depth). Upon this representation was based the statement that $8,500 would complete the improvement.

A survey under the last appropriation showed that the basin was nearly obliterated, and that the work required to complete the channel would be increased by the deposit.

Amount appropriated by act of Angust 11, 1888....
July 1, 18-9, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of
liabilities outstanding July 1, 1888.


$5,466. 44

July 1, 1889, outstanding liabilities..


5, 471.44

July 1, 1889, balance available......



Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project..........
Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1891
Submitted in compliance with requirements of sections 2 of river and
harbor acts of 1866 and 1867.

(See Appendix L 2.)


3. Breton Bay, Leonardtown, Maryland.-The harbor of Leonardtown, at the upper end of Breton Bay, prior to the commencement of the present improvement, had a least depth of 5 feet at low water, which was insufficient for the passage of steamers to and from Leonardtown Wharf.

The bar which was assumed to extend to the 9-foot curve in the bay was about 1 mile in length.

The original project submitted in 1875 provided for a channel 150 feet wide, with enlargement to 400 feet in the widest part at the turn, and turning ground at the wharf of maximum width of 430 feet and length of 770 feet, depth 9 feet at mean low water.

In 1885 it was proposed to widen the cut to 200 feet for a distance of 13 miles, and to enlarge the basin to a width of 400 feet by 800 feet in length, depth in channel and basin not to be less than 10 feet. The effect of the increased dimensions would be to preserve the navigable width of the channel.

The amount expended to June 30, 1888, was $29,173.96.

A basin was dredged 980 feet long by 370 wide, at the upper end; and thence a channel was dredged 150 wide for a distance of 1,870 feet, and 185 feet wide for a further distance of 1,420 feet.

The depths varied from 8.5 feet to 13.3 at low water. This describes the channel up to June 30, 1888.

During the year ending June 30, 1889, $2,486.06 was expended in excavating 13,141 cubic yards of material at the rate of 133 cents. The total cost of the work to June 30, 1889, is $31,660.02.

The channel was widened at the turn 80 feet for a distance of 480 feet and 95 feet for a distance of 605 feet.

The dimensions above the turn are the same as in 1888. At the turn the width varies from 185 to 280 feet, and the depths from 8 feet to 14.6 feet at low water.

July 1, 1888, amount available..

Amount appropriated by act of August 11, 1888.

July 1, 1889, amount expended during fiscal year, exclusive of liabilities outstanding July 1, 1888

July 1, 1889, outstanding liabilities..

July 1, 1889, balance available....

$326.04 3,000,00

3, 3:26. 04


2, 486.06


Amount (estimated) required for completion of existing project........
Amount that can be profitably expended in fiscal year ending June 30, 1891
Submitted in compliance with requirements of sections 2 of river and
harbor acts of 1866 and 1867.

(See Appendix L 3.)

17,000.00 10,000.00

4. Nomini Creek, Virginia.-This stream is an important tributary of the Potomac, 82 miles below Washington, draining a large area of productive country.

Navigation was obstructed by a bar of sand and oyster shells at its mouth, over which but 3 feet could be carried at low water, and the dangers and difficulties of passing the bar were further increased by a cross-tide and an exceedingly rapid current.

After passing the bar 8 feet can be carried to Nomini Ferry, 3 miles above the mouth.

The original project for the improvement was adopted in 1873, the object being to excavate a channel through this bar 100 feet wide and 9 feet deep at low water.

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