Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
adjudication fee ambayo amendments Assistant Minister Awendo Balala beg to support boats Bunge Chair Committee of Experts communities Constitution of Kenya current Constitution devolution devolved units District document Draft Constitution enact ensure Experts CoE give going Government Griftu Pastoral Training hapa hospital House issue James Orengo Kadhis Court kama Kamati Katiba hii mpya Katiba ya sasa kazi Kenya Review Act Keynan Kilimo kipengele kufanya kuna kuwa kwamba Lakini land lazima legislation Livestock Development majaji Makamu wa Rais mambo maoni Marsabit North Martin Shikuku Minister for Agriculture Naibu Spika National Assembly nchi nguvu North Eastern Province North Horr northern Kenya Parliament point of order President presidential system proposed Constitution Question regions Rift Valley Province SACCO Senate sheria Spika wa Muda strategic plan Teleposta Telkom Kenya Temporary Deputy Speaker title deeds tunataka Ukiangalia Wabunge wakati wananchi Waziri yetu zamani