Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Agriculture and Rural ambayo Angwenyi Assistant Minister Attorney-General aware Bank of Kenya beg to support Bill Board of Kenya cent Chair Co-operative Bank co-operative societies Coffee Board coffee farmers coffee industry coffee sector constituencies corruption crops dams deductions desilting District earn Finance Government House Imanyara issue J.D. Lotodo KACA kama KANU Kathangu katika Keah Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Kirinyaga District Kitonga Kiunjuri KPCU KPLC kuwa kwamba lakini loans Machakos District Madoka Maitha Makueni District marketing matter Members of Parliament million Minister for Agriculture Ministry Motion of Adjournment Mswada Mwenje Naibu Spika nchi Ndilinge Ngilu Nyachae oppose this Motion point of order police President Maj problem programme Question roads Ruiru Select Committee Serikali Sessional Paper STABEX funds Sumbeiywo Sunkuli support the Motion talk Taveta tell Temporary Deputy Speaker title deed uchumi voting Waithaka Wanjala wetu yesterday