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Although young workers have always had higher unemployment rates than adults, their unemployment experience has grown progressively worse in the last 20 years.

Chart I shows the ratio of the unemployment
rate of 16-17 year olds to the adult rate in
1970 and compares it with two earlier years
when the adult unemployment rate was at
the same level as in 1970. The unemployment
rate for 18-19 year olds is also much higher
than the adult rate but not as severe as that
for 16-17 year olds.

Chart II plots the unemployment rates of teenagers and adults over the past two


Chart I

The Ratio of Teenage to Adult Unemployment Rates Has
Increased in Recent Years*

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Chart 11

The Unemployment Rate Among Young People is Always High. In Recent Years It Has Grown Higher Compared to the Adult Rate. The Gap Has Widened.

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1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970


In the last 20 years the population explosion has increased the total number of teenagers at four times the rate of adults. (Chart III) There has been no comparable increase in the number of jobs available for new entrants into the labor market. With more in this age group looking for jobs and with limited growth in the number of available jobs, a traditional problem has worsened. Hence, more suitable teenage jobs need to be developed by providing employment incentives.

Chart III

Teenage Population (16-19) Has Increased Much Faster Than the Adult Population (25-64)--

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