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See Anti-Trust Acts.

COMITY. See Trading with the Enemy Act.

COMPROMISE. See Admiralty, 3; Parties, 1.

CONDEMNATION. See Constitutional Law, IX, 10, 11.

CONDITIONS. See Public Lands, 1.

CONFLICT OF LAWS. See Trading with the Enemy Act.


I. General, p. 719.

II. Judiciary, p. 719.
III. States, p. 719.

IV. Commerce Clause, p. 720.

V. Taxing Power, p. 720.

VI. First Amendment, p. 721.
VII. Fourth Amendment, p. 721.
VIII. Fifth Amendment, p. 721.
IX. Fourteenth Amendment, p. 721
X. Sixteenth Amendment, p. 722.
XI. Eighteenth Amendment, p. 722.

I. General.

1. Construction of Statute, to avoid unconstitutionally.
Linder v. U. S...

Lewellyn v. Frick.




2. Unconstitutional Statute. Status of party to attack.
Pierce v. Society of Sisters....


3. Separable Statute. Constitutional part sustained without
passing on others not involved. Weller v. New York...... 319

II. Judiciary. See Jurisdiction.

Compensation. Duty of Congress to fix, and protection
against diminution. Miles v. Graham....


III. States. See IV, IX, infra.

1. Tax on Federal Lands, for special improvements, void.
Road Dist....



2. Transfer Taxation, on legacy from resident decedent void
so far as measured by tangible personal property situate in
other States. Frick v. Pennsylvania.

3. Id. Concurrency of taxing power of federal and state
governments. Id.




4. Inheritance Laws of State, have no extraterritorial opera-
tion. Id.

5. Highways. Assertion of state rights in by suit to enjoin
federal officer from controlling traffic in National Park.
Colorado v. Toll....

See IX, 10, 11, infra.



6. Federal Agency. State statute authorizing action against
by amendment of pleadings, contrary to federal law, void.
Davis v. Cohen Co.....


IV. Commerce Clause.

1. Opium. Power to prevent importation and penalize con-
cealment. Yee Hem v. U.S.......


2. Grain Grading Act, of North Dakota, regulating and
supervising grading and buying of grain, unconstitutional
interference with interstate commerce. Shafer v. Grain Co.. 189
3. Id. Not sustainable as aid to federal Grain Standards
Act. Id.

4. State Corporation Excise Tax, invalid where business
wholly interstate. Cement Co. v. Massachusetts........... 203
5. Salesman's License, invalid where orders taken for goods
to be shipped on partial credit from another State, though
licensing statute applies only to cases where advance pay-
ments from customers constitute salesman's only compensa-
tion from employer. Hosiery Mills v. Portland..

6. Fraud. Expressed purpose of state license law to prevent
does not excuse interference with interstate commerce. Id.
7. Production of Goods, when conspiracy to prevent amounts
to obstruction of interstate commerce. Coronado Co. v.
Mine Workers....


8. Builders' Combination, to withhold supplies from employ-
ers not operating "open shop ", not direct interference with
interstate commerce when local in purpose and confined to
supplies produced or localized in State. Indust. Ass'n. v.
U. S....

V. Taxing Power. See III, supra; IX, X, infra.




1. Scope. Does not extend to matters inappropriate to en-
forcement of revenue measure. Linder v. U. S......


2. Narcotics. Taxation of no basis for controlling medical
practice. Id.


VI. First Amendment.

Liberty of Press. Right to print data from income tax re-
turns. See U. S. v. Dickey...

U. S. v. Baltimore Post.

VII. Fourth Amendment.

1. Search and Seizure, of unlawfully possessed wine on prem-
ises licensed by United States for sale for sacramental use.
Dumbra v. U.S....

2. Id. Probable Cause. Id.

VIII. Fifth Amendment.

1. Due Process and Self-Incrimination. Presumptions cre-
ated by act penalizing concealment of illegally imported
opium, constitutional. Yee Hem v. U. S......

2. Statute of Limitations, when it enters into and destroys
cause of action, can not be suspended retroactively. Danzer
& Co. v. G. & S. I. R. R. Co......

IX. Fourteenth Amendment.

1. Railroad Rates, State order fixing, lacks due process when
made arbitrarily without support of evidence. Nor. Pac. Ry.
Co. v. Dept. of Public Works...

2. Id. Order arbitrarily lowering inadequate rates not saved
by being limited to experimental period. Id.

3. Street Railway Rates and Transfers. Order regulating
held confiscatory. Banton v. Belt Line Ry. Corp..








... 413

4. Id. Effect of accepting rate and putting in effect. Id.
5. Id. Cost of Transfer Business. How computed. Id.
6. Id. Service and Facilities. Power of State to regulate
without adequate compensation. Id.

7. Id. Contract, binding both public utility and city re-
mains valid though rates become inadequate. Sou. Utilities
Co. v. Palatka...

8. Id. Mutuality, of contract notwithstanding power to
change rates retained by legislature. Id.

9. Alien Land Law. Statutory presumption that taking title
for inhibited alien in another's name is to avoid escheat-
consistent with due process and equal protection of law.
Cockrill v. California..



10. Condemnation of Road. Notice and opportunity for
hearing on damages, when adequate. Land Co. v. Hoffman. 276


11. Id. Necessity for taking, legislative question; hearing
unessential. Id.


12. Ticket Brokers. Licensing of. Weller v. New York... 319
13. Id. Separable Statute. Licensing valid independently
of provision restricting prices. Id.

14. Taxation. State can not tax property beyond borders in
guise of taxing intrastate business of foreign corporation.
Cement Co. v. Massachusetts......

... 203

15. Inheritance Taxes. Both transmittal and reception of
estate subject to taxation. Stebbins v. Riley......
16. Id. Inequalities, among residuary legatees resulting from
statute not allowing deduction of federal estate tax in valu-
ing estate for fixing state tax, are not unconstitutional. Id.
17. Inheritance Tax. Void in so far as measured by tangible
personalty outside of State. Frick v. Pennsylvania...
18. Id. Stock Transfer Tax, imposed by other States, must
be deducted in measuring state transfer tax at decedent's


19. Id. Federal Estate Tax. Need not be deducted. Id.
20. Special Assessment, for improvements of federal lands,
void as applied to subsequent grantee of Government. Lee
v. Road Imp. Dist.....



21. Freedom of Speech and Press, protection of by due
process clause. Gitlow v. New York.....


22. Seditious Publications, advocating overthrow of organized
government by force, punishable by State. Id.

23. Public Instruction of Children. Act compelling exceeds

power of States. Pierce v. Society of Sisters...


24. Id. Liberty, of parents and guardians. Id.

25. Id. Private Schools, right to have patrons protected. Id.
26. Corporations, "liberty" of. Id.

X. Sixteenth Amendment. See V, supra.

[ocr errors]

1. Legacy, of income from fund in trust, taxable to legatee,
under Act 1913, as income, and not exempted as property
acquired by gift or bequest." Irwin v. Gavit..


.. 628

2. Subsidies granted railroad by foreign government not in-
Edwards v. Cuba R. R. Co.....


XI. Eighteenth Amendment. See VII, supra.

Undrinkable Alcohol. Implied power to regulate or prevent
sale. Selzman v. U. S......


CONSTRUCTION. See Contracts, 1, 2; Statutes.

CONTRACTS. See Constitutional Law, IX, 7, 8; Negotiable
Instruments; Trading with Enemy Act.

1. With United States. Determined like private contracts.
Reading Steel Casting Co. v. U. S....

2. Id. Sales. Government's right to reject goods must be
exercised in reasonable time. Id.



3. Public Service Rates. Acceptance of not agreement to
abide by when confiscatory. Banton v. Belt Line Ry...... 413
See Const. Law, IX, 7, 8.

4. Id. Successor Corporation, through foreclosure, not
bound by rates in force at date of purchase if they become
confiscatory. Id.

5. Party in Pari Delicto, can not recover money paid in vio-
lation of foreign law. Insurance Co. v. Miller...
CORPORATIONS. See Constitutional Law, IX, 23-26; In-
junctions, 2; Parties, 3, 7; Taxation, I, 6-8, 10, 11, 14, 15;
Id. II, 3, 5, 10.

Regulation of Rates. See Constitutional Law, IX.

"Capital Stock," meaning of in tax act. Ray Copper Co.
v. U. S....

COURT OF CLAIMS. See Claims, 1, 7, 8.



CRIMINAL LAW. See Habeas Corpus; Narcotics; Parties, 4.

1. Certiorari. U. S. v. Gulf Ref. Co......


2. Embezzlement, as ground for extradition to Mexico.
Fernandez v. Phillips.


3. Id. Not committed by failure to pay admissions fees tax.
U. S. v. Johnston....


4. Nonpayment of Tax, on such fees punishable under Rev-
enue Act. Id.

5. Removal Proceedings. Discharge by Commissioner not
controlling on subsequent application to District Judge.
U. S. v. Levy.....


See Jurisdiction, V; Narcotics.

Remission of Duties, grounds for under Tariff Act. U. S.
v. Fish

DAMAGES. See Admiralty; Equity, 1, 2; Interstate Com-
merce Acts, 1-8; Labor Unions.

DEBTS. See Bankruptcy, 12, 13.



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