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" man's potential for change and growth is much greater than we are willing to admit and that old age be regarded not as the age of stagnation but as the age of opportunities for inner growth. "
Reports and Guidelines from the White House Conference on Aging - Page vii
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Proposed White House Conference on Aging: Hearings, Ninetieth ..., Volumes 11-12

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Special Subcommittee on Aging - 1968 - 332 pages
...solely in man's relationship to God. It is this relationship which gives meaning to all human values. In the light of it, every period of life, God and to accept the assurance of eternal life. So that religion may play its full and proper part in the life of the aging, it is recommended that...
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Proposed White House Conference on Aging: Hearings Before the Special ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Labor and Public Welfare - 1968 - 326 pages
...religious bodies and the proper conduct of those sponsored by Government or voluntary agencies in a mariner consonant with the nature of man and the God and to accept the assurance of eternal life. So that religion may play its full and proper part in the life of the aging, it is recommended that...
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Toward a National Policy on Aging: Proceedings, Volumes 1-2

1973 - 478 pages
...existence. Similarly, it is the basis of a concern for the right of every individual to a burial benefiting human dignity. "It has been suggested that 'man's...God and to accept the assurance of eternal life." The Facts of Life We start from the premise that life for older people, like that for all others, will...
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How Do I Decide?: A Contemporary Jewish Approach to What's Right and What's ...

Roland Bertram Gittelsohn - 1989 - 188 pages the age of opportunities for inner growth. The years of old age . . . are indeed formative years, rich in possibilities to unlearn the follies of a...deepen understanding and compassion, to widen the horizons of honesty, to refine the sense of fairness. Abraham Joshua Heschel. ' "Ib Grow in Wisdom....
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Holiness in Words: Abraham Joshua Heschel's Poetics of Piety

Edward K. Kaplan, Professor of French and Comparative Literature Edward K Kaplan - 1996 - 242 pages
...failed to sense, the insights we have missed, the wisdom we ignored. They are indeed formative years, rich in possibilities to unlearn the follies of a...widen the horizon of honesty, to refine the sense of fairness.31 After developing his analysis of old age, he summarizes its preciousness in a striking...
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Growing Together: Resources, Programs, and Experiences for Jewish Family ...

Jeffrey L. Schein, Judith S. Schiller - 2001 - 368 pages the age of opportunities for inner growth. The years of old age . . . are indeed formative years, rich in possibilities to unlearn the follies of a...horizon of honesty, to refine the sense of fairness." All: May you be blessed with man}' formative years, rich in opportunities, and new roads yet to be...
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Reports of the Special Concern Sessions, Issues 1-23

1971 - 600 pages
...existence. Similarly, it is the basis of a concern for the right of every individual to a burial benefiting human dignity. "It has been suggested that 'man's...God and to accept the assurance of eternal life." The Facts of Life We start from the premise that life for older people, like that for all others, will...
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