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" Private voluntary effort and public assistance can contribute much to the solution of the problem of health care for the aged. However, they will continue to fall short of meeting the basic medical care needs of the aged as a whole. The majority of the... "
Reports and Guidelines from the White House Conference on Aging - Page 12
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Problems of the Aging: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ..., Volumes 9-12

United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee on Aging. Subcommittee on Federal and State Activities - 1962 - 570 pages
...meeting the basic medical care needs of the aped as a whole. The majority of the delegates of section 2 (by a vote of 170 to 99) believe that the social security...basic means of financing health care for the aged." Yes, there is a problem. It is real, it is extensive, and it is progressively •getting worse. How...
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Problems of the Aging: Hearings, Eighty-seventh Congress, First Session

United States. Congress. Senate. Special Committee on Aging. Subcommittee on Federal and State Activities - 1961 - 894 pages needs of the aged as a whole. The majority of the delegates of section 2 (by a vote of 170 to 00) believe that the social security mechanism should...basic means of financing health care for the aged." Yes, there is a problem. It Is real, it is extensive, and it is progressively getting worse. How then,...
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Health Services for the Aged Under the Social Security Insurance System

United States. Congress. House. Ways and Means - 1961 - 1378 pages needs of the aged, as a whole. The majority of the delegates of section 2 (by a vote of 170 to W) believe that the social security mechanism should...basic means of financing health care for the aged. And at this same conference, still another former Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Marion...
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Health Services for the Aged Under the Social Security ..., Volumes 1-2

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1961 - 1412 pages
...needs of the aged, as a whole. The majority of the delegates of section 2 (by a vote of 170 to J)9) believe that the social security mechanism should...basic means of financing health care for the aged. And at this same conference, still another former Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Marion...
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Health Services for the Aged Under the Social Security ..., Volumes 3-4

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - 1961 - 1126 pages
...opinion of delegates who served on Section on Income Maintenance at last White House Conference on Aging that the social security mechanism should be the basic means of financing health care for the aged. We object to any health program (or the aged based solely on old-age assistance which constitutes a...
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Hearings, Reports and Prints of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare - 1967 - 1750 pages
...meeting the basic medical care needs of the aged as a whole. The majority of the delegates of Section 2 (by a vote of 170 to 99) believe that the social security...same way as OASDI cash benefits, would give to the nged the assurance that the costs of essential health care will be met when their working years are...
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Health Services for the Aged Under the Social Security Insurance System

United States. Congress. House Ways and Means - 1961 - 1120 pages
...public assistance, and a variety of other programs. « * * The majority of the delegates of section 2 (by a vote of 170 to 99) believe that the social security...basic means of financing health care for the aged." I am proud of having had the privilege of being a member of the section which repared and adopted the...
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United States. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare - 1957
...recommendation of the income-maintenance section that the old-age, survivors, and disability insurance mechanism should be the basic means of financing health care for the aged. At the end of fiscal year 1961, total payments under social security and related programs were made...
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