Reports and Guidelines from the White House Conference on Aging, Issues 1-14U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Special Staff on Aging, 1961 |
From inside the book
Results 1-5 of 50
Page 14
... schools produce only about 500 graduates a year . The number of schools and graduates must be increased substantially if the needs are to be met . The 6,000 registered occupational therapists fall far short of meeting the need . The ...
... schools produce only about 500 graduates a year . The number of schools and graduates must be increased substantially if the needs are to be met . The 6,000 registered occupational therapists fall far short of meeting the need . The ...
Page 36
... schools as well as in speech and hearing , and rehabilitation centers and for the promotion of research as part of the major edu- cative effort . d . Recognize the need for safety provision for those with hearing loss , especially in ...
... schools as well as in speech and hearing , and rehabilitation centers and for the promotion of research as part of the major edu- cative effort . d . Recognize the need for safety provision for those with hearing loss , especially in ...
Page 42
... schools of medicine , dentistry , nursing , physical therapy , occupational therapy , and other medically related schools give more emphasis to rehabilitation con- cepts and practices and to geriatrics . Some also point out the need for ...
... schools of medicine , dentistry , nursing , physical therapy , occupational therapy , and other medically related schools give more emphasis to rehabilitation con- cepts and practices and to geriatrics . Some also point out the need for ...
Page 4
... schools and other appropriate institutions . 6. The anticipated expansion of research in the biology of aging demands a significant increase in the supply of trained investigators . We therefore recommend that Federal support be given ...
... schools and other appropriate institutions . 6. The anticipated expansion of research in the biology of aging demands a significant increase in the supply of trained investigators . We therefore recommend that Federal support be given ...
Page 71
... schools concerning the minutiae of disease processes . This excludes studies bearing on the positive growth and ... School of Dentistry 71.
... schools concerning the minutiae of disease processes . This excludes studies bearing on the positive growth and ... School of Dentistry 71.
Common terms and phrases
action activities adequate adult education agencies American Dental Association areas ARTHUR LARSON Association atherosclerosis Background Paper basic benefits centers Chairman changes concerned Conference on Aging coordination costs Council delegates Dental Department of Health disabled Discussion Leader disease effect employees employment facilities factors Federal Government field of aging financing funds geriatric gerontology increase individual institutions January 9 labor levels LILLIAN MOLLER GILBRETH living MARC H meet ment National Advisory Committee national voluntary organizations needs OASDI old age older persons older workers opportunities participation percent periodontal disease personnel Planning Committee Policy Statement problems professional programs public assistance recommendations recreation rehabilitation Research in Gerontology responsibility ROBERT BLUE ROBERT W role schools Section senior citizens Social Security Social Security Administration society specific Staff on Aging THOMAS O'ROURKE tion U.S. DEPARTMENT University Voluntary Services White House Conference Workgroup
Popular passages
Page 70 - The problem of furnishing an adequate level of high quality health care for the aged is so large and so complex that its solution will require the use of a variety of approaches, including individual and family resources, voluntary health insurance, industrial programs, social security, public assistance, and a variety of other programs. Present Federal legislation providing Governmental aid for recipients of public assistance and for the medically indigent is desirable and should be strengthened...
Page 1 - He that would bring home the wealth of the Indies, must carry out the wealth of the Indies.
Page 12 - Private voluntary effort and public assistance can contribute much to the solution of the problem of health care for the aged. However, they will continue to fall short of meeting the basic medical care needs of the aged as a whole. The majority of the delegates of Section 2 (by a vote of 170 to 99) believe that the social security mechanism should be the basic means of financing health care for the aged.
Page 83 - In an economy characterized by rising wages and salaries it is necessary to give periodic review to the maximum amount of earnings subject to contributions and credited toward benefits under OASDI, since this maximum determines the proportion of the covered payrolls available to finance the program and is a major factor in determining the extent to which the program pays benefits reasonably related to the past earnings of the individual. 7. The level of benefits under OASDI should be...
Page 40 - Reported Illness and the Utilization of Medical Care," Public Welfare, 18, April 1960. -. "Some Findings from a National Study of the Health Needs of Older People," Proceedings of the Joint Council to Improve the Health Care of the Aged, Washington, DC, June 1959.
Page vii - man's potential for change and growth is much greater than we are willing to admit and that old age be regarded not as the age of stagnation but as the age of opportunities for inner growth.
Page 10 - Differential benefits based on a work record are a reward for productive effort and are consistent with general economic incentives, while the knowledge that benefits will be paid — irrespective of whether the individual is in need — supports and stimulates his drive to add his personal savings to the basic security he has acquired through the insurance system. Under such a social insurance system, the individual earns a right to a benefit that is related to his contribution to production.
Page 32 - Americans depends upon a strong, sound and secure economy capable of providing a high level of goods and services. The first principle of a constructive approach to the income maintenance needs of the aged, therefore, is that the measures taken to promote oldage security be in harmony with broad economic objectives. The second principle of a constructive approach to the income maintenance needs of the aged is that there should be opportunity for productive employment for those who are able and want...
Page 45 - Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, DC 20551. Transaction category, or sector 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 19 76 19 77 19 7В 1 Total funds advanced in credit markets to HI H2 HI H2 HI...
Page 93 - Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.