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Chairman: RONALD H. BORN, director, San Francisco Public Welfare Department,


Discussion Leader: NORMAN V. LOURIE, deputy secretary, Department of Public Welfare, Pennsylvania

Recorder: RUTH B. Flanagan, executive secretary, Duval County Welfare Department, Florida

Resource: RALPH ATKINS, director of public assistance, Public Welfare Board of North Dakota

CORNELIA M. Dunphy, principal assistance standards specialist, Bureau of Public Assistance, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare


Financing Medical Costs

Chairman: REV. JOHN R. ANSCHUTZ, Christ Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C. Discussion Leader: FEDELE F. FAURI, dean, School of Social Work, The University of Michigan

Recorder: LUDWIG JAFFE, director of research and education, New York State AFL-CIO

Resource: HERMAN M. SOMERS, chairman, Political Science Department, Haverford College, Pennsylvania

IDA C. MERRIAM, Director, Division of Program Research, Social Security Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare


Chairman: CHARLES E. ODELL, Director, Older and Retired Workers Department, United Auto Workers, AFL-CIO, Michigan

Discussion Leader: WAYNE VASEY, dean, Graduate School of Social Work, Rutgers University, New Jersey

Recorder: H. HAROLD LEAVEY, vice president and general counsel, California-
Western States Life Insurance Co., California

Resource: HERBERT NOTKIN, M.D., medical director, Onondaga Department of
Public Welfare, New York
CHARLES E. HAWKINS, Legislative Reference Officer, Social Security
Administration, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare


Chairman: WALTER U. KENNEDY, M.D., surgeon and president of Henry County Welfare Board, Indiana

Discussion Leader: I. JACK FASTEAU, professor of public administration and social work, Graduate School of Public Administration, New York University

Recorder: HYMAN BOOKBINDER, legislative representative, AFL-CIO, Washington, D.C.

Resource: BARBARA N. ARMSTRONG, professor of law emeritus, University of California

ELLEN PERKINS, Assistant Chief, Division of Program Statistics and Analysis, Bureau of Public Assistance, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare


Chairman: J. DOUGLAS COLMAN, president, Associated Hospital Service of New York

Discussion Leader: ALTON E. LINFORD, dean, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago, Illinois

Recorder: IRWIN E. KLASS, director of information and public relations, Chicago Federation of Labor, Illinois

Resource: MATHILDA SCHEUER, R.N., president, American Nurses' Association,

New York

S. DAVID POMRINSE, M.D., M.P.H., Chief, Health Professions Branch, Division of Public Health Methods, Public Health Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare


Chairman: RAYMOND W. HOUSTON, commissioner, New York State Department of Social Welfare

Discussion Leader: VERNON R. BURT, Chairman, Governor's Commission on Aging, Ohio

Recorder: M. S. ROBERTSON, Retired Professor and associate director of research,

College of Education, Louisiana State University

Resource: KATHERINE ELLICKSON, Assistant Director, Department of Social Security of AFL--CIO, Washington, D.C.

JAMES C. CALLISON, program analyst, Social Security Administration,
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare


Chairman: WALTER F. FOODY, Jr., vice president, Continental Casualty Insurance Co., Illinois

Discussion Leader: John W. MCCONNELL, dean, New York State School of
Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University

Recorder: JOHN F. PLETZ, chief, Bureau of Standards and Procedures, Division
of Welfare, State Department of Public Health and Welfare, Missouri
Resource: JOHN TAMAYKO, director, Pension and Insurance Department, United
Steelworkers of America, Pennsylvania
MILTON FORSTER, Director of Reports and Statistics, Veterans


Chairman: JUDGE GEORGE SCHWOLSKY, member of Connecticut Commission on Services for Elderly Persons

Discussion Leader: EVELINE M. BURNS, professor of social work, The New York

School of Social Work of Columbia University

Recorder: KENNETH E. POHlmann, rehabilitation consultant, UMWA Welfare

and Retirement Fund, Washington, D.C.

Resource: J. F. FOLLMANN, JR., Director of Information and Research, Health Insurance Association of America, New York

AGNES W. BREWSTER, medical economist, Division of Public Health Methods, Public Health Service, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare

Workgroup: Private Pensions and Individually Provided Retirement Income and Resources

Chairman: WILLIAM C. GREENOUGH, president, Teachers Insurance and An-
nuity Association and College Retirement Equities Fund, New York
Discussion Leader: ROBERT S. LANE, manager, employee benefits, Socony Mobil
Oil Co., Inc., New York

Recorder: TED F. SILVEY, research associate, Research Department, AFL-CIO
Resource: ROBERT TILOVE, senior vice president, Martin E. Segal & Co., Inc.,
New York
EDMUND M. DAGGIT, economist, Debt Analysis Staff, Office of the
Secretary, Department of Treasury

Workgroup: Measuring Resources and Income Needs of Aged Persons
Chairman: PAUL L. WINSOR, commissioner, Department of Health and Welfare,


Discussion Leader: SIDNEY GOLDSTEIN, professor of sociology, Brown University, Rhode Island

Recorder: MOSES GOZONSKY, economist, United Steelworkers of America, Wash

[blocks in formation]

Resource: STANLEY RUTTENBERG, director, Department of Research, AFL-CIO,

Washington, D.C.

HELEN LAMALE, Consumption Studies Branch Chief, Bureau of Labor
Statistics, Department of Labor


Some General Reactions by Workgroup Leaders

IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the Conference, Workgroup chairmen and discussion leaders were asked by the Section Chairman if they wished to make any observations about their Workgroups that could be used "in providing the insight that we should have for the final Conference report of our Section-an insight that we ourselves were unable to get because of the impossibility of sitting in with all of the Workgroups."

Many responded, and their comments are summarized here along with some observations of delegates participating in these Workgroups.

Not unexpectedly, the comments frequently balanced each other. Some reported adequate time for careful exploration and discussion of all issues referred to the Workgroups; others and this difference may reflect differences in the complexity of the Workgroup assignment-reported insufficient time.

The resource materials that were provided to each delegate-and the considerably more voluminous materials sent to the Workgroup leaders to prepare them for their tasks were in some instances applauded as valuable references that would continue to serve as working documents for years to come. In other instances, they were considered to be of little assistance and, more important, to get in the way of a consideration of the pros and cons around each major issue, as identified in the Background Papers.

Much of the need for additional resource materials was perhaps eliminated by the use of resource persons, commended by one Workgroup leader as "a terrific asset. They gave the impression of having facts at their fingertips and were frequently utilized."

Some believed that the Workgroups generally ignored the recommendations emanating from State conferences, in which countless thousands of persons had participated that the White House Conference recommendations were thus based primarily on the personal opinions of the individuals in the Workgroups, rather than on the broader base of State recommendations. On the other hand, there were Workgroups that made maximum use of the State recommendations as a springboard for their discussions. A leader of one of these stated that the delegates in his Workgroup-although primarily laymen-were able to come to grips with quite technical questions because they had participated in the development of recommendations on the same question in their State conferences.

In most Workgroups, the five leaders worked in close harmony, supporting each other and operating as a team. In others, questions arose as to the division of functions between the Workgroup chairman and the discussion leader, with one comment to the effect that the latter position was quite unnecessary since anyone capable of acting as chairman could also have led and directed the discussion.

Many praised the behavior of their groups and the ability of the delegates, despite wide differences in beliefs, to discuss controversial issues freely and objectively and without acrimony. As one leader stated: "Our session ended with a sense of satisfaction that there had been a free open discussion-even beyond the limits of our assignment and that the resolutions had been arrived at on the basis of conviction rather than on prejudice." Another commented that the Workgroup discussions had been the telling factor in shaping the recommendations and that the cause "was not so much a flood of irresistable eloquence as a kind of insight which developed as facts were presented."

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