State programs of increasing employment opportunities for older people, gathering facts about the nature, extent, and effects of agediscrimination in hiring offices and prompting public understanding and support of increased earning opportunities for older people. (Acclamation.) 9. The Federal Government should expand and refine its various statistical activities to provide more facts and figures on which local and State Governments and private groups can base their programs benefiting older people. (Acclamation.) 10. The Internal Revenue Service and the tax committees of Congress should encourage contributions to and tax exemption of philanthropic, religious, and fraternal organizations, large and small, that serve older people, and more specifically nursing homes and homes for the aged. (Acclamation.) 11. The appropriate officials in the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare should recognize the importance of the problems of the elderly by channeling into this field more of the funds available for research in medical and social problems, training of specialized personnel and demonstration of new methods and techniques. (Acclamation.) 12. The Federal Government is urged to increase the funds available to provide for a greater number of nursing home beds. (Acclamation.) 13. Without expressing an opinion with respect to the present Federal Council on Aging or new governmental units that have been proposed, it is recommended that the Federal coordinating agency in the field of agency should be given : a. A statutory basis and more independent leadership; b. Adequate funds for coordination and other assigned functions through a "line item" appropriation; c. Responsibility for formulation of legislative proposals for submittal to Congress; and d. Responsibility for periodic reviews of and reports on the various Federal programs, Departments, and agencies working in behalf of older people to achieve their effective coordination and operation. 14. In determining the ratio of State funds that must match Federal funds used to finance Federal-State programs in behalf of older people, the Federal Government has a responsibility to take into consideration the varying degrees of fiscal capacity or ability of the several States of the Union as related to the program. (28-2) 15. The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare should stimulate education for planning for the aged years so that our senior citizens may lead lives which are richer, more independent, and satisfying. (Acclamation.) APPENDIX Section Program Participants Section Chairman: HARRY G. HASKELL, JR. Secretary: LUCILLE W. WYNN Recorders: THEODOR SCHUCHAT JOSEPH WEIKEL Speakers: WILLAIM C. FITCH MARION B. FOLSOM WILBUR J. SCHMIDT 1 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1961 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DATE DUE JOHN E. ANDI VINCENT P. GRACE B. D GEORGE E. ROBERT J. DeCAMP DEC に DEC 051) MOTHER M. BERNADETTE DE LOURDES THOMAS C. DESMOND MRS. JANIE P. EARLES A. T. EVERETT CHARLES F. FEIKE DONALD E. FLIEDER, D.D.S. IKAVIS MCURAЛЫН JOHN B. MARTIN GARSON MEYER, Ph. D. MRS. MARY C. MULVEY L OATES, Jr. >NNELL, D'ROURKE RN R PATTERSON WELL CK NTIUS, L.L.D. ETH PORTER, RGAST W REGAN EIN, Jr. AND LULEY ROBERTS CHE OGERS SK, M.D. LER GENT SCHELL ERBECK HOTTLAND CHWARZ | SELTZER UCK ATTUCK S, M.D. OAN, M.D. SPAFFORD EEN HONORABLE MICHAEL A. STEPOVICH MRS. GRACE T. STEVENSON THE REVEREND DR. WILLIAM RALPH E. WICK, O.D. |