Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
answer areas asked the Minister Assistant Minister beg to reply Bifwoli Board breast cancer Bungoma Chair charged Clause Constitution corruption court create Departmental Committee District Hospital Division Bell ensure Fondoh forests Godana Goldenberg Commission Government important industries inquiry investigations investment in Kenya issue the Ministerial Jua Kali Kaindi Kanyarkwat SFT Farm Kariuki Katuku Kenyatta National Hospital Khalwale Kingi Kombe Lake Victoria look Loud consultations manslaughter Mariakani Mbarire Members Messrs Minister aware Minister for Finance Minister for Health Minister for Roads Ministry misleading this House Moroto Muchiri Mukangasia Mungatana Murungi Mwancha Mwiraria Nairobi Natural Resources Ndaragwa Ngilu oesophagus cancer officers Ogembo Town Osundwa Poghisio point of order police potential investors President quorum Raila Resources and Wildlife Sasura sewerage system Shamata Dispensary tarmacking Tarus Temporary Deputy Speaker tomorrow Treasury trustland Twaha Victoria South Wario water supply women