Kenya National Assembly Official Record (Hansard)The official records of the proceedings of the Legislative Council of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, the House of Representatives of the Government of Kenya and the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya. |
Common terms and phrases
Applause asked the Minister Assistant Minister beg to reply biomass borehole cent charcoal Children's Officers coal dams electricity ensure Ethuro exploration farmers Ganze geothermal Government Hoja hii Homa Bay House Isiolo kama Kamanda Karua katika sehemu kame KENGEN Kenyans Kindaruma Kisumu Kiunjuri KPLC kutoka Kwa hivyo Kwa nini kwa sababu kwamba lakini lazima Marsabit District Mbau Members Minister for Energy Minister tell Ministry of Energy Molo Town Council Mukiri Murungaru Mwanzia Mwingi Naibu Spika Nairobi nchi hii Ndambuki Ngilu Ngoyoni petroleum point of order police potholes proposed recruitment rehabilitation resource Road rural areas rural electrification SACCO Sasura seeds sera Serikali Sessional Paper Small Claims Courts source of energy Spika wa Muda Sungu Tana River TARDA Telkom Kenya Temporary Deputy Speaker thank Tharaka District towing Tuju umaskini vehicles Wakenya wananchi Wario Waziri Wilaya Wilaya ya Tana wood fuel