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(popping sounds)


If you face (ui), man.

All the kids, ali the kids, all the kids are down in the (ui).

Okay, if you face (ui), man.

What you doin' now?

Don't move around (ui) get ready, don't let anybody come in.

Nobody comes in, huh?



Nobody (ui).

[blocks in formation]


You don't want to talk on the phone anymore, huh?

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(ui) do not, I repeat, do not, (ui), do not, not an assault, don't fire your weapons, don't fire your weapons. If you fire, fire


SA 73-2


DATE 4/19/93

will be returned. Do not, do not fire. We don't (ui) non-lethal tear gas. (ui) are temporarily rendered uninhabitable. Exit the compound now and follow instructions. You are not to have anyone in the tower. The tower is off limits. No one is to be in the tower. If anyone is observed in the tower it will be an act of aggression and will be dealt with accordingly. If you come out now you will not be harmed. Follow all instructions. Come out with your hands up. Turn right. Come out of the building and walk up the driveway toward Double Ranch Road. Walk toward the large Red Cross flag. Follow all instructions. (ui) I repeat follow all instructions. You are under arrest.

[blocks in formation]


start the fire?

We have a (ui) goin' in?

Follow all instructions. This is not an
assault. Do not fire your weapons. Do not
fire weapons. We do not want anyone to be
hurt. The gas will be delivered until
everyone is out of the building. Exit the
compoundnow. The (ui) proper authorities.
David, we are attempting to contact you via
the telephone, attempt to initiate contact
telephonically with the negotiators. If you
cannot do that, if you cannot do that, the
lines have been cut, indicate with a flag out
the front door. Once again do not, do not
send anyone in the tower. The tower is off
limits. No one is to be in the tower. Send a
flag out the front door and indicate if the
phone line is no longer working or (ui) you
have intentions to contact us (ui) tell us
you are initiating telephonic contact. Once
again this is not an assault.

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