Senate Daily Digest Monday, January 15, 1968 Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, pages 3-6 Resolutions submitted: Three resolutions were submitted, as follows: S. Res. 203-205. Page 4 Procedural Resolutions Adopted: Three procedural resolutions, as follows, were adopted: Notification of quorum: S. Res. 203, providing for the appointment of two Senators to advise the President that a quorum of the Senate is present and ready to receive any message. Senators Mansfield and Dirksen were appointed to this committee; Legislative program: S. Res. 204, advising the House that a quorum of the Senate is present and ready to transact business; and Hour of meeting: S. Res. 205, setting the hour of 12 o'clock meridian as the hour of daily meeting of the Senate unless otherwise ordered. Page 4 Committee Meetings No committee meetings were held. Tuesday, January 16, 1968 Chamber Action The Senate was not in session today. Committee Meetings ADMINISTRATIVE OMBUDSMAN Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure held hearings on S. 1195, to create an Administrative Ombudsman of the U.S. to investigate practices and procedures of selected Government agencies, with testimony from Prof. Jerre S. Williams, Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States; Randy H. Hamilton, Institute for Local Self Government, Berkeley, Calif.; Guy S. Williams, Assistant Director for Contact and Foreign Affairs, Veterans' Administration; and Myrl E. Alexander, Director, Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice. Hearings were recessed subject to call. LOG EXPORTS Select Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Retailing, Distribution, and Marketing Practices began hearings on the impact of increasing log exports on the economy of the Pacific Northwest, with testimony from W. D. Hagenstein, Industrial Forestry Association, Portland, Oreg.; John C. Hampton, Portland, Oreg., who represented the Western Wood Products Association; Bert Cole, Washington State Land Commissioner, Olympia; Ralph D. Hodges, National Forest Products Association; Rolin Pratt, Clackamas Lumber Co., Private Calendar: Passed the following bills on the call of the Private Calendar: Sent to the Senate without amendment H.R. 7042; Cleared for Presidential action S. 964. Passed over without prejudice: H.R. 2661, 8091, 6325, 4386, 8257, 2281, 2288, 4936, 11381, 12119, 7210, 4058; S. 503, 155, 233, and 1580. Recommitted to the Committee on the Judiciary S. 811 and S. Con. Res. 36. Adjournment: Adjourned at 12:45 p.m. LAOS Pages 90-91 Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs met in executive session for a briefing by William H. Sullivan, U.S. Ambassador to Laos, on the situation in Laos. RAILROAD RETIREMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Met in executive session and ordered reported favorably to the House H.R. 14563, to amend the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 and the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act to provide for increase in benefits. Prior to the executive session the committee held a hearing on H.R. 14563. Testimony was heard from Howard Habermeyer, Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board, and other public witnesses. Clackamas, Oreg.; and Glen Park, Park Lumber Co., Wednesday, January 17, 1968 Estacada, Oreg. Hearings continue tomorrow. Committee Meetings COMMITTEE BUSINESS Committee on Agriculture and Forestry: Committee, in executive session, ordered favorably reported the nomination of Edward M. Shulman, to be General Counsel, Department of Agriculture. Committee also approved with amendments H.R. 13094, proposing numerous amendments to the Commodity Exchange Act. INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure held hearings on the constitutional and administrative problems of enforcing Internal Revenue statutes, having as its witnesses, Laughlin Waters, former U.S. attorney for Los Angeles, and presently a practicing attorney in that city; Reuben Lenske, an attorney of Portland, Oreg.; William H. Smith, Deputy Commissioner, and Lester R. Uretz, Chief Counsel, both of the Internal Revenue Service; and Vincent Connery, National Association of Internal Revenue Employees. Hearings were recessed subject to call. LOG EXPORTS Select Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Retailing, Distribution, and Marketing Practices continued its hearings on the impact of increasing log exports on the economy of the Pacific Northwest, with tes timony from Arnold Ewing, Northwest Timber Industries Association, Eugene, Oreg.; Aaron Jones, Seneca Lumber Co., Eugene; Don Fisher, Bohemia Lumber Co., Culp Creek, Oreg.; John D. Ritchie, American Plywood Association; F. M. Thompson, Peninsula Plywood Corp., Port Angeles, Wash.; David P. Houlihan, representing the Japan Lumber Importers Association; and Ray Johnson, West Tacoma Newsprint Co., Steilacoom, Wash. Hearings continue tomorrow. Bills Reported: Reports were made as follows: S. Res. 207, authorizing Committee on Finance to ex House of Representatives tend for 1 year employment of six of its clerical assistants (no written report)-referred to Committee on Rules and Administration; S. Res. 208, requesting an additional $10,000 for expenses of Committee on Finance (no written report)— referred to Committee on Rules and Administration; and Report of Joint Committee on Defense Production entitled "Seventeenth Annual Report of the Activities of the Joint Committee on Defense Production, Congress of the United States, With Material on Mobilization from Departments and Agencies." Pages 211-212 Bills Referred: Five House-passed bills were referred to appropriate committees. Pages 201, 208 |