Chap. I II SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of the Interior (Parts 1199) SUBTITLE B—Regulations Relating to Public Lands Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior (Parts 200-499) Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior (Parts 1000-9999) Title 44-Emergency Management and Assistance I Federal Emergency Management Agency (Parts 0-399) Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation (Parts 400-499) IV II III IV V VI VII VIII X ΧΙ XII XIII XVI XVII XVIII XX XXI Title 45-Public Welfare SUBTITLE A-Department of Health and Human Services, General Administration (Parts 1-199) SUBTITLE B-Regulations Relating to Public Welfare Office of Family Assistance (Assistance Programs), Family Sup- Office of Child Support Enforcement (Child Support Enforce- Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, National Science Foundation (Parts 600-699) Office of Personnel Management (Parts 800-899) Office of Community Services, Family Support Administration, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 10001099) National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities (Parts 1100-1199) ACTION (Parts 1200-1299) Office of Human Development Services, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1300-1399) Legal Services Corporation (Parts 1600-1699) National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (Parts 1700-1799) Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (Parts 1800-1899) Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution (Parts 2000-2099) Commission on Fine Arts (Parts 2100-2199) XXII Christopher Columbus Quincentenary Jubilee Commission (2200-2299) Chap. I II III Coast Guard, Department of Transportation (Parts 1-199) Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 200-399) Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage), Department of Transportation (Parts 400-499) IV Federal Maritime Commission (Parts 500-599) Title 47-Telecommunication I II Federal Communications Commission (Parts 0-199) Office of Science and Technology Policy and National Security 3 4 Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300-399) 5 General Services Administration (Parts 500—599) 7 8 Agency for International Development (Parts 700—799) 9 Department of Energy (Parts 900-999) 10 Department of the Treasury (Parts 1000-1099) 14 Department of the Interior (Parts 1400-1499) 15 16 Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1500-1599) Office of Personnel Management (Parts 1700-1799) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 18001899) 17 18 19 United States Information Agency (Parts 1900-1999) Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2400— 2499) National Science Foundation (Parts 2500-2599) Department of Justice (Parts 2800-2899) Department of Labor (Parts 2900-2999) Federal Emergency Management Agency (Parts 4400-4499) Department of the Navy acquisition regulations (Parts 5200— 5299) Department of the Air Force Federal acquisition regulation supplement (Parts 5300-5399) General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals (Parts 6100-6199) Chap. I II III IV V VI VII VIII SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Transportation (Parts SUBTITLE B—Other Regulations Relating to Transportation Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transporta- Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 300-399) Coast Guard, Department of Transportation (Parts 400-499) Urban Mass Transportation Administration, Department of National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) (Parts National Transportation Safety Board (Parts 800-899) X Interstate Commerce Commission (Parts 1000-1399) I II III IV V VI Title 50-Wildlife and Fisheries United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 1-199) National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 200-299) International Regulatory Agencies (Fishing and Whaling) (Parts 300-399) Joint Regulations (United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior and National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce); Endangered Species Committee Regulations (Parts 400-499) Marine Mammal Commission (Parts 500-599) Fishery Conservation and Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 600-699) CFR Index and Finding Aids Subject/Agency Index List of Agency Prepared Indexes Parallel Tables of Statutory Authorities and Rules |