and at least one other publication that the Chief of Naval Research deems would best serve the public interest, a list of the government inventions available for licensing under the conditions specified in this part. The list shall be revised periodically to include directly, or by reference to a previously published list, all inventions currently available for licensing. Other publications on inventions available for licensing are encouraged, and may include abstracts, when appropriate, as well as information on the design, construction, use, and potential market for the inventions. (b) Contents of a nonexclusive license application. An application for a nonexclusive license under a government invention should be addressed to the Chief of Naval Research (Code 300), Arlington, VA 22217, and shall include: (1) Identification of the invention for which the license is desired, including the patent application serial number or patent number, title, and date, if known, and any other identification of the invention; (2) Name and address of the person, company, or organization applying for the license, and whether the applicant is a United States citizen or a United States corporation; (3) Name and address of the representative of applicant to whom correspondence should be sent; (4) Nature and type of applicant's business; (5) Source of information concerning the availability of a license on this invention; (6) Purpose for which the license is desired and a brief description of applicant's plan to achieve that purpose; (7) A statement of the fields of use for which applicant intends to practice the invention; and (8) A statement as to the geographic areas in which the applicant would practice the invention. (c) Contents of an exclusive license application. An application for an exclusive license should be addressed to the Chief of Naval Research (Code 300), Arlington, VA 22217, and, in addition to the information indicated in paragraph (b) of § 746.11, an applica tion for an exclusive license shall include: (1) Applicant's status, if any, in any one or more of the following categories: (i) Small business firm; (ii) Minority business enterprise; (iii) Location in a surplus labor area; (iv) Location in a low-income area; and (v) Location in an economically depressed area; (2) A statement of applicant's capability to undertake the development and marketing required to achieve the practical application of the invention; (3) A statement describing the time, expenditure, and other acts which the considers applicant necessary to achieve practical application of the invention and the applicant's offer to invest that sum to perform such acts if the license is granted; (4) A statement that contains the applicant's best knowledge of the extent to which the government invention is being practiced by private industry and the Government; (5) Identification of other exclusive licenses granted to applicant under inventions in the custody of other government agencies; and (6) Any other facts which the applicant believes are evidence that it is in the public interest for the Chief of Naval Research to grant an exclusive license rather than a nonexclusive license, and that such exclusive license should be granted to the applicant. (d) Published notices. (1) A notice that a prospective exclusive licensee has been selected shall be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, and a copy of the notice shall be sent to the Attorney General. The notice shall include: (i) Identification of the invention; (ii) Identification of the selected licensee; (iii) Duration and scope of the contemplated license; and (iv) A statement to the effect that the license will be granted unless: (A) An application for a nonexclusive license, submitted by a responsible applicant pursuant to paragraph (b) of § 746.11, is received by the Chief of Naval Research within 60 days from the publication of the notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER, and the Chief of 93-114 0-87--13 Naval Research determines in accordance with his prescribed procedures, under which procedures the Chief of Naval Research shall record and make available for public inspection all decisions made pursuant thereto and the basis therefore, that the applicant has established that he has already achieved or is likely to bring the invention to the point of practical application withing a reasonable period under a nonexclusive license; or (B) The Chief of Naval Research determines that third party has presented evidence and argument which has established that it would not be in the public interest to grant the exclusive license. (2) If an exclusive license has been granted pursuant to this part, notice thereof shall be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Such notice shall include: (i) Identification of the invention; (ii) Identification of the licensee; and (iii) Duration and scope of the li cense. (3) If an exclusive license has been modified or revoked pursuant to paragraph (e) § 746.11, notice thereof shall be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER. Such notice shall include: (i) Identification of the invention; (ii) Identification of the licensee; and (iii) Effective date of the modification or revocation. (e) Modification or revocation. (1) Any license granted pursuant to this part may be modified or revoked by the Chief of Naval Research if the licensee at any time defaults in making any report required by the license or commits any breach of covenant or agreement therein contained. (2) A license may also be revoked by the Chief of Naval Research if the licensee willfully makes a false state ment of material fact or willfully omits a material fact in the license application or any report required in the license agreement. (3) Before modifying or revoking any license granted pursuant to this part for any cause, the Chief of Naval Research shall furnish the licensee and any sublicensee of record a written notice of intention to modify or revoke the license, and the licensee and any sublicensee shall be allowed 30 days after such notice to remedy any breach of any covenant or agreement as referred to in paragraph (e)(1) of § 746.11, or to show cause why the license should not be modified or revoked. (f) Appeals. An applicant for a license, a licensee, or such other third party who has participated under paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(B) of § 746.11 shall have the right to appeal, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Chief of Naval Research, any decision concerning the granting, denial, interpretation, modification, or revocation of a license. § 746.12 Litigation. The property interest in a patent is the right to exclude. It is not the intent of the Government to transfer the property right in a patent when a license is issued pursuant to this part. Accordingly, the right to sue for infringement shall be retained with respect to all licenses so issued by the Government. § 746.13 Transfer of custody of Govern. ment inventions. The Chief of Naval Research may enter into an agreement to transfer custody of a Government invention to another government agency for purposes of administration, including the granting of licenses pursuant to this part. 750.1 Scope of Subpart A. 750.2 Investigation: In general. 750.3 Investigation: Requirements. 750.4 Investigation: Responsibility for. 750.5 The investigating officer: In general. 750.6 The investigating officer: Duties. 750.7 The investigative report: Contents. 750.8 The investigative report: Action by the commanding officer or officer in charge. 750.9 The investigative report: Action by reviewing authority. 750.10 Claims: In general. 750.11 Claims: A proper claimant. 750.12 Claims: Presentment of. 750.13 Claims: Contents of. 750.14 Claims: The scope of liability and the measure of damages. 750.15 Claims: Action by receiving officer or command. 750.16 Claims: Action by adjudicating authority. 750.17 Claims: Payment of. 750.18 Claims: Settlement agreement and release. 750.19 Claims: Disposition or denial of. 750.20 Claims: Amendment, appeal, or reconsideration of. 750.21 Claims: Action required upon notice of suit. 750.22 Claims: Finality. 750.23 Disclosure of information. 750.24 Single-service assignment of responsibility for processing of claims. 750.25-750.29 [Reserved] Subpart B-Federal Tort Claims Act 750.30 Scope of Subpart B. 750.31 Definitions. 750.32 Statutory authority. 750.33 Administrative claim and consider ation as a prerequisite to suit. 750.34 The administrative claim. 750.35 Administrative consideration: Who is authorized? 750.36 Scope of liability. 750.37 Measure of damages. 750.38 Statute of limitations. 750.39 Attorney fees. 750.40 Regulations of Attorney General governing administrative claims procedure. 750.41-750.49 [Reserved] 750.50 Scope of Subpart C. 750.51 Definitions. 750.52 Statutory authority. 750.53 The administrative claim. 750.54 Authority to settle. 750.55 Scope of liability. 750.56 Measure of damages. 750.57 Statute of limitations. 750.58-750.59 [Reserved] of Part 757 of this chapter), and the Federal Claims Collection Act of 1966 (Subpart B of Part 757 of this chapter). (b) This Subpart A delineates general investigative and claims-processing requirements to be followed in the handling of all incidents and claims within the provisions of this part. Where the general provisions of this Subpart A conflict with the specific provisions of any subsequent subpart of this part, the specific provisions govern. (1 CFR 18.14, and Part 21, Subpart B) [39 FR 20681, June 13, 1974, as amended at 45 FR 8600, Feb. 8, 1980] § 750.2 Investigation: In general. Every incident which may result in claims against or in favor of the Government shall be promptly and thoroughly investigated by trained personnel. The investigation shall be closely supervised to insure the preparation of an investigative report providing a sufficient basis for the prompt and just disposition of claims against and in favor of the Government and for all other official action required by the circumstances of the case. Claims against persons in the naval service arising from the performance of official duties shall be investigated and processed as claims against the United States. § 750.3 Investigation: Requirements. (a) When required. Investigations are required whenever a claim against the Navy is filed or is likely to be filed, or when a claim in favor of the Navy is possible. The Navy must have the background information and data to process all claims and to defend all suits which are commenced before the running of the statute of limitations. Accordingly, even when recovery may be barred by statute or decisional law, all deaths, serious injuries, and substantial losses to or destruction of property must be investigated promptly while the evidence is available. When a claim may be barred, as by one of the exclusions enumerated in § 750.36 (c), (d), § 750.55(d) or § 750.65(b), the investigative report must document the factual basis for the exclusion. (b) Immediate reports. An immediate letter report shall be made to the Judge Advocate General, with copies to the Chief of the Torts Section, Civil Division, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. 20530, and the appropriate reviewing authority listed in § 750.80 in any of the following circumstances: (1) Claims or possible claims arising out of a major disaster or out of an incident giving rise to five or more possible death or serious injury claims; (2) Upon filing of a claim which could develop litigation which would involve a new precedent or point of law (see § 750.53(c)(2)); (3) Claims or possible claims which involve or are likely to involve another agency besides the Department of the Navy. (c) Investigation without delay. Incidents falling within any of the categories listed in paragraph (a) of this section shall be investigated and reported upon without delay, even though no claim has been filed, and even though there may be no existing law or regulation under which any claim arising therefrom might be paid. (d) Additional requirements under other regulations. This part in no way modifies the requirements of U.S. Navy Regulations, the Manual for Courts-Martial, or other provisions of the Manual of the Judge Advocate General, and the making of an investigation and report hereunder does not constitute or excuse compliance with any provision of U.S. Navy Regulations, the Manual for Courts-Martial, or other provisions of the Manual of the Judge Advocate General Report Control Symbol JAG 5890-12 is assigned to this report. [38 FR 6028, Mar. 6, 1973, as amended at 41 FR 26864, June 30, 1976] § 750.4 Investigation: Responsibility for. (a) Immediate responsibility. Responsibility for the investigation of an incident normally lies with the commanding officer or officer in charge of the local naval activity which is most directly concerned, normally the commanding officer or officer in charge of the personnel involved or of the activity in which the incident occurred. Where two or more activities are involved, see section 0207 of the Manual of the Judge Advocate General. If a nonnaval activity is concerned, see § 750.3(b)(3). Such nonnaval activity should be promptly notified of the incident. (b) Assistance. When an accident or incident occurs at a place where the naval service does not have an installation or a unit conveniently located for conducting an investigation, the commanding officer or officer in charge having immediate responsibility for making such investigation may request assistance from the commanding officer or officer in charge of any other organization of the Department of Defense. Such assistance may take the form of a complete investigation of the accident or incident, or it may cover only part of the investigation. Likewise, in the event that under similar circumstances the commanding officer or officer in charge of any other organization of the Department of Defense requests such assistance from the commanding officer or officer in charge of any naval installation or unit, the latter should comply with the request. If a complete investigation is requested, the report will be made in accordance with the regulations of the requested service. These investigations will normally be conducted without reimbursement for per diem, mileage, or other expenses incurred by the investigating installation or unit. (c) Report of Motor Vehicle Accident, Standard Form No. 91 RCS JAG 589013. The driver of any Government motor vehicle involved in an accident of any sort shall be responsible for making an immediate report on the Operator's Report of Motor Vehicle Accident, Standard Form No. 91. This driver's report shall be made even though the driver of the other vehicle, or any other person involved, states that no claim will be filed, and even though the only vehicles involved are Government owned. An accident shall be reported by the driver regardless of who was injured, or what property was damaged, or to what extent, or where the accident occurred, or who was responsible. The driver's report shall be referred to the investigating officer, who shall be responsible for examining it for completeness and accuracy and who shall file it for future reference or for attachment to any subsequent investigative report of the accident. [38 FR 6028, Mar. 6, 1973, as amended at 39 FR 20681, June 13, 1974; 41 FR 26864, June 30, 1976] § 750.5 The investigating officer: In general. Every investigation required by these regulations shall be conducted by an investigating officer. The commanding officer or officer in charge of each naval activity shall designate a qualified individual under his command, preferably one with legal training and with experience in the conduct of investigations, as the investigating officer for the activity. Whenever necessary, in the discretion of the commanding officer or officer in charge, additional or assistant investigating officers may be appointed, each with all and the same powers as the investigating officer, except that all assistant investigating officers shall be under the general supervision of the investigating officer. To insure prompt investigation of every incident while witnesses are available and before damage has been repaired, the duties of an individual in his capacity as an investigating officer shall ordinarily have priority over any other assignment he may have. § 750.6 The investigating officer: Duties. It shall be the duty of the investigating officer, in making an investigation pursuant to these regulations: (a) To consider all information and evidence obtained as a result of any previous investigation or inquiry into any aspect of the incident. (b) To conduct further investigation of the matter in a fair and impartial manner, covering all phases of the incident and giving consideration to its bearing on possible claims against, or in favor of, the Government and on other interests of the service, to the end that a comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased factual report of the incident may be made available to higher authority for such action as is |