training, in the use of films for deaf persons; and (4) Distributing, for nonprofit purposes under the conditions set forth in these regulations, educational and training films for deaf persons for exhibition to teachers and to professional workers with deaf persons. § 150.4 Applications to borrow films. An application to borrow films shall be submitted on a form provided for that purpose, which may be obtained from Captioned Films for the Deaf, U.S. Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C., 20202. § 150.5 Obligations of borrowers. (a) The borrower shall be responsible for assuring that: (1) No admission or other fee will be charged to anyone for the purpose of viewing the borrowed film; (2) The borrowed film will not be exhibited by television without the prior approval of Captioned Films for the Deaf; (3) The borrowed film will not be used in any manner that will infringe upon or violate any copyright interest; (4) Exhibition of entertainment or general interest films will be limited to groups of deaf persons, or to individual deaf persons under conditions described in subparagraph (6) of this paragraph. (This does not preclude at exhibitions the occasional attendance of persons who are not deaf persons so long as the audience is composed predominately of deaf persons.) (5) Educational and training films for deaf persons (as well as films of general interest which may be shown for the purpose of promoting better understanding, on the part of hearing persons, of deafness and the problems faced by deaf persons (may be exhibited to groups of deaf persons, to groups or individuals with hearing who may be working, or training to work, with deaf persons, such as teachers, professionals, interpreters and the like, or to individual deaf persons under conditions described in subparagraph (6) of this subparagraph. (6) Borrowed captioned films may be exhibited to individual deaf persons only with the prior approval of Captioned Films for the Deaf. Such an approval will be granted, in the discretion of Captioned Films for the Deaf, when there are extenuating circumstances which pre clude the individual deaf person from attending an exhibition for a group of deaf persons. Such extenuating circumstances include, among others: (i) A demonstrated need for purposes of the education or training of a deaf person for the exhibition of captioned films in his home rather than at an exhibition for a group of deaf persons, and (ii) The physical disability, quarantine or isolation of the individual deaf person such as to make it impracticable for him to attend an exhibition for a group of deaf persons. (7) The borrower will pay the transportation costs for the return of films as provided in subparagraph (6) of paragraph (b) of this section but will not be required to pay for their use. (b) In order to benefit the greatest possible number of persons who may wish to use films and to expedite the distribution of films: (1) The borrower shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the borrowed film from the time of its receipt until it is returned or delivered to a common carrier for return. The borrower may be required to pay the replacement costs of any borrowed film that is lost or destroyed or to pay the cost of repairing damage occurring to a borrowed film during the period in which the borrower is responsible for the film's safekeeping. (2) The borrower shall exercise care in the projection of films. This includes using a suitable projector and a qualified projectionist. (3) The borrower shall not repair a borrowed film that is damaged nor rewind a borrowed film prior to its return. (4) The borrower shall return any film primarily designed for entertainment purposes on the first day, other than a Sunday or holiday, following the scheduled date of exhibition. Return of the borrowed film may be delayed if the exhibition thereof is postponed because of late receipt of the film, but in any event the film shall be returned within 72 hours after its receipt. (5) Educational and training films for deaf persons will be clearly labeled and designated as such, with the maximum time of retention indicated. The borrower shall return such a film within such period of time from the date of its receipt as is specified for the particular film. (6) The borrower shall return any film in its containers (cans and shipping 151.53 151.54 (c) The U.S. Office of Education reserves the right to refuse the additional loan of films to a borrower in the event of flagrart or persistent violation of the regulations in this part. 151.52 Determination of equipment. Subpart E-Experimental Schools Scope. Purpose. Eligible applicants; applications. Project requirements. 151.55 151.56 Federal financial participation. AUTHORITY: The provisions of this Part 151 issued under 5 U.S.C. 301; 20 U.S.C. 331 et seq. 20 U.S.C. 1231d, unless otherwise noted. SOURCE: The provisions of this Part 151, except Subpart E, appear at 30 F.R. 13638, Oct. 27, 1965, unless otherwise noted. NOTE: Criteria for experimental schools and grants for small schools in rural areas and closing date for receipt of applications were issued by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare at 37 F.R. 7096, Apr. 8, 1972. These criteria provide in part as follows: (1) An eligible applicant for the purposes of this competition is a local educational agency (or a combination of such agencies) which has no more than 2,500 children enrolled in its elementary and secondary schools, kindergarten (or, where kindergarten is not supported with public funds in the area to be served, grade 1) through grade 12, inclusive, and which serves a rural area. (2) The project must serve all children enrolled in the applicant's schools. (3) The schools served by the project must constitute a coherent feeder system, all schools of which are served by the project. Subpart A-General Provisions § 151.1 Scope and purpose. 151.25 Eligible parties. 151.26 Training grants. 151.27 Stipends and allowances. Subpart D-National and Regional Research Facilities 151.28 Eligible parties. 151.29 Assurances. The rules and regulations in this part govern programs of Federal financial assistance by the U.S. Commissioner of Education for the conduct of research, research related activities, and the construction of national and regional research facilities pursuant to the provisions of the Cooperative Research Act, P.L. 83-531. These programs of financial assistance may include grants and contracts with eligible parties under the Cooperative Research Act. § 151.2 Definitions. As used in this part: (a) "Act" means the Cooperative Research Act (P.L. 83-531), 20 U.S.C. 331. (b) “Applicant" means an eligible party seeking Federal financial assistance under the Act and this part. (c) "Colleges and Universities" means institutions of higher education awarding a bachelor's or higher degree or offering not less than a two year program acceptable for credit toward such a degree, accredited or approved by a nationally recognized accrediting agency by a State Department of Education, by a State university, or such institutions operating under public control. This definition shall include but not be limited to institutions known as "Junior Colleges," "Community Colleges," and "Vocational or Technical Colleges" where these meet the above requirements. (d) "Commissioner" means the United States Commissioner of Education. (e) "Construction and cost of construction" means: (1) the construction of new buildings and the expansion, remodeling, and alteration of existing buildings, including architects' fees, but not including the cost of acquisition of land or off-site improvements, and (2) equipping new buildings and existing buildings, whether or not expanded, remodeled, or altered. (f) "Curricular capability" means programs, courses, activities and materials required to provide training in research and research related activities in the field of education. (g) "Dependent" means an individual receiving more than one-half his support from a trainee (1) who is that trainee's spouse, child (including step-child), parent (including stepparent or parentin-law) or (2) for whose support the trainee is legally responsible. (h) "Equipment" includes, in addition to machinery, utilities, and built-in equipment, and any necessary enclosures or structures to house them, all other equipment necessary for the operation of the particular type of research or research related activities to be provided by a facility, but does not include consumable supplies. (1) "Facility" means one or more structures in one or more locations, constructed or to be constructed pursuant to section 4 of the Act and this part. (j) "Fiscal year" means the period beginning on the first day of July and ending on the following June 30. (The calendar year of the ending date is used to designate the fiscal year.) (k) "Nonprofit" as applied to any agency, organization, or institution means an agency, organization, or institution owned and operated by one or more nonprofit corporations or associations no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. (1) "Program plan" includes in the case of national and regional laboratories the soundness of organizational structure and extent of involvement of both institutions of higher education and local school systems throughout the Nation or region. (m) "Research and research related activities" means research, research training, surveys, or demonstrations in the field of education, or the dissemination of information derived therefrom, or all of such activities, including (but not limited to) experimental schools, except that such term does not include any such activities in the field of sectarian instruction. (n) "Secretary" means the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (o) "Site" means any location or locations on which a facility is constructed or to be constructed pursuant to section 4 of the Act and this part. (p) "State" means, in addition to the several States of the Union, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. (q) "State educational agency" means the State board of education or other agency or officer primarily responsible for the State's supervision of public elementary and secondary schools, or, if there is no such officer or agency, an officer or agency designated by the governor or by State law. (r) "Training staff" means persons whose duties are related to the preparation of other persons to engage in research and research related activities in the field of education. Subpart B-Grants and Contracts § 151.3 Eligible parties. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this part, an eligible party is a university or college or other public or private agency, institution, or organization, and an individual, provided that no private agency, organization or institution other than a nonprofit one may receive a grant. § 151.4 Applications for grant. An application for a grant of Federal financial assistance under this part must be filed with the Commissioner by the applicant and shall be executed by the applicant or an official or representative of the applicant duly authorized to make such application. The application shall contain such information as the Commissioner may require for any program under this part and shall provide any assurances which may be required. The Commissioner may require an applicant to file such additional information, documents, written statements, justification and exhibits as he may deem necessary. Where he deems it necessary or desirable for the efficient administration of a particular program, the Commissioner may require the applicant to submit a preliminary proposal for review and approval prior to the acceptance of the application required for any program. The Commissioner may also establish and announce "cut-off" dates for the filing of applications for any program where he deems it necessary for the efficient administration of the particular program. § 151.5 Priorities. (a) Except as otherwise specified, application for each program will be considered as nearly as possible in the order in which they are received by the Commissioner. (b) The Commissioner may at any time: (1) Defer action on any application or on groups of applications; (2) Institute priorities for the consideration and approval of applications, if in his judgment the funds available are not or may not be sufficient to cover the amounts requested in applications then pending, or if he determines that such action is necessary to promote or otherwise achieve the objectives of the Act and this part. § 151.6 Advice and recommendations on applications. The Commissioner will, prior to the approval of any application under section 2(a) of the Act, obtain and consider the advice and recommendations of a panel of competent specialists who are not employees of the Federal Government. § 151.7 Criteria. In addition to whatever other criteria may be specified with regard to a particular program or project all applications will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: (a) The soundness of program or project plan; (b) The likelihood of securing productive results; (c) The adequacy of resources to conduct the proposed program or project; and (d) The relationship of the proposed program or project to other similar programs or projects already completed or in progress. § 151.8 Approval of applications. After consideration of any application. and the advice and recommendations of appropriate specialists as set forth in § 151.7 above, the Commissioner may approve or deny the application, or he may approve the application subject to conditions he deems necessary or desirable. § 151.9 Amount of grant. The Commissioner may approve any application for the full amount of the grant requested, or for such lesser or greater amount as he may deem necessary or desirable for the completion of the approved program or project. § 151.11 Termination of a grant. (a) A grant may be terminated by the Commissioner (1) If he determines that the program or project supported is no longer susceptible of productive results; or (2) If the grantee fails to comply with any grant requirement or condition. (b) When action is taken under this section, the Commissioner may authorize the expenditure of Federal funds in such amounts as he may deem necessary for the purpose of terminating the program or project financed by the grant which is being terminated. [34 F.R. 8110, May 23, 1969] § 151.13 Grant payment procedures. Payments of grants will be made from time to time in such amounts as may be determined by the Commissioner to be needed to reimburse grantees for costs incurred or to be incurred in carrying out of the approved program or project. Such amounts will be determined on the basis of requests for reimbursement submitted by grantees, cost estimates which may have been submitted, and such other information as the Commissioner may request or have available. For payment procedures with regard to construction programs or projects, see § 151.44. § 151.14 Allowable costs. Allowable costs for any approved program or project shall be determined in accordance with, and governed by, the principles and procedures set forth in Bureau of Budget Circular No. A21 or such other Federal requirements concerning cost determination that may be applicable. § 151.15 Effect of payments. Neither the approval of any application or administrative budget nor any payment to a grantee shall be deemed to waive the right or duty of the Commissioner to withhold funds by reason of the failure of the grantee to observe, before or after such administrative action, any Federal requirement. § 151.16 Estimates and reports. An applicant or grantee may be required to submit, in addition to any other requirements of this part, in accordance with procedures established by the Commissioner: (1) A description of activities to be carried on during the fiscal year; (2) A statement of estimated total expenditures for activities to be carried on during the fiscal year, and where estimated amounts exceed the amount of available Federal funds, the availability of other funds to pay the non-Federal share of estimated costs; (3) A report of total expenditures made during the fiscal year at the end of the fiscal year; and (4) Such other estimates and reports as the Commissioner may deem necessary to account properly for Federal funds. § 151.18 Records. (a) The grantee shall provide for keeping separate, intact, and accessible and will make available to the Commissioner on request, all records supporting claims under Federal grants or relating to the accountability for Federal funds: (1) Until audit by or on behalf of the Department; or (2) For 5 years after the close of the budget period, whichever is the lesser. (b) Records involved in any claim or expenditure which has been questioned by the Commissioner shall be maintained until necessary adjustments have been reviewed and cleared by the Commissioner. (c) Where non-consumable equipment costing $250 or more per unit is purchased in whole or in part, with Federal funds, the grantee shall maintain inventories and other records supporting accountability for such equipment until grantee is notified of the completion of the Department's review and audit covering the disposition of such equipment. [30 F.R. 13638, Oct. 27, 1965, as amended at 34 F.R. 8110, May 23, 1969] § 151.19 Copyright and patents. The acquisition of copyrights and/or patents for any materials produced in whole or in part, with Federal funds provided by a grant under the Act and this part shall be governed by the policy of the Office of Education in effect at the time the grant is awarded. In the case of programs or projects which will be conducted beyond the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the grant is awarded, the grantee's acceptance of any change in the copyright or patent policy of the Office may be required by the Commissioner as a condition precedent to continued financial support under the grant. All contracts entered into under the Act and this part shall contain a provision incorporating the substance of this section. § 151.20 Title to equipment. The Commissioner may, where he deems such action necessary or desirable for the achievement of the purposes of the Act or this part, transfer title to any equipment owned by the Government to |